Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/165

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A. D. 1522-3. Anno xiv 3c xv Henrici VIII. C. r, 2. 127 Statutes made at Weftminfter, Anno 14 & 15 Hen. VIII. a?id Anno Dom. 1 522-3. ' f 1 ■* 1 1 F. King our Sovereign Lord Henri the Eighth after the Conqucft, by the Grace of G « ', .mil of F> , and 1 t his t holder at Lone <■ J- i) , < nth i li moi and from thence adjourned to ft r of his faid Reign, and there holden, to the Honour of ( I urch I for the Weal and Profit of this his Realm, by the Alien of the Lords Spiritual an 1 1.1I, Mill the Commons, in this prefent I led, and by Authority of the fame, h.uh • done to be ordained, mail , and enacted certain Statutes and Ordinances, in Manner and Form following.* C A P. I. No Perfbn fliall fell to a Merchant Stranger any broad White Woollen Cloth made in England* unlets he e x p. II it to fome i . hant within tight Days after he brought it to Blackwill-hall, except the Sale be in Fairs, Ports, or Creeks. C A P. II. What Apprentices ftrange Artificers fhall take, csV. NoStr . E it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Com- tic<-, i mons, in this prefent Parliam< nt afl'cmbled, and by Authority of the fame, That no Manner of Stran- which »n born B x. li. the one Half thereof to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, the other Half to him or them that fhall l);«iH.s!c 16. fue fork, be it by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information, or otherwife ; (3) in which Suit the Defen- f -S- ande»| ; a 'n- dant lb ill not be admitted to wage his Law, ne any EfToin, Licence, or Protection to be allowed. ^y -* "• s. II. Be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, and under like Pain to be forfeited and recovered as is kJ An en (, 3 afore (aid, That no Stranger, being Alien born, and tifing any Manner of Handicraft within this Realm, keep above Twer' from the Feaft of All Saints next enfuing, fliall in any Manner of wife, ufe, take, retain, or keep in his Journeymen, ex- or their Services, any Manner of Journeyman or Covenant-Servant, above the Number of Two at one "putney be Time, except the fame Journeyman or Covenant Servant be born under the King's Obeifance. III. And over this, be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all Mann rofPerfons, being Aliens born, ftncf/e/El e •. tiling any Manner of Handicraft, be they Denizens or not Denizens, and inhabiting within the City of All Strangers London, or Suburbs of the fame, within the Town of Wejlminfter, the Parifh of St. Martin's in the Ft the Parifh of Our Lady of the Strand, St. Clement of Danes without Temple-Bar, St. Giles in the ew's in Holbourn, the Town and Borough of Southzvark, Shorea I lite-Chapel Parifh, St. / Jlreet, the Parifh of Clerkemvell, St. Botolph'sYzy'ifh vithout Al (gate, ^t. Katharine's, Btrm 1 ; within Two Miles Compafs of the faid City of London, or the Pantiles aforefaid, fhall be under the Search and Reformation of the Wardens and Fellowfhips of Handicrafts within the faid City of Londcn, with One Handio fubftantial Stranger, being an Koufliolder of the fame Craft, by the fame Wardens to be chofen, that is Wltnir - ' , every fuch Stranger occupying any Myftery or Handicraft, as is afore ("aid, fhall be under the Search and Reformation of the Wardens, and One fubftantial Stranger, being an Houlholder, of that Craft chat they fhall fo occupy. IV. And that the Wardens of the faid City of c e itch Handicraft, with One Stranger or Houfholder Tl (as is afore faid) of the fame Craft, have full Power and Authority, by this prefent Act, to limit and ap- &c. flui: point to every Stranger of the Myftery and Handicraft that they be of, inhabiting within the faid City, F ro P cr M^k. icr Suburbs, Places, or Precinct above remembered, a proper Mark, without taking any Thing therefore, by tran sersWares. the which their Wares, VefTels, and Workmanfhips that they make may be known. V. And that the Wardens of every fuch Handicraft and Myftery aforefaid, calling to them One Stranger Reformation of ei" the Myftery and Occupation that they be of, being an Houlholder, fhall have full Power and Autho- Strange.- rity to fearch, view, and reform, as well within the faid Cky of London, as in all other Places and Limits and Workman- before faid, all Manner of Wares of Workmanfhips made by any Manner of fuch Handicraftmen, being ""-"• Aliens born, as is afore faid. VI. And that no Stranger born out of the King's Obeifance, ufmg any of the Myfteries or Occupations s^itlu, Joiners, of Smiths, Joiners, or Coopers, fhall make any Manner of Wares or VefTels concerning the fac ries or Occupations, except that they and every of them put fuch Marks to every of the lame Wares ;:nd ic b , c: VefTels, before they fliall be put to Sale or Ufe, as the. Wardens of their Occupations, Cr fliall limit and appoint, without taking any Thing therefore, (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the double Value of the fame Wares and VelTels ; the one Half of which Forfeiture to be to the King our : 1 Lord, the other Half to the Party that firft will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or i; mation, in which the Defendant fhall not wage his Law, nor any EfToin fhall be call, or Protection ;.:- lowed. . And further, it is enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if upon any fuch Search or View to be Tl by the Wardens and one Stranger of any Craft or Myftery beforefaid, after the Form of this Efh I . in VefTels or Wares to be found in the Poffeftion of the W.oikers or Owners thereof j lets