Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/344

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298 Stat. Anno triceilmo primo Edwardi III. A. D. 1357 JLoych- -nTn tried but in three Parts, Lob, Ling, uf.d Cod. Who ft all have the Or^t-ya, The Price of Dogger-fifti iTiall be a "effed at the Beginning oi Blackney'Fair. Fifii ftiall not he kept fecret to be fold by Retale.

  • Dried.

"Who may buy Nets and Hooks in Norfolk to £ft w'tth.. TEM, That no Fiflicr nor Owner of any Ship, nor any other, let Hand upon any Fifh within the Ship, for to try, choofe, or impair the Fifh, but only the Buyer or his Attorney, upon the faid Pain. (2) And that no Fifh called Loycb-fifh fhall be chofen or tried, but only in three Parts, that is to fay, Lob, Ling, and Cod ; (3) and that every of the fame three Sorts of Lob, Ling, and Cod, be good and co- v enable, as in old time hath been ufed. And in cafe that no Orgeys, that is to fay, Fifh greater than Lob, be found in a Ship called a Lodc-Jhip, in the Hundred of Lcb, Ling, and Cod, the Mafters and Mariners fhall have of every Hundred of Lob, Ling, and Cod (the Hundred accounted to fix Score) twenty Orgeys, if there be fo many : And if there be lefs, the Mafters and Mariners fhall have all the Orgeys ; (4) .and if there be more, the Overplus above the Scores to every Hundred fhall be put to the Fifh bought in Amendment of the Price of the fame to the Profit of the Buyer. (;) And alfo by the Advice of the Merchants and Buyers of the Owners coming to the Fair of Blackney^, and of the Owners of the Ships, a Price fhali be fet at the Beginning,- and afTefTed up- on the Dogger- fifh and Loych-fifh, before that any Sale be made, which Price fhall be bolden during the Fair ; and that the laid Fifh be fold at fuch a Price openly, and not by Covin privily. (6) And that no Owner of Ships, Mariners, nor other, lodge, nor caufe to be lodged in their Houfes privily nor openly, Fifh in the Mud, nor Fifh * fearched, for to fell a- gain another Time at Retale, but all fuch Fifh fhall be fold reafonably within the faid Bounds at the Fair and Price aforefaid, upon the fame Pain. (7) And that no Man buy Nets, Hooks, nor other Inftru- ments pertaining to Fifhing in the County of Norfolk, but Owners, Mafters, and Mariners of Ships that ufe the Myftery of Fifhing, and which have to do with fuch Things, upon Pain of Imprifonment, and to be ranfhmed at the King's Will, and to forfeit the CAP. II. The Price of Dogger- fifh fhall be aliened at the Beginning of the Fair. Who may buy Nets and Hooks in Norfolk. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. TEM qe nul pefchour ne Seignur du nief ne nul autre ne mette main fur nul pefibn deinz nief pur le peffon trier eflire ou empirer fors foule- ment lachatour ou fon attorne fur la dite paine. Et qe nulle pefibn appelle Lochehfh ne foit eflu ne trie fors tantfoulement en trois parties ceftaffavoir lob lyng & cod & qe chefcun de les trois. fortz de lob lyng & cod foit bon & covenable come en auncien temps eftoit ufee. Et en cas qe nul orgois ceft aflavoir peffon plus grant qe lob foit trove en nief appelle Lodfhip en le cent de lob lyng ou cod eient les meftres & mariners de chefc- un cent de lob lyng & cod (le cent acempte a dis vintz) vint orgois fi tantz y foient & fi meins y foient eient les meftres & mariners touz les orgois & fi plus y foient foit le furplus outre les vintz a chefcun cent mys a le peffon achate en amendement du pris dicel au profit del achatour. Et qe par lavis des marchantz & achatours des Seignurs ve- nantz a la feire de Blakeneye & des Seignurs des niefs foit a comencement avant qe nul vente fe face certein pris mys & affiz fur le pefibn de dogere- fifh & lochefiih queu pris foit tenuz durante la feire & qe tout le dit peffon foit vendu a tiel pris en appert & nemye par covyne privement en mufcet.. Et qe nul Seignur de nief mariner nautre ne her- berge ne face herberger en lour mefons en prive nen appert peffon en la mod ne peffon fek purre- vendre altrefoitz a retaill einz foit tout tiel pefibn vendu refonablement dedeinz les boundes fufdites as foir & pris avantditz fur mefme la peine. Et qe nul homme achate retz hokes nautres inftrumentz appertenantz a pefcherie en le contee de Norff' forfpris Seignurs meftres & mariners des niefs qui ufent le mefter de pefcherie & qont affaire des tid- ies chofes fur peine demprifonement & deftre reintz a la volunte le Roi & fur forfeiture des chofes iffint achates. [Et qe nul deliverance foit fait del dit peflon fanz prefence de fiz hommes a ce efluz par les bones gentz de les villes Suyterle [S'outbeley] Wyneton Claye Salthous & Shiryngham & les Seignurs & meftres des niefs & les marchantz queux fis hommes cynk quatre trois ou deux de eux a meins foient toutefoitz en prefence ove les Seig- nurs. & meftres de les niefs & les marchantz a chefcun deliverance affaire & ferront les ditz fis hommes efluz jurrez de bien & loialment fercherfi nul orgois foit trove en mufcet ultre vint orgois qe les meftre & mariners averont del cent come deffus eft dit & fi plus orgois foit trove en mufcet foit meintenant areftu par les ditz [Jis] hommes efluz a celle heure prcfentz & forfait a noftre Seignur le Roi ] Et qe nul Seignur de nief mariner nautre ne face empefchement ne ne foit rebel en nul point contre cefte prefente ordinance. Ne qe nul ma- riner ne pefchour par caufe de cefte ordinance ne leffe ne refufe daler pefcher come il foleit devantces heures faire ne ne deftourbe covenante faite paren- tre marchant & Seignur de nief fur peine dempri- fonement & deftre reint a la volunte le Roi & qc Things fo bought. (8) And that no Owner of a Ship, Mariner, nor other, make Impeachment, nor be refiftant in any Point againft this prefent Ordinance. Nor that no Mariner norFifher, becaufe of this Ordinance, leave or refufe to go in fifhing, as before times they were wont to do, nor difturb any Covenant made between a Merchant and Owner of a Ship, upon Pain of Im- prifonment, and to be ranfomed at the King's Will ;

  • Nut, There are two Copies of this Statute on the Roll, in one oT which the Words included in the Crotchets arc not found.

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