Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/535

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A. D. 1414. Ex Rot. in Tun-. Lond. an defore en avaunt & auxi qe les juftices de la pees deformes eient poair dexaminer fibien toutz maners laborers fervantz & lour meftres come ar- tificers parlour ferementz de toutz maters & chofes pareux faitz a contrarie des eftatutz & ordinances avauntditz & fur ceo de les punir fur lour coni- fance felonc leffba de les eftatutz & ordeignances avauntditz ftcome ils feurent convi&z par enqueft. Et qe le vifcount de chefcun countee en Engleterre face bien & duement fon office celles parties fur peyn de perdre au Roy xx livers. Anno fecundo Henrici V. Stat. 1. 489 l. 1 & 2 P. & M. c. 13. Geo. 2. c. 24. 16 Geo. 2. xo. and 30 Geo. z. c. 24. 2©' 3 P. & M. c. c. 18. iS Geo. 2. 10. jjac. j. e. 5. c. 20. 23 Geo. 2. 1 ' in the fame Weeks every Year from henceforth. (4) Juftices of Peace ' And alfo that the Juftices of Peace from henceforth J™^*™ n s e „_ ' have Power to examine as well all Manner of La- ^""Ynd ot her ' bourers, Servants, and their Mafters, as Artificers, Matters, and a r- ' by their Oaths, of all Things by them done contrary tificers, by their ' to their faid Ordinances and Statutes, and upon that° aths ' ' to puniih them upon their Confeffion, after the Ef- ' fedt of the Statutes and Ordinances aforefaid, as See farther «»- ' though they were convia by Inqueft. (5) And ^^"pfJe'fiTif. 1 the Sheriff in every Shire of the Realm of England (,_ Ct ,,,' j ej ' fhall do well and duly his Office in this Behalf, upon 4. c . 2. 1 R. ' Pain to lofe and to forfeit to our Lord the King ^-3- 3 H. 7. ' twenty Pounds.' u £ H, l c ' ' 1 I Mar. fiat. 2. 21 Jac. 1. c. 12. 6 Geo. 1. c. 21, fee. 10. q Geo. I, c. j. 5 Geo. 2. e. iS Csf 19. 1$ 26. fee, 11. 24 Geo. 2. c. 44, & 55. 26 Geo. z. c. 14, & 27. 27 Geo. 2. c. 16) & CAP. V. Procefs againft Felons dwelling in Tyndal or Exhamjhire in Northumberland. ITEM pur ceo qe depar les communes del countee de Northumbr' ont efte faitz trefgre- 1 voufes compleints a noftre tres foveraigne Seignur le Roy en ceft prefent parlement de ceo qe pleu- feurs murdres trefons homicides roberies & autres malfaitz a plufeurs fez loialx lieges de mefme le counte par gentz demurrantz en icell countee de- deins les franchifes de Tyndale & Exhamfhire ou le brief le Roi ne court mys ja tarde ont efte per- petrez autrement qe nont efte faitz ou conuz par- devant atant de peril de les ditz lieges du Roy qe fanz due remedie cells partie mettre ils noferent a y demorer longement enavant a caufe qe tielx mal- fefours font enli favorez par tielx franchifes. No- ftre dit Seignur le Roy del advis & affent avant- ditz & al requeft des ditz Communes ad ordeigne & eftablie qe ft afcune perfone des ditz franchifes de Tyndale & Exhamfhire refceant ou demurant deinz ycelles de quell eftat ou condition il foit face murdres trefons homicides ou robberies ou confent .de Jes faire hors des ditz franchifes de Tyndale & Exhamfhire proceiTe foit fait devers luy par la com- mune leie tanqe il foit utlage & qe apres tiele ut- lagarie pronuncie & retourne facent ent les juftices devaunt queux tiele utlagarie foit retourne certifi- cation a tieux miniftres ou a tiel miniftre des ditz franchifes come a eux femblera meulz celle partie folonc lour difcretion & foit tiel feloun pris par tiel miniftre ou tielx miniftres & fez terres h tene- ments biens & chateux efteantz deinz icelles fran- chifes feifez es mains des Seignurs de mefmes les franchifes de Tyndale & Exhamfhire pur le temps efteantz come forfeitz & qe les autres terres & te - nementz biens & chateux de tiel felon efteantz hors de mefmes les franchifes demurgent entierment au . Roy & as autres Seignurs aiantz ent franchifes come forfaitz favant toutzfoitz au Roy les forfai- tures dautiels murdrours traitours homLidours rob- bours & autres malfefours queconqes & dautres chofes queux a luy appertiegnent come de droit de fa corone. " ITE M, Forafmuch as by the Commons of the 4 I" ft ' ~l^ " J, County of Northumberland grievous Complaints " have been made to our Sovereign Lord the King in " this prefent Parliament, for that many Murders, " Treafons, Manflaughters, Robberies, and divers " other Offences, to many of the faichful liege People " of the fame County, by People dwelling in the fame " County within the Franchife of Tyndal and Exhatn-

' Jhire, where the King's Writ runneth not, now of
' late have been perpetrated otherwife than have been
< done or known before this Time, to fo many Perils
' of the faid liege People of our Lord the King, that
' without due Remedy in this Behalf provided, they
' dare no longer there dwell, becaufe that fuch Offen-

ders be fo favoured by fuch Franchifes ;" ' (2) our

faid Lord the King, by the Advice and Affent afore-
faid, and at the Requeft of the faid Commons, hath
ordained and eftablifhed, That if any Perfon of the

faid Franchifes of Tyndal and Exhamjlnre, refiant or dwelling in the fame, of what Eftate or Condition that he be, do any Murders, Treafons, Manflaugh- ters, or Robberies, or Confent to do them, out of the faid Franchifes of Tyndal and Exhamfhire^ Procefs fhall be made againft him by the Common Lav/ until he be outlawed; (3) and that after fuch Outlawry pro- nounced and returned, the Juftices before whom fuch Outlawry is returned fhall make thereof Certificate to fuch Minifter or Minifters of the faid Franchifes, as to them fhall feem beft in this Behalf, according to. their Difcretion ; (4) and fuch Felon fhall be taken by fuch Minifter or Minifters, and his Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chatties, being within the fame Franchife, feifed into the Hands of the Lords of the fame Franchifes of Tyndal and Exham~ fhire for the Time being, as forfeit; (5) and that the other Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chat- ties of fuch Felon, being out of the fame Franchifes, fhall wholly remain to the King, and to other Lords having thereof Franchife, as forfeit ; (6) faving al- ways to the King the Forfeitures of fuch Murderers, Traitors, Manflayers, Robbers, and other Offenders, and of other Things which to him do belong as of ExtcneeJ fy 9R. the Right of his Crown.' 5- M-J- c 7 . ° By 14 El. c. 13, Hexham ar.d Hexamfhire declafei to be within the Csafrfya/"Northumberian<I«  Vol, L Rr CAP,