Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/483

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A. D. 1400. Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. qe a ce fairc il foit garniz & chargez par mefme le fercheourou autrement tout celle monoie enfi con- celee foit forfaite au Roy Purveu toutes vojes qe ks marchantz cftrangez qi vendent leur marchan- difes deinz le Roialme & la moite du monoie dEngleterre receu pur mefmes les marchandifes emploient far autres marchandifes du Roialme puiflent franchement apporter hors dicell lautre moite de la dite monoie par congee du Roy folonc leftatut ent fait. See farther 15 Car. 2. c. 7. fee. 7. 9 £f 10 JV. 3. c. 28. 10 Ann. Anno fecundo Henrici IV. Cap. 6 — 8. 437 confefs and difcover prefently after that he is warned M , and charged fo to do by the fame Searcher, or elfe Stra j rs m all the faiJ Money fo concealed fhall he forfeit to theory half their King. (4.) Provided always, That the Merchants Money forth Strangers that do fell their Merchandife within the of ' he R«Jm. Realm of England, and the one half of the Money &C?,uj 4 ' c ' li ' England received for the fame Merchandifes do imploy ,'. //. e!'c. 9 6. upon other Merchandifes of the Realm, may freely 27 H. 6. c. 3. from the fame the other half of the faid "7 E d- 4- <=■ 1. Money by the Kind's Licence, according to the 3 ." 7" c,8> o ' i J ,- J > 19 H. 7. C. r. Statute thereof made. - Ed- g_ c _ g t 5. 6 Geo. 1. e. IX. 12 Geo. 2. c. 26. concerning the Exportation cf Gold and Silver. CAP. VI. The Money of Scotland, and of other Countries beyond the Sea, fhall be voided out of England, or put to coin before Chrijlmas. ITEM pur la grant deceit qe y ad en la monoie dor Sz dargent de Flanders & dEfcoce qi courge com-E X P. munment es paiementz faitz es diverfss parties du Roialme a grant damage du Roy & du poeple ordei- Re P- 21 Jac. 1. gnez eft & affentuz qe toute la monoie dor & dargent de la coigne de Flandres & de toutz autres terres & paixV H pardela & auxi de la terre dEfcoce foit voidez hors du Roialme dEngleterre ou mys a coigne a la bullion ,? H- ./*" 6> ' s ' deinz mefme le Roialme parentre cy & le feft de Noel profchein advenir fur peine de forfaiture dicell. Et qe 2 H. 6. c. 6. toutz les marchantz & autres a Caleys qi receivent aucun tiel or ou argent de la coigne de Flandres ou des againft the. Cur- autres terres ou paiis depar dela ou de la terre dEfcoce le mettent a bullion a Caleys fanz lapporter en coigne •yncyc/Gaitj deinz le Roialme dEngleterre. Et ft les marchantz ou autres defore enavant portent aucune tiele monoie a f~^a C £ t £ x . deinz le Roialme qils forfacent mefme la monoie au Roy. Et outre ce accordez eft qe bone & covenable^ima* c fG>'d ferche foit fait ftbien a Caleys come decea le meer en chefcun porte & aillours fur lapporte del monore and Sihcr. avantdite. C A P. VIL In what Cafe the Plaintiff fhall not be noiifuit if the Verdict pafs againft him. ITEM por ce qe fur veredit trove devant quel- conque Juftice en affife de novel diffeiline mort daunceffre ou autre adtion quelconque les parties devaunt ces heures ont efte adjournez fur difficulte en loye fur la matire iffint trcvez ordeignez eft £z eftabliz qe fi le dit veredit pane encontre le pleintif qe mefme le pleintif ne foit nounfuy. " A J TEM, Wh?reas upon. VerdicT: found before any B . r - N ° B< i , ' t > 6 .uftice in Affife of Novel dijfeifin, MortdaunceJhi^ u ^™ s< ^ " or any other AcTaon whatfoever, the Partus before i^. ,i'„ l " this Time have been: adjourned upon Difficulty in. " Law upon the Matter fo found ;" (2) 'it is ordained ' and ftablifhed, That if the Verdict, pafs againft the ' Plaintiff, .that the fame Plaintiff ihall not be non- ' fuitedv' C A The Fee of the Cyrographer of ITEM fur la grevoufe compleinte faite a noftre Seignur le Roy par les communes en ceft parle- ment coment loffice de cirografer en le commune Bank le Roi eft L-ffez a ferme a quel office appur- tient pur les fefance & efcripture de chefcun fyn teve en le dit Bank quatre fouldz & nient plus et nounobftant eel fee les fermers de mefme loffice ne veull^nt deliverer nul fyn a nully fanz leur doner autres quatre fouldz ou plus par extortion a grant damage & empoveriffement de tout le poeple Noftre Seignur le Roy veullant celle partie purvoir de remede de ladvis & affent des Seignurs efpirituelx & temporelx & a la fupplication des ditz Com- munes ad ordeignez & eftabliz qe le cirografer ne fpn fermer lieutenant ou deputee pur le temps efteant deforenavant ne preigne pluis qe quatre fouldz pur nul fyn leve en la court. Et fi le dit fermer lieutenant ou depute.- preigne pluis qe quatre P. VIII. the Common Pleas for a Fine levied. ' TTEM, Upon the grievous Complaint made tof* ' A our Lord the King by the Commons in this pre- ' fent Parliament, how that the Office of the Cirbgra- ' pher in the common Bench of the King is let to 1 farm, to which Office appertaineth, for making and £ writing of every Fine levied in the laid Bench, four

Shillings and no more ; and notwithstanding the

1 fame Fee, the Farmers of the fame Office

liver no Fine to any without giving to them other
four Shillings, or more by Extorfton, to the great
Damage and Impoveriihment of all the King's liege
People;" ' (2) our Lord the King willing in this

Behalf to provide Remedy, by the Advice and Affent. of the Lords Spiritual and. Temporal, and at the Supplication of the faid Commons, hath ordained and eftablifhed, That the Cirographer, nor his Far- mer, Deputy, or Lieutenant for the time being, fhall from henceforth take any more than four Shillings for 6 any