Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/575

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A. D. 14234 Anno fecundo Henrici VI. CAP. XIII. The Price of a Pound of Silver in Plate, Piece, or Mafs. c. 13, 14. 529 Ex Rot. in Turr. Lond. IT E M pur ceo qe graunde efcarcite de blank monoie eft dedeins le Roialme a caufe qe argent eft achatuz Re ,, j ac . r , & venduz nient coignuez a la price de xxxij. s. la li' du troie la ou mefme le li' neft pluis de value a lec.Ts. coigneqe xxxij. s. abatuz pur le cunage xij. d. Ordeinezeft& eftabliz pur lencrece de la dit blank monoie qe null homme de quell eftate ou condition qil foit deinz le dit Roialme nachate nevende null argent en plate de peffe ne en mafle efteant fi bone dallaie come le fterling outre xxxs. le livre du troie outre la facion fur le peine de forfeiture de la double value datant come il achate ou vende.en contraire de cefte ordinaunce & qe lune moite (bit forfait al oeps du Roy & lautre moite al oeps de celuy qe voet fuer & prover mefme la for- feiture. Purveux toutz foitz qe ceux qi alent a le coigne puiffent avoir & prendre del maiftre de mefme le coigne folonc ceo qe eft loialment contenuz en les endentures parentre leRoy et le dit maiiire en faitz. Et auxi le maiftre de la mynt fufdit pur le temps efteant puis prendre & deliverer ficome il eft contenu en les ditz endentures fanz pluis prendre pur laife U profit de le commune poeple. CAP. XIV. The Finenefs of Harnefs of Silver, and the Marks with which it fhall be marked. IT E M qe null orfeour ne overour dargent deinz la Citee de Loundres vende null overaigne dar- gent fil ne foit auxi fyne come le fterlyng forfpris ceo qe bofoigne foudure en la fefance le quell foit alowe folonc ceo qe la foudour foit neceffarie pur eftre overee en ycell. Et qe null orfeour ne juellour nautre homme qe oepere harneis dargent mette null dicell a vendre deinz la dite Citee de~ vant ceo qe foit touchee ovec le touche del teaft de libarde ceo qe puife refonablement porter mefme le touche & auxi ove un marque ou figne del overour dicell fur peine de la forfaiture dela dou- ble come defuis eft dit et qe le marque ou figne -de chefcun orfeour foit conuz a les gardeins de mefme le mifter. Et fil poet eftre trove qe le dit o-ardein de la touche fuifdite touche afcun del hernoys ovek le teft del libard fil ne foit auxi fyne en allaie come lefterlyng qe adonqes le dit gar- dein de le touche pur chefcune chofe eify prove nient fi bon en alaye come le dit efterlyHg for- face la double value au Roy & a la partie come il eft ycy defuis recite. Et auxi femblablement eft ordelne en la citee dEverwyk Novell Chaftell fur Tyne Lincoln Narwice Briftowe Salefbury & Coventre qe chefcun ait diverfes touches folonc Jordinance des mairs baillifs ou governours de jnefmes les villes et qe null orfeour nautres over- ours dargent ne gardeyn des ditz touches de- deins ycelles villes mette a vente ne touche null argent en autre manere qe neft ordeine parde- vant deinz la Citee de Loundres fur peine del forfaiture avantdit. Et enoutre qe null orfeour nautre overour dargent dedeinz le Roialme dEn- o-leterre ou null touche eft ordine come defuis eft dit overee null argent fil ne foit auxi fyn en alaie come lefterlyng. Et qe lorfeour ou loverour di- cell argent mette fur ycell fon marque ou figne devant ceo qe le mette a la vent et fil foit trove qe ne foit auxi fine come lefterlyng qadonqs .le overour dicell forface le double value en manere & forme come il eft devant recitez deinz le Citee de Loundrez. Et qe les juftices de la pees mairs & baillifs & toutz autres aiantz poair come juftices ie pees eient enquergent & determinent par bille ' Vol I.

* Thefe Words in the Italick Letter

IT E M, That no Goldfmith, nor Worker of Sil-None (hall fell ver within the City of London, fell any Work- an y Work of manfhip of Silver, unlefs it be as fine as the Ster-^ llver ' un ' ers , lt ling, except the fame need Souder in the making,^"^? as ' e which fhall be allowed according as the Souder is neceffary to be wrought in the fame. (2) And thatnor until it be no Goldfmith nor Jeweller, nor any other thattouched, and worketh Havnefs of Silver, ftidl fet any of the fame m,rked with the to fell within the City, before that it be touched ^nMark. with the Touch [of the Leopard's Head, if it may reafonably bear the fa?ne Touch*] and alfo with the Mark or Sign of the Workman of the fame, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Double, as afore is faid ; and that the Mark and Sign of every Goldfmith be known to the Wardens of the fame Craft. (3) And The Penalty on if it may be found, that the faid Keeper of the rhe Keeper of Touch touch any fuch Harnefs with the Leopard's'^ T ouch ' who t T « ' -, J , Tn* -Ait 1 n -oucnetn any Head, except it be as line in Allay as the Ster- Veffcl not r„f. ling, that then the Keeper of the Touch, for every ficient in Allay. Thing fo proved not as good in Allay as the faid ' Sterling, fhall forfeit the double Value to the King • and to the Party, as is above recited. (4) And alfo Several Cities

it is likewife ordained in the City of York, Netv-^i Towns fhall

cajile upon Tine, Lincoln, Norwich, Brijiow, Sc Iff have feveral alt I Touches. bury, and Coventry, that every one fhall have di- vers Touches, according to the Ordinance of the Mayors, Bailiff's, or Governors of the fame Towns ; .(5) and that no Goldfmith, nor other Workers of Silver, nor Keeper of the faid Touches v.'ithin the fame Towns, fhall fet to Sale, or touch any Sil- ver in other Manner than is ordained before within the City of London, upon Pain of the faid Forfei- ture. (6) And moreover that no Goldfmith, or other Worker of Silver within the Realm of Eng- land, where no Touch is ordained as afore is faid, fhall work any Silver, except it be as fine in Allay as the Sterling, and that the Goldfmith or Worker of the fame Silver fet upon the fame his Mark or Sign before he fet it to Sale; (7) and if it be found, that it is not as fine as the Sterling, that then the Worker of the lame fhall forfeit the double Value, in Manner and Form as before is recited within, the City of London. (8) And the Juftices of Pcacfe, juftices of the Mayors and Bailiffs, and all other having Power as^eace. Mayors, Juftices of Peace, fhall hear, inquire, and deter- i *>, ma >' in< | u , ire J X7 . 7 c • oi, hear, and dc- Yyy irorie, ce ; m!ne ' lhe Qf _ lave been omitted informer Editions, fcnces **>*&&<