Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/113

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A. D. 1487. Anno quarto He nrici VII. C. 4 — 10. 71 ■Aed bv the faid Authority, That the faid Ordinance, Act, and Law, extend, and be obferved and kept in even CltV Borough, and Town, wall d within his Realm of England, and in the I own of Cambridge (the Towns o(B*ru>i(*ind Carlijle, except and foreprifed.) Provided alway, 1 hat this prefect Ait begin and ukc'tlVect at the Feaft of the Annunciation of our Lady next enluing, and not afore. ' CAP. IV. Protections granted to them which then were, or after mould be in the King's Service in Britain. And ccr- Eip. 7 H. 7. tain Immunities granted to the Feoffees, Executors, and Heirs of them which mall die in that Service. «• •*!• CAP. V. A Repeal of all Letters Patents granted to any Spiritual Perfons to be difcharged of the Payment or Collec- o B. 7 H. 7. tion of Difmcs. '• 6. CAP. VI. A Repeal of all Letters Patents granted of any Offices within the Foreft of Ingle-wood, faving to the Lord p r. Dacres, and Earl of Northumberland. CAP. VII. Fees to the King's Yeomen and Grooms fhall be no longer of Force than whilft they do their Duties. p Ri CAP. VIII. Whofoever fhall fell by Retail a broad Yard of the fineft Scarlet grained, or other grained Cloth of the fineft R a , j lCi , making above xvi. s. or a broad Yard of any other coloured Cloth above xi. s. &c. fhall forfeit xl. s. for <. 28. every Yard fo fold. C A P. IX. . _ . Rep. 3 H. 8. No Hatter or Capper fhall fell any Hat above the Price of xxd. the beft, nor any Cap above iis. viiid. the c - '5- belt, upon Pain to forfeit xl. s. for every Hat or Cap fold above. * 2- CAP. X. Of Wine and Tholoufe Woade. c T T EM, That where great Minifhing and Decay hath been now of late Time of the Navy of this Realm R ft

  • X of England, and Idlenefs of the Mariners within the fame, by the which this noble Realm within fhort |, ,**'

' Procefs or Time, without Reformation be had therein, fhall not be of Ability nor of Strength and Power 6 K.z. c. 8.

  • to defend itfelf.' Wherefore the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Tern- 3 Ed. 4. c. 1.

poral, and at the Prayers of the Commons, in the faid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, 7 H - 8 c - *> hath ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted, That no Manner of Perfon, of what Degree or Condition that he * 3 Sg C '7l be, convey or bring into this Realm, Ireland, Wales, Calais, or the Marches thereof, ox Bar wick, from the |&6Ed.6. Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Baptifl, that fhall be in the Year of our Lord God M.CCCC.XC. any c. is. Manner Wines of the Growing of the Duchy of Guien or Gafcoine, or Woade called Tholoufe Woade, but s E1 - c - 4- fuch as fhall be conveyed, adventured, or brought in Ship or Ships, whereof our faid Sovereign Lord, or R y>" led b f fome of his Subjects of this his Realm of England, Ire/and, Wales, Calais, or Barwick, been Owners, Pof- ' c ' feiTors, and Proprietaries; and the fame Mafter under God, and the Mariners of the fame Ship or Ships, Englijb, Irijh, or Welfh, or Men of Barwick, or Men of Calais, or of the Marches of the fame, for the more Party, upon Pain to forfeit the fame Wines and Woade fo brought contrary to this Act, the one Half thereof to the King, and the other Half to him or them that feifeth the fame Wine or Woade. II. And alfo hath ordained and ftablifhed by the faid Authority, That no Perfon inhabited within this Realm, other than Merchants Strangers, from the Feaft of Saint 'John, freight nor charge within this Realm or Wales any Ship or other VefTel of any Alien or Stranger, with any Manner of Merchandife, to be carried out of this Realm or Wales., or to be brought into the fame, if he may have fufficient Freight in Ships or Veflels of Denizens of this Realm in the fame Port where he fhall make his Freight, upon Pain to forfeit the fame Merchandifes, the one Half thereof to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Half to him or them which feifeth the fame Merchandifes. III. Provided always, That this Act extend not to any Ship or Ships, having any of the faid Wares or Merchandifes, conftrained by Tempeft of Weather or Enemies to arrive in any Port or Place within this Realm, fo that the Owners of the faid Wares and Merchandifes make thereof no Sale within this Realm, other than for Victuals, or repairing of the fame Ship or Ships, or Tackling thereof, which they of Necef- fity be compelled to make. Repealed 1 Eliz. c, 13. but reinforced 5 Eliz. c. 5. feci. 11. L 2 CAP,