Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/69

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A.D. 1266.
Anno quinquagesimo primo Henerici III.
Stat. 2, 3.

The Statute made Anno 51 Hen. III. Stat. 2. and A. D. 1266.

Dies communes in Banco.
Concerning general Days in Bank in Real Actions.[1]

If a Writ come in the utas of St. Michael, a Day shall be given thereupon unto the utas of St. Hilarii; (2) And if it come in the quinzime of St. Michael, Day shall be given unto the quizime of St. Hilarii; (3) If it come in the three Weeks after St. Michael, the Day shall be crastino Purificationis; (4) [2]⟨If within a Month after Michaelmas, in the utas of the Purification;⟩ (5) If in crastino Animarum, then in the quinzime of Easter; (6) If in crastino Martini, then in the three Weeks after Easter;] (7) If in the utas of St. Martin, then in Easter Month; (8) If in the quinzime of St. Martin, then within five Weeks after Easter; (9) and also there is Day specially given in crastino Ascensionis, and it countervaileth as much as within five Weeks after Easter; (10) [3] ⟨If in the utas of St. Hilarii, in the utas Trinitatis;⟩ (11) If in quindena Hilarii, then in quindena[4] Trinitatis, and sometime in crastino of St. John Baptist; (12) If in crastino Purificationis, then in [5]⟨crastino and⟩ utas of St. John Baptist; (13) If in the utas of the Purification, then in quindena of St. John Baptist; (14) If in quindena Pasche, then in the utas of St. Michael; (15) If within three Weeks after Easter, then in quindena of St. Michael; (16) If within Easter Month, then within three Weeks of the Feast of St. Michael; (17) If within five Weeks after Easter, or in crastino Ascensionis, then within a Month after the Feast of St. Michael; (18) If in the utas of the Trinity, then in crastino Animarum; (19) If in quindena Trinitatis, or in crastino of St. John Baptist, then in crastino Martini; (20) If in the utas of St. John Baptist, then in the utas of St. Martin; (21) If in quindena of St. John Baptist, then Day shall be given unto quindena Martini; and so every Term shall answer to other.

Altered by 32 H. 8. c. 21. & by 16 Car. 1. c. 6.

  1. Translated from Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. (Wikisource contributor note)
  2. Not in the original.
  3. Not in the original.
  4. For Quindena, read utas.
  5. Not in the original.

The Statute made Anno 51 Hen. III. Stat. 3. and Anno Dom. 1266.

Dies Communes in Banco in placito dotis.
Concerning general Days in a writ of Dower.[1]

If the Writ do come in octabis Michaelis, Day shall be given until crastino Animarum; (2) If it come in quindena Michaelis, Day shall be given until crastino Martini; (3) If within three Weeks after the Feast of St. Michael, then in octabis Martini; (4) If in mense Michaelis, then in quindena Martini; (5) If in crastino Animarum, then in octabis Hilarii; (6) If in crastino Martini, then in quindena Hilarii; (7) If in octabis Martini, then in crastino Purifications; (8) If in quindena Martini, then in octabis Purificationis; (9) If in octabis Hilarii, then in quindena Pasche; (10) If in quindena Hilarii, then in tribus Septimanis Paschæ; (11) If in crastino Purificationis, then in mense Pasche; (12) If in oc-


  1. Translated from Cotton MS. Claudius, D. 2. (Wikisource contributor note)