Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/127

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A. D. 1494. Anno undccimo Henrici VII. C. 20, 21.! , , c a p. xx. Certain Alienations made by the Wife, of the Lands of her deccated I lull, and Hull be void, n FOR certain rcafonablc Confiderations be it ordained, enacted, and eftablifhed by the Kihg our Sovereign Lord, and l>y the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual arid Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Par- *;; ' milled, and by Authorityof the fame, That if any Woman which hath hnd, or hereafter (ball * Co <8.' in Dower, or for Term of Life, or in Tail, jointly with her Hufband, of only to her felf, $ or to her (Jfe, in any Manors, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments of the Inheritance or Purchafe 148, 1?,. of her Hufband, or given to the laid Hufband and Wife in Tail, 01 for Term of Life, by any or" the An- ' ' reflors of the laid Hufband, or by any other Perfon feifed to the Ufe of the laid Hufband, or of his An- '." 8 '-■ ceftors, and have or fhall hereafter, being folc, or with any other after taken Hufband, difcontinued or nil"- ,'.', 2 ', I .' " 4i continue, aliened, releafed, or confirmed, alicne, releafe, or confirm with Warranty, or by Covin fufiered cio! )..'. or fufFer any Recovery of the fame again!! them, or any of them, or any other feifed to their Ufe, or to 6 *4- 3 M the Ul'e of either of them, after the Form aforefaid, that all fuch Recoveries, Difcontinuances, Alienations, 4 f Rekafes, Confirmations, and "Warranties fo had and made, and from henceforth to be had and made, &ffif be utterly void and of none Effect : (2) And that it fhall be lawful to every Perfon and Perfons, to whom , the fntereft, Title, or Inheritance, after the Deceafe of the faid Women, of the faid .Manor-, Lands, and her J Tenements, or other Hereditaments, being difcontinued, aliened, and fufiered to be recovered, after the Kuibaod, (hall Firff Day of December next coming, in the Form aforefaid, fhould appertain, to enter into all and every of bl: void - the Premiiles, and peaceably to poffefs and enjoy the fame, in fuch Manner and Form as he or they fhould u ron the Re- have done, if no fuch Difcontinuance, Warranty, nor Recovery had been had nor made. (3) And over ■ this be it ordained and enacted by the faid Authority, That if any of the faid Hufbands and Women, or "«««>n of the any other fciled, or that fhall be feifed, to the Ufe of them of the Efbte afore fpecified, after the faid Firft W °R an ' he in Day of December., do make or caufe to be made, or fuffer any fuch Difcontinuance, Alienations, Warran- m S, e ". tics, or Recoveries in Form aforefaid, that then it fhall be lawful to the Perfon or Perfons to whom the 2 And. Jj[ laid Manors, Lands, or Tenements fhould or ought to belong after the Deceafe of the faid Women, to en- > ' ' Efpouiai De- 3^2. twixt them. (4) Provided alway, That the faid Women, after the Deceafe of their faid Hufbands, may W«b. 341. re-enter into the fame Manors, Lands, and Tenements, and them to enjoy according to their firft Eftate A Won «n Co- in the fame. (3) And over this be it ordained and enacled by the faid Authority, That if the faid Women J et? bound bl "" at the Time of fuch Difcontinuance, Alienations, Recoveries, Warranties, after the faid Firft Day of 2).f- b<n "s l" amber, in Form aforefaid, to be had and made of any of the Premifies, be fole, that then flie fhall be barred 2 Bull ... ' and excluded of her Title and Intereft in the fame from thenceforth; (6) and that the Perfon and Per- A Woman fole fons to whom the Title, Intereft, and Poffeflion of the fame fhould belong after the Decea'e of the faid al ' cn ' n s> "" :,;; - Woman, fhall immediately after the faid Difcontinuances, Alienations, Warranties, and Recoveries, enter M £ a Reco- into the fame Manors, Lands, Tenements, and other Hereditaments, and them to poffefs and enjoy ac- r> ' cording to his or their Title in the fame. (7) Provided alio, That this AtSt extend not to avoid any Re- a Provifo f or a covery, Difcontinuance, or Warranty after the Form aforefaid, afore this Time had, made, and fuffered, Recovery had but only where the faid Hufband and Woman, or either of them now being alive, or any other to their be| "<>™ the Time Ufe, now have Entries and Title to the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, aliened, ul the SutlJ te. difcontinued, or fuffered to be recovered after the Form aforefaid, and thereof now taking the Iflues and Profits, or any other Perfon or Perfons to their Life. (8) Provided alfo, that this Act extend not to any A Womuufatli fuch Recovery or Difcontinuance to be had where the Heirs next inheritable to the faid Woman, (g) or he ^patauie, or or they that next after the Death of the fame "Woman fhould have Eftate of Inheritance in the fame Manors, lx ',° r ^ cr ' v r' r / Lands, or Tenements, be affenting or agreeable to the faid Recoveries, where the fame Aflent and Agree- Confen' "' * ment is of Record, or inrolled. (10) Provided alfo, That it fhall be lawful to every fuch Woman being A Woman n-av fole, or married after the Death of her firft Hufband, to give, fell, or make Difcontinuance of any fuch a: ' cne her Land Lands for Term of her Life only, after the Courfe and Ufe of the Common Law before the making of for the Ten this prefent Aft. H Liie ™; - v - r 6 id. 1. Bat. 1. c. 7. nfirad and explawed by 32 H. S. c. 36. A J fee fin I tr 23 E!. c. 3. «k/ 4 Ar.r,. c. iG. C A P. XXI. The Ability of every Man that fhall be impanelled in any Inqueft or Attaint in London. ' li J HERE AS Perjury is much, and cuftorriarily ufed within the City of London, among fuch Perfons 13 Ed. t. fat. 1. ' W as paffen and been impanelled upon Iflues joined between Party and Party in the Courts of the fa -'-•'■ '• ' City, to the great Difpleafure of Almighty God, and alfo to the Difheritance'and manifold Wrongs of the- 1 ' King's .Subjects, forafmuch as there is impanelled in the fame Inquefts Perfons of little Subftance, Dif- .. ' cretion, and Reputation; (2) and alio ho Attaint, ne other fuffkient Puniihment, is for fuch perjured 42 Ed. 3. c 11. ' Perfons before this Time purveyed and ordained within the fame City :' ( 3) Therefore it may ple&fe the ' -K. j- <■• 4. King's Highnefs, by the Advice and Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Pcmporal, arid the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, to' ftablifii, ordain, and enacl, ThatJiOoc , . ,,,. T, r ,, ,. . .- , u 1 r 1 r ■ T 7 n ■ r^ • ■ ■ u * *»3t Ab::'.tY rcrlon ne rerloKS hereafter be impanelled, lummoned, or iworn m any Jury cr inqueft in Courts within every Man wJit Vol. 11. N chew . , ivhu ihaii