Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/336

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2go G 14, 15. Anno vicefimo o&avo Edward 1 III.. A- D. 1354. OB. OB, where the Maftfcs, Mariners, and Merchants will firft of their free Will arrive ; nor, after they have arrived, {hall meddle with the Sale of the fame Mer- chandifes, nor difturb the Merchants nor their Ser- vants, that they may not thcmfelves by their own Hands, according as to them beft fhall feem for their Profit, fell and deliver their Merchandifes at what Time and to whom it (hall them beft pleafe; (6) And if any fet Difturbance, he fhall incur a grievous Forfeiture to the King according to the Quantity of the Trefpafs.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. de gre arriver ne apres ce qils ferrontarrivezfe rnei- le de la vente de meifmes les marchandifes rie ne deftourbe les marchantz ne leur fervantz qils ne puffent meifmes par leur mains propres folonc ce qe meultz leur femblera pur leur profit demefne vendre & deliverer leur marchandifes a quele heure et. as queux qe meultz leur plerra & fi nul y mette deftourbance encourge gref forfeiture devers le Roi fclonc la quantite du treipas. CAP. XIV. Upon which Days Wooll -may be (hewed in the Staple, and in which not: ITEM acorde eft & eftabli qe monftrefon de laines foit faite a leftaple chefcun jour de la fimeigne forfpris le dimcnge & les folempnes feftes del an & qe nulle monftrefon ne vente de laines ne foit faite environ leftaple de trois lewes fors tantfoulment a leftaple Jhr la peine contenue en le tierce article des dites orde- nances de leftaple fauve totes foitz qe chefcun Seignur & autre homme qe marchant puffe franchement herberger monftrer & vendre fes laines qe font de fa propre creffance en fa mefon demefne ou aillours ou lui plerra. CAP. XV. The Bounds of every Staple, and how far they fhall extend. US SIN T acorde eft & eftabli qe leftaple de Weftmonfter comence fa bounde a Temple-barre & fe i. extend tanqe a Totehill & auflint en autres citees & villes ou les eftaples font foient les boundes de meifmes les eftaples deinz les mures ou les citees & villes font murees ou enclofes & en les citees & villes qe ne font pas murez ne enclofes foient les boundes des dites eftaples parmy tote la ville. Statutes made at Weftminft er. Anno 31 Edw. III. Stat, i. and Anno Dom. 1357. " fTT^O the Honour of God and holy Church, it " is accorded by our Lord the King, the Pre-^ " -*- lates, Earls, Barons, and all the Commonalty " of the faid Realm, of England, in the Parliament " hoi den at JVeftminjier the Monday next after the " Week of Eafler, the Year of the Reign of our Lord " King Edward of England the one and thirtieth,

  • ' and of France the xviii."

. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. m. 13. L honeur de Dieu & de feinte eglife f; eft acorde par noftre Seignur le Roi Prelatz Countes Barons & tote la communaLte du Roialme dEngleterre en ceft prefent parlement te- nuz a Weftm' le Lundy profchein apres la fymayne du Pafqe ian du. regne noftre dit Seignur le Roi Edward dEngleterre trent & primer & de France difoitifme. CAP. I. A Confirmation of the Great Charter and the Charter of the Foieft. ' TMRST, That the Great Charter and the Cbar-

  • Jj ter of the Foreft be firmly kept, holden, ufed,

' and executed in all Points.' EN primes qe la Grante Chartre & la Chartre de la Forefte foient fermemcnt gardes tenuz ufez Si executz en touz pointz. CAP. II. No Wooll fhall be bought by Fraud to abate the Price thereof. Weights fhall be fent to all Shires. " TTE?yT, Whereas at the grievous Complaint of " i the Commons of the Realm of England', it was " ftiewed, that the Merchants which buy Wooll in " Fairs and Markets, and other Places, by Covin and " Confent betwixt t:;cm, do abatethe Price of Woolls, " and ufe other Weight than is ordained by the Sta- TEM come a la gref compleinie de la commu- r.alte du Roialme dEngleterre foit monftre qe les marchauntz qi achatent laines en feyres Si m ire fi< t c-: aillours par covyiie & confent entre eux abbefluit le pris de laynes & ufent autre pois qe neft ordine par eftatut devant ccs hcures en arreriffement tin poeple