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C. 10—13, Anno tertio Henrici VII. A.D. i486. 31 Ed. 3. fiat. I. c. 12. I Salk. 205. Mod. Cates in Law 314. Oyer 77. Cro.El. 588, 659. Cro. Car. 145 19 H. 7. c. 21 Salk. 205. Raym. 134. Co. pla. f. 2, 24, 162, 291 CAP. X. Coils, &c. awarded to the Plaintiff, where the Defendant fueth a Writ of Error. ITEM, That where oftentimes Plaintiff or Demandant, Plaintiffs or Demandants, that have Judge- ment to recover, be delayed of Execution, for that the Defendant or Tenant, Defendants or Tenants, againft whom Judgement is given, or other that been bound by the faid Judgement, fueth a Writ or Writs of Error to adnul and reverfe the faid Judgement, to the Intent only to delay Execution of the faid Judgement :' (z) It is enafted, ordained, and eftablifhed, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Prayer of the Commons, in the faid Parliament affernbled, and by Authority of the fame, That if any fuch Defendant or Tenant, Defendants or Tenants, or if any other that lhail be bound Perfon or Perfons that fueth Writ or Writs of Error, be non-fued in the fame, that then the faid Perfon or Perfons, againft whom the faid Writ of Error is fued, fhall recover his Cofts and Damage for his Delay and wrongful Vexation in the fame, by Difcretion of the Juftice afore whom the faid Writ of Error is fued. Confirmed by 19 H. 7. c. 20. And fee 13 Car. 2, fiat. 3. c, 2. felf. 9. which gives' double Cofts on Affirmance after Verdtcl ; and Ar.n.c. (>.fet 25, tohich fro-uides farther for Cofts on quajhing Writ of Er. A P. XI. 7 Ed. 4. c. 3, By 5H.8. c.3. &27H.8. c.13. white Woollen Cloth, &c. may he tranfported unfhorn, &c. Veffes, Rays, Sailing Cloths, &c. excepted. 53 H. 8. c. 19. 8 El. c. 6. 10 Ann, c, 16. Rep. 3 Car. €.4. Rep. 8 El. c. 10. 33 H. S.c.q. No Cloth fhall be tranfported until it be barbed, rowed, and fhorn. ITEM, Where in the faid Parliament it was fhewed by Shearmen, Fullers, and other Artificers, that fhould live and obtain their needy Suftentation by Mean of Drapery made and draped within this Realm, as well throughout the fame_ Realm, as within the City of London, that where in a Statute made the Seventh Year of the Reign of King Edward the Fourth, among other it is contained, That no Perfon, Denizen ne Stranger, fhould carry, or do to be carried to any Parties beyond the Sea, any Woollen Yarn or Cloth unfulled, but that the Woollen Yarn to be made in this Realm fhould be woven in the fame; (z) and alfo all Cloth in the fame made fhould be fulled and fully wrought within this Realm, before that any of the fame fhould be had or carried out of this Realm, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the very Valure of fuch Yarn not weaved, and Cloth not fulled, had or carried out of this Realm ; (3) the one Half of the Forfeiture to be levied to the Ufe of the King, and the other Half to him or them that Ihould efpy, or make Proof of any fuch Yarn not woven, or Cloth not fulled, carried to any Place beyond the Sea. ' II. And forafmuch as in the faid Statute of King Edward there is no exprefs Mention made, that the faid Cloths fhould be rowed and fhorn afore that they be carried and conveyed out of this Realm, whereby the faid poor Commons of the Crafts aforefaid might be fet in Labour and Occupation ; there- fore the faid Cloths, ever fithence unto this Day, have been, and yet daily are in great Number carried out of this Realm, unrowed, and unfhorn, into the Parts beyond the Sea, as well by Denizens as Stran- gers, whereby outlandifh Nations, with the fame Drapery, are fet in Labour and Occupation, to their great inriching, and the poor Commons of the Crafts abovefaid, through all this Realm, that of natural Reafon, as the King's true liege Men, fhould have and obtain their needy Suftentation and Living by Means of the fame Drapery, for lack of fuch Occupation daily fall in great Number into Idlenefs and Poverty, to their uttermoft Deftruction, if it fhould any longer continue :' (2) The King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Prayer of the Commons, in this faid Parliament affernbled, and by Authority of the fame, hath ordained, eftablifhed, and enafted, That no Stranger nor Denizen carry, or make to be carried out of this Realm, any Woollen Cloths, but that they before be barbed, rowed, and fhorn within the fame Realm, for the Relief, and fetting on Work of the faid poor Commons, upon the Pain and Forfeiture limited in the faid Statute of King Edward, made upon Cloth carried out of this Land not fulled, to be divided in Manner and Form as in the fame Statute it is contained. (3) Provided alway, That Cloths, called Vejfes, Rays, Sailing Cloths, and other Cloths., commonly fold at Forty Shillings and under, be not comprifed in this prefent Acl. See farther 1 Geo. I. fiat. 2. 17.15(3' 41. n Geo. 1. c. 24. 7 Geo. 2. c. 25, II Geo. a. c. aS. and 14 Geo. 2. c. 35, CAP. XII. The King's Officers or Tenants fhall not be retained by Liveries with others. CAP. XIII. No long Bow fhall be fold over the Price of in. s. iv. d. CAP.