Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/150

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ii2 C. 8. Anhb tertio Hen rici VIII. A. D. 1511. or lack of fuch Occupation daily fall in great Number into Idlenefs and Poverty, to their uttermoft De- White Woollen ' ftruction, if it fhould then any longer continue : (6) Whereupon our faid Sovereign Lord King Henry Cloth, &c, may t ^ e Seventh, by the Advice of his Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and at the Prayers of the Commons, in be tranfported c ^ s ^jj p ar ]ja m e'n't affembled, and by Authority of the fame, ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted, That cIh^'c 3. y ' n0 Stranger nor Denizen fhould carry, or make to be carried out of this Realm any Woollen Cloths, hut &*3H. 8. c 13. ' that they before be barbed, rowed, and fhorn within the fame Realm for the Relief and Setting awork of ' the faid poor Commons of the Crafts aforefaid, upon Pain of the Forfeiture limited in the faid Statute of ■' King Edward, made upon Cloth carried out of this Realm not fulled, to be divided in Manner and ' Form as in the fame Statutes contained; (7) fo that Cloths called Veffes, Rays, Sailing Cloths, and all ' other Cloths commonly fold at xl. s. or under, be not comprifed in the faid Ac!: made the faid Third Year 3 H. 7. c. it. « f the Reign of our faid late Sovereign Lord King Kenry the Seventh, as by the fame Acts more plainly , ,. ' appeareth-; (8.) and for lack of due Execution of the faid Acts, little Effect or Profit hath followed or ' grown of the fame to the faid poor Craftfmen, being natural Subjects, which for lack of Work and Oc- ' cupation daily fall into Idlenefs and Poverty.' A Confirmation n. Be it therefore ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spi- °r I Statutes r ; tua ] atl( j Temporal, and the Commons, in this pr'efent Parliament afTembled, and by Authority of the &3H. '^c.'iirfeQ&i That the faid Acts arid Ordinances may ftand and continue in their full Strength and Virtue; and that they from henceforth be duly put in Execution according to the Tenor, Purport, and Effect of the fame, and of either of them. (2) And that every Perfon that will fue for the fame Forfeitures, be admitted to his Action of Debt, by Bill or Information in any of the King's Courts of Record, where the fame may be determined after the Courfe of the Common Law, and that the Defendant in fuch Behalf in no wife be admitted to wage his Law, nor that any Protection nor Eflbin be in the fame allowable : (3) Neverthelefs, for that the draping and making of fuch Cloths called VcJJl-s, Rays, Sailing Cloths, and other Cloths, which, at the Time of making of the Statute of King Henry the Seventh, were commonly fold at xl. s. or under, the Maker thereof and Clothier of Times palled, and now is, and hereafter is like to be at greater Charge about the draping and making of the fame, and alfo of all other Cloths; for that Wooll is of far greater Price, and alfo the Cofts and Charges for the Workmanfhip of fuch. Cloths, is far more chargeable than it What Cloths be were at the Time of making of the faid Statute: (4) Be it therefore provided by the Authority aforefaid, not comprifed in That Cloths called Veffes, Rays, Sailing Cloths, and other Cloths, now commonly fold at Four Marks, or this Aft, but un der, be not comprifed in this or any of the faid Acts, but may be carried and conveyed out of this Realm nay became j ntQ tn£ p arts De y 0nc ] the Sea, not barbed, rowed, nor fhorn, this or any the faid Acts notwithstanding. Altered 27 H. 8. c. 13 33H.8.C.19. See farther concerning Chtbs, 46? c P. & M. c. 5. 35 El. c. 9. 43 El. e. 10. Zjac. I. c. 16. ^.Jac.x.c.i. si Jac. 1. c. 18, & 28. 12 Car. 2. c. 22. 22 &013 Car. 2. c, 8. 11PK3.CZO. 6 Ann. c. 8, Sf 9. 7 Ann. c. 13. 10 Ann. c.16, 1 Geo. 1. c. 15, t? 41, si Geo. I. c. 24. 7 Geo. 2. c. 25. II Geo. 2, c, 28. and l^Geo, 2. c. 35. CAP. VIII. An Act repealing an Act made at York for felling of Victual by head Officers during their: Office. HERE in the Parliament of King Edward, Son of King Edward, holden at York in the Twelfth Year of his Reign, among other Things it was accorded and enacted, That no Minifter

  • in City or Borough, which by Reafon of his Office ought to keep Affifes of Wines and Victuals, as long.

1 as he mould be Attendant to that Office, fhould merchant Wines and Victuals in Grofs or at Retail, upoir The Decays of ' a certain Pain limited and exprelTed in the faid Statute, as in the fame more plainly doth appear ; (2) fithen Cities and Bo- * the making of which Statute and Ordinance, many and the'moft Part of all the Cities, Boroughs, and Towns- . .~am"e o/the All- ' Corporate within this Realm of England, be fallen in Ruin and Decay, and not inhabited with Merchants terationof the ' an ^ Men of fuch Subftance as they were at the Time of making of the forefaid Statute and Ordinance,/ StatuteofiaEd. ' for at this Day the Dwellers and Inhabitants of the fame Cities and Boroughs be molt commonly Bakers,. 3. flat. 1. c 6. ' Brewers, Vintners, Fifhmongers, and other Victuallers, and few or no other Perfons of Subftance be 51 f'{ 3-j fl"' 6 ' ' within many of the faid Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate, other than the forefaid Victuallers, at 2- Ed.K c'b' ' t " 1 ' s Day, a bl e an d fufficient to bear Office within the fame, and to content, anfwer, and pay unto the 31 Ed.^'.fl'ai. i. ' King's Grace his Fee-ferm wherewith they be charged : (3) In Confederation whereof, and for the Eafe, c. ro. 6 R. 2. ' Comfort, and Relief of the forefaid poor Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate, and of the Inhabit c 10. 13 R. 2. 'tants of the fame,' be it ordained, eftablifhed, and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Ad- Jiat. i.c.8. v ; ce f n ; s Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament affembled, and bf Affefling of the Authority of the fame, That whensoever and as often as any Victualler chofen to bear any Office within Prices °^ Yic- any City, Borough, or Town Corporate, which for the Time that he fhall Hand and be in fuch Office viaualierU* fo^uld have the Affeffin'g and Correction for felling of Victuals, that then Two difcreet and honeft Perfons- chief Officer. of the fame City, Borough, or Town Corporate, not being Victuallers, ne any of them being a Victual- is £</. 4. c. 8. ler, fhall be chofen by the Commonalty of the fame City, Borough, or Town Corporate, in like Form as the faid Officer fhall be chofen ; which Two Perfons, with the faid Officer, fhall be i "worn truly to fefs and fet the Prifes and Affifes of Victuals there, for the Time that any fuch Victualler fhall abide in his faid Of- fice: (4) And that then it fhall be lawful to all and every of the faid Officers, after the fame Victuals be fet and feffed by the fame Officer and the laid Two Perfons, or One of the fame Two Perfons, the other being abfent, to merchant and fell Wines, and all other Victuals in Grofs and at Retail, during the Time that

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