Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/400

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354 Stat - J Anno quinto R i ch a r d i II. A. D. 1 381. The Covenants of thofe which jllajl be retained to ferve the King an his Wars or Embaflies /hall be lent into tlie Exchequer. had no Knowledge of fuch Retaining made before

their Time ; and fometime have been granted, but
not fo fully as Reafon and the Cafe required
And for as much as the fame Warrant would that
Accompt fhould not be received, but only of the
Sum fo received by Loan, whereas a greater Sum
percafe was due to them of Reafon, to the great
Mifchief and Hinderance of the (aid Perfons;"

(4) it is ordained and affented, That of all People which from henceforth fhall be retained or affigned to ferve the King, their Covenants fhall be put in Writing, and fent to the Exchequer, there to re- main of Record ; fo that at what Time that any Per- fon fo retained, his Heirs, or Executors, Occupiers of the Goods, or Land-Tenants, come to accompt thereof at the Exchequer, they fhall be thereto re- ceived, and have due Allowance in their Accompt, according to the Content of their Covenant. (5) If percafe any Repeal or Countermand be made of fuch Retinue of any Perfon after that his Covenants be put in Writing, and fent to the faid Exchequer, as is aforefaid, the fame Repeal likewife fhall be put in Writing, and fent to the Exchequer, fo that by the Sight of the fame Repeal, and of the Covenants be- fore there fent, the Barons of the faid Exchequer fhall do right to the Party according as the Law and Reafon demandeth. (6) And if any Thing be due unto them by the fame Accompt, that thereof by Certificate of the fame Exchequer, the Treafurer and the Chamberlains fhall make Payment or Affign- ment to them without tarrying or fuing other War- rant or Commandment of the Great or Privy Seal in this Behalf.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. tielx retenuz faitz devant lours temps & afcun foitz ont efte grantez mais noun pas fi pleinement come refon & le cas demandoient pur tant qe eel- garant voloit qe laccompte ne deuft eftre refceuz forfqe foulement de la fomme enfi refceue dappreft la ou greindre fomme par cas lour fuft due de refon a grant mefchief & anientiffement des ditz peribaes eft ordenez & affentuz qe de toutz gentz qi defore ferront retenuz ou affignez de fervir a noftre Seig- nur le Roi foient les covenances mifes en efcrit & envoiez en lefcheqier a y demorer de record iffint qe a quele heure qe perfone enfi retenue fes heirs executours occupiours des biens ou terre tenantz viegne ou viegnent daccompter de ce en lefcheqier foient ils a ce refceuz & aient due allowance en lour accompte felonc la contenue de lour covenant. Et fi par cas afcun repell ou contremandement foit fait de tiel retenue daucune perfone apres qe fes, covenances foient mifes en efcrit & envoiez al. dit efcheqier come deffus eft dit foit mefme le repell femblablement mis en efcrit & envoiez al efche- qier avantdit iffint qe par la veue de cell repell & des covenances devant illoeqes envoiez lea Barons del dit efcheqir facent droit a la partie felonc ce qe. la loy & refon demandent. Et fi rienz lours, foit due par mefmes les accompts qe de ce par certifica- tion de mefme lefcheqier les Treforer & Chamber- lains lour facent paiement ou affignement fanz at^ tendre ou fuer autre garant ou mandement du grant ou prive feal in celle partie... CAP. XII. The Accompts in the Exchequer fhall be more fpeedify heard than they were wont. ITEM it is ordained and affented, That the Ac- compts in the Exchequer fhall be more fhortly heard, made, and ingrofled, than they were wont heretofore ; faving always, that the Parcels of the fame Accompts be made as fully as they were wont in Times paft, and that by Ordinance to be made by the Barons of the faid Exchequer, there to endure of Record for ever.' ITEM eft ordenez & affentuz qe les accorrrptes- en lefcheqier foient plus briefment oiez faitz & engrofl'ez qils ne foloient pardevant falve toutesr. voies qe les parcelles de mefmes les accomptes foi- ent faitz auxi pleinement come ils foleient eftre: faitz en temps paffe & ce par ordenance affaire par les Barons del dit efcheqier a y dursr. de record pur. tout temps avenk» C A P. XIII. Two Clerks fhall be affigned to make Parcels of Accompts in the Exchequer^ 4 TTEM it is ordained and alTented, That two Clerks 1 X fhall be affigned to make Parcels of Accompts in ' the fame Exchequer to them that will demand the

  • fame ; and they fhall be fworn that they fhall com-

1 mit no Falfhood in their Office, and fhall take for

  • their Labour of them to whom they ferve reafonably,
  • according to the Ordinance of the Barons of the faid

'Exchequer.' ITEM eft ordenez & affentuz qe deux clercs foient affignez pur faire' parcelles daccomptes en mefme lefcheqier a ceux qe les veullent deman- der & foient ils jurez qils ne ferront nulle fauxine- en lour office & prendront pur lour travaill de ceux as queux ils ferveront refonablement felonc lordir nance des Barons del dit efcheqier.. CAP. XIV. Accompts of Nichil fhall be put out of the Exchequer. Oath.

  • TTEM it is ordained and affented, That the Ac-
  • X compts of Nichil in the Exchequer fhall be wholly
  • put out; (2) or if any fuch Accompts ought there to

An Accomptant difcharged upon his ITEM eft ordenez & affentuz qe les accomptes de nichil en efcheqier foient de tout ouftez ou fi aucuns tielx accomptz y deivent demorer foient les accomptantz