Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/592

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54 6 C. 9. Anno o6iavo Henrici VI. A. D. 1429. The Defe&s of " f'ne Statute of " 3 ; i<. 2. c. 2, cc Palmer 177. cc 1£ Office .,., IJ-..IJ O jU- <. v or Feaee ; -.'-1 — r.y for- rih!e Kntry is ( made into t { inc.*, or e peaceable Entry, c and aster dcta.n- jng with Force, '- -iithe*- 1,0. ' j Leonard 327. ' Tlic Remedy «  1 lie) * Per- c fun er.terj] . L y c J Dree deth alicne I me 1 to have ' I . r -ensntr. c I R. z. • . '). t }-• *r 122, 1^7. 9 Co. jiR. II Co. ' . ' 7 Ed. 4. f. iC. /^) and if they find, or he findeth, any holding fuch Place forcibly, after fuch Entry made, they ihould be taken and put in the next Gaol, there to remain convict by the Record of the fame Juftices or Juf- tice, until they have made Fine and Ranfom to the King ; (4) and that all the People of the County, as well Sheriff? as other, {hall be attending to the faid Juftices, and to aflift them to arreft fuch Malefactors, upon Pain of Imprifonme-nt, and to make Fine and Ranfom to the King. And that in the fame Man- ner be done of them that make forcible Entries into Benefices or Offices of holy Church, as in the fame Statute is contained more at large. " If. And for that the faid Statute doth not extend to Entries in Tenements in peaceable Manner, and after holden with Force, nor if the Perfons which enter with Force into Lands and Tenements, be re- moved and voided before the coming of the faid Juftices or Juftice, as before, nor any Pain ordained if the Sheriff do not obey the Commandments and Precepts of the faid Juftices for to execute the faid Or- dinance, many wrongful and forcible Entries be daily made in Lands and Tene rents by fuch as have no Right, arid alio divers Gifts, Feoffments, and Eif- cohtinuances made to Lords, and other puiffant Perfons, and Extortioners within the f.ud Counties where they be converfant, to have Mainte- nance, and fome times to fuch Perfons as be un- known to them fo put out, to the Intent to delay and defraud fuch r'ghtful Poffeffors of their Right and Recovery forever, to the final Difherifon of di- vers of the King's faithful liege People, and likely daily to increafe, if due Remedy be not provided in this Behalf:" ' (2) Our Lord the King confider- ing the Premifies, hath ordained, That the laid Sta- tute, and all other Statutes of fuch Entries or Aliena- tions made in Times paft, fhall be holden and duly executed; (3) joined to the fame, That from hence- forth where any doth make any forcible Entry in Lands and Tenements, or other Poffeilions, or them hold forcibly, after Complaint thereof made within. the fame County where fuch Entry is made, to the Juftices of Peace,_or to one of them, by the Party grieved, that the juftices or Juftice lo warned, with- in a convenient Tine thai! caufe, or one of them {hall caufe, the faid Statu e duly to be executed, and that at the Cofts of the Party fo grieved. ' III. And moreover though that fuch Perfcns ma- king fuch Entry be prefent, or elfe departed before the coming of the faid Juftices or Juftice, notwithftand- ing, the fime Juftices or Juftice in fome good Town next to the Tenements fo entered, or in fome other convenient Place, according to their Difcretion, fhall have, or either of them fhall have, Authority and Power to inquire by the People of the fame County, as well of them that make fuch forcible Entries in Lands and Tenements, r.s of them which the fame hold with Force ; (2) and if it be found before any of them, that any doth contrary to this. Statute, then the faid juftices or Juftice fhall caufe to refeife the Lands and Tenements fo entered or holden as afore, and fhall put the Party fo put out in full Poffefiion of the fame Lands and Tenements fo entered or len as before. (3J And if any Perfon, after fuch Entry into Lands or Tenements holden with Force, a Feoffment or other Difconti nuance to any Lord or other Perfon, to have Maintenance, or. to Ex Rot., in Turr. Lond. afcuns tenauntz tiel lieu forciblement apres tiel entre faic foient prifez & mifez en profchien gaoie a v demurer conviftz de record de mefmes ks juftices ou juftice tanqe ils eient faitz fyn & raun- ceon au Roy. Et qe toutz gentz de counte fibien vifcountz come autres foient entendantz as ditz juftices de eux enforcier pur areftier tiels male- faifours fur peine demprifonement & de faire fyne h raunceon au Roy. Et qe en mefme le manere foit fait de ceux qi fount forcibles entres en bene- fices ou office de ■ feint efglife come en mefme leftatut eft contenuz pluis au plein. Et pur taunt qe le dit eftatut nextende my as- entres en tenementz en peifible manere & apres tenuz ove force ne ft les perfones qentront ove force en terres ou tenementz foient remoevez & voidez devaunt le venu des ditz juftices ou juftice came devaunt ne null peine ordine fi le vifcount ne obeie my les maunderr entz h precepts des ditz juftices pur executier lordinance fuifdit plou- fours torcenoufes & forcibles entres fount faitz de jour en autre en terres & tenementz par ceux qi droit nount. Et auxi diverfes douns feoftementz & difcontinuancesr afcun foitz faitz as Seignurs & autres perfones puiffantz & extortioners deins les countes ou ils fount converfantz pur main- tenance avoir & afcuns foits as tiels perfones enfy ouftez difconuz a tiel cntent pur delaier & de- frauder tiels droiturelx pofiefTours de lour droit & recoverer a toutz jours a final difheritcfon de plufours des foials lieges de Roy & femblable eft dencrefcer de jour en autre fi du remedie ne foit purveu celle partie. Noftre Seignur le Roy con- liderant les premifies ad ordene qe le dit eftatut & toutz autres eftatutz de tiels entres ou alie- nation devaunt faitz foient tenuz & duement exe- cutz Ajouftant a icelle qe {1 defore en avaunt afcun face tiel forcible entre en terres tenementz ou autres poffeffions ou eux tiegne forcibiernent apres compleint ent fait dehis. mefme le counte lou ti?l entre foit fait as juftices de peas ou un de eux par la parte greve qe les juftices ou juftice enfy gamy deins temps covenable facent ou face duement executer le dit eftatut ot ceo as collages del partie enfy greve. Et outre ceo cement qe tLlx perfones faifantz tiel entre foient prefentz ou voidez devaunt la venudes ditz juftices ou juftice nientmeins mefmes les juftices ou juftice en afcun hone viile pluis profchein as tenementz enfy entrez ou en afcun lieu covenable folonc loure difcretion eient & chefcun de eux eit au£lorite & poair denquerer par gentz de mefme le countee auxibien de ceux qi fount tielx forcibles entrees en terres & tf-nementz come de ceu ; qi eux teignent ove force. Et fi trove foit devaunt afcun deux qe afcun face le contrarie de ceft eftatut adonqs les ditz juftices ou juftice facent ou face refeifer les terres & tene- mentz enfy entrez ou tenuz come devaunt & Hiettre la partie enfy oufte en plein poffefiion de les terres & tenementz come devaunt entrez ou tenuz. Et fi afcune perfone apres tiel entre en terres ou tenementz tenuz ove force face feoffement ou autre difcontinuance a afcun Seignur ou autre perfone pur maintenauncc ■ avoier ou pur