Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/406

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360V Stat, x< Anno fexto Richardi II. A. D. 1382. 5 1*. a. "flat, ] c.S. »

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9 li. %.ftat. 1 £.12. l^Ed. fiat, 1. c. 30. 14 H. 6, c, 3. CAP. IV. Deeds inrolled that were deftroyed in the late Infurrection, exemplified, mail be of Force.' Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. ITEM ordinatum eft & concordatum quod omnia irrotulamenta fa£torum ceterorumque munimentorum in rotulis Cancellarie utriufqe Bancorum & fcaccarii Regis ante hec tempora irrotulatorum & poft- modum per proditores domini Regis & regni in infurre&ione nuper infra idem regnum feditiofe fuborta dila- ceratorum feu alias elongatorum fub magno figillo domini Regis abfque feodo figilli inde folvendo forma debita exemplificentur quodque exemplificationes ille fie habite ejufdem fint vigoris & effectus in omnibus ficutfafta & munimenta ilia forent fi integra .& illefa habita fuiffent. CAP. V. Juftices of Affife, &c. fhall hold their Seffions in principal Towns. 1. 1 TEM it is ordained and accorded, That the Ju- ftices affigned and to be affigned to take Affifes and deliver the Gaols, fhall from henceforth hold their Seffions in the principal and chief Towns of every of the Counties, where the Shire Courts of the fame Counties be holden, and hereafter fhall be holden.' ITEM ordinatum eft et concordatum quod Ju- ftiarii ad affifas capiendas et gaolas deliberandas affignati et affignandi decetero teneant feffiones fuas in principalibus et capitalibus villis fingulorum co- mitatuum ubi videlicet comitatus eorundem comi- tatuum tenentur vel impofterum tenebuntur. Farther provided for 11 R. z. c. 11. giving Chancellor and Jujlices Power to appoint inhere j4[[ifes Jhall be held. CAP. VI. The Penalties of the Man and Woman, where a Woman ravifhed doth confent. peal of Rape the Defendant fhall not wage Battel. In an Ap- 5 Ed. 4. f. 6. 3 3 Co. 6i. flow. 45. Bro. Pari. 89. I H. 6. f. I. T E M, Againft the Offenders and Ravifhers of Ladies, and the Daughters of Noblemen, and other Women in every Part of the faid Realm, in thefe Days offending more violently, and much more than they were wont;" ' (2) it is ordained and fta- blifhed, That wherefoever and whenfoever fuch La- dies, Daughters, and other Women aforefaid be ra- vifhed, and after fuch Rape do confent to fuch Ra- vifhers, that as well the Ravifhers, as they that be ravifhed, and every of them, be from thenceforth difabled, and by the fame Deed be unable to have or challenge all Inheritance, Dower, or Joint-Feoff- ment after the Death of their Hufbands and Ancef- tors. (3) And that incontinently in this Cafe the next of the Blood of thofe Ravifhers, or of them that be ravifhed, to whom fuch Inheritance, Dower, or Joint-Feoffment ought to revert, remain, or fall after the Death of the Ravifher, or of her that is fo ravifhed, fhall have Title immediately, that is to fay, after the Rape, to enter upon the Ravifher, or her that is ravifhed, and their Affigns, and Land-Te- nants in the fame Inheritance, Dower, or Joint- Feoffment, and the fame to hold in State of Inheritance. (4) And that the Hufbands of fuch Women, if they have Hufbands, or if they have no Hufbands in Life, that then the Fathers, or other next cf their Blood, have from henceforth the Suit to purfue, and may fue againft the fame Offenders and Ravifhers in this Behalf, and to have them thereof convict of Life, and of Member, although the fame Women after fuch Rape do confent to the faid Ravifhers. (<;) And further it is accorded, That the Defendant in this Cafe fhall not be received to wage Battel, but that the Truth of the Matter be thereof tried by Inqui- fition of the Country; (6) faving always to our Lord the King, and to other Lords of the faid Realm, all ITEM contra malefactores et raptores domina- 1 rum et filiarum nobilium aliarumque mulierum violentius et plus folito hiis diebus quafi in omni parte regni predicti invalefcentes ordinatum eft et ftatutum quod ubicunque et quandocunque hujuf- modi domine filie et alie mulieres predicte decetero rapiantur et poft hujufmodi raptumhujufmodi rap- toribus confenferint quod tarn raptores five rapien- tes quam rapte et eorum quilibet de cetero inhabili- tentur et inhabiles fint ipfo facto ad omnem here- ditatem dotem five conjundtum feoffamentum poft mortem virorum et antecefforum fuorum habend' vel vendicand'. Et quod ftatim in hoc cafu proxi- mus de fanguine eorundem rapientium et raptarum cui hereditas dos feu conjunftum feoffamentum de- fcendere reverti remanere vel accidere deberet poft mortem rapientis vel rapte habeat titulum imme- diate ftatim fcilicet poft raptum intrandi luper ra- pientem vel raptam ac eorum affignatos et terre tenentes in eifdem hereditate dote feu conjunc- to feoffamento et ilia hereditarie tenend'. Et quod viri hujufmodi mulierum fi viros habuerint vel fi viros non habuerint fuperftites quod tunc patres vel alii de fanguine eorundem propinqui- ores decetero habeant fe&am profequendi et fe- qui poterunt verfus eofdem malefaftores et raptores in hac parte et illos inde quamvis eedem mulieres poft hujufmodi raptum dievtis raptoribus confenfe- rint de vita et membro convincendi. Et ulterius concordatum eft quod defendens in hoc cafu ad duellum vadiandum minime recipiaturlmmorei Ve- ritas inde per inquifitionem patrie trietur Salvis femper Domino Regi et ceteris dominis regni pre- di&i