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iy8 C. 12. Anno vicefimo quarto Hen rici VIII, A. D. 1532. King's Dominions, or Marches of the fame, to the See of Rome, or to any other foreign Courts or Poten- tates, to the Let or Impediment thereof in any wife notwithftanding. (;) And that it fhall be lawful to the King our Sovereign Lord, and to his Heirs and Succeffors, and to all other Subjects or Refiants within this Realm, or within any of the King's Dominions, or Marches of the fame, notwithftanding that here- after it fhould happen any Excommengement, Excommunications, Interdictions, Citations, or any other Cenfures or foreign Procefs out of any outward Parts, to be fulminate, pro.mulged, declared, or put in Execution within this faid Realm, or in any other Place or Places, for any of the Caufes before rehearfed, in Prejudice, Derogation, or Contempt of this faid Aft, and the very true Meaning and Execution thereof, may and fhall nevertheless as well purfue, execute, have and enjoy the Effects, Profits, Benefits and Com- modities of all fuch Proceffes, Sentences, Judgments and Determinations done, or hereafter to be done, in any of the faid Cours Spiritual or Temporal, as the Cafes fhall require, within the Limits, Power and Au- thority of this the King's faid Realm, and Dominions and Marches of the fame, and thofe only, and none The Prelates of other to take place, and to be firmly obferved and obeyed within the fame. (6) As alfo, that all the fpiri- this Realm may tual Prelates, Paftors, Minifters and Curates within this Realm, and the Dominions of the fame, fhall and execute all Sa- ma y u ^ m j n;ft er? execute and do, or caufe to be ufed, executed, miniftred and done, all Sacraments, Sa- C [ a <s5«*vice to '" cramentals, Divine Services, and all other Things within the faid Realm and Dominions, unto all the Sub- the Subject of jects of the fame, as Catholick and Chriften Men owen to do; any former Citations, Proceffes, Inhibitions, thisReilm. Sufpenfions, Interdictions, Excommunications, or Appeals, for or touching the Caufes aforefaid, from or to the See of Rome, or any other foreign Prince or foreign Courts, to the Let or contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. The Penalty of HI. And if any of the faid fpiritual Perfons, by the Occafion of the faid Fulminations of any of the them who omit f ame Interdictions, Cenfures, Inhibitions, Excommunications, Appeals, Sufpenfions, Summons, or other to do their Duty. f ore jg n Citations for the Caufes beforefaid, or for any of them, do at any Time hereafter refufe to minifter, or caufe to be miniftred, tire faid Sacraments and Sacramentals, and other Divine Services, in Form' as is. aforefaid, fhall for every fuch Time or Times that they or any of them do refufe fo to do, or caufe to be done, have one Year's lmprifonment, and to make Fine and Ranfom at the King's Pleafure. Whofoever pro- IV. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons inhabiting or cureth trom the r efiant within this Realm, or within any of the King's faid Dominions, or Marches of the fame, or any anv Appeals' *' other Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Condition or Degree foever he or they be, at any Time hereafter, Procefs, Senten- for or in any the Caufes aforefaid, do attempt, move, purchafe, or procure, from or to the See of Rome, or ces, &c. incur from or to any other foreign Court or Courts out of this Realm, any manner foreign Procefs, Inhibitions, the Forfeiture of Appeals, Sentences, Summons, Citations, Sufpenfions, Interdictions, Excommunications, Reftraints, or Premumre. Judgments, of what Nature, Kind or Quality foever they may be, or execute any of the fame Procefs, or do any Act or Acts to the Let, Impediment, Hindrance or Derogation of any Procefs, Sentence, Judgment or Determination had, made, done, or hereafter to be had, done or made, in any Courts of this Realm, or the King's faid Dominions, or Marches of the fame, for any of the Caufes aforefaid, contrary to the true Meaning of this prefent Act, and the Execution of the fame, that then every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo do- ing, and their Fautors, Comforters, Abettors, Procurers, Executors, and Counfellors, and every of them s being convict of the fame, for every fuch Default fhall incur and run in the fame Pains, Penalties and For- feitures, ordained and provided by the Statute of Provifion, and Praemunire, made in the Sixteenth Year of 36R.a. c. 5. the Reign of the right noble Prince King Richard the Second, againft fuch as attempt, procure, or make Provifion to the See of Rome, or elfewhere, for any Thing or Things, to the Derogation, or contrary to the Prerogative or Jurifdiction of the Crown and Dignity of this Realm. V. And furthermore, in efchewing the faid great Enormities, Inquietations, Delays, Charges and Ex- pences hereafter to be fuftained in purfuing of fuch Appeals, and foreign Procefs, for and concerning the Caufes aforefaid, or any of them, do therefore by Authority aforefaid, ordain and enact, That in fuch Ca- fes where heretofore any of the King's Subjects or Refiants have ufed to purfue, provoke, or procure any Appeal to the See of Rome, and in all other Cafes of Appeals, in or for any of the Caufes aforefaid, they may and fhall from henceforth take, have and ufe their Appeals within this Realm, and not elfewhere, in Manner and Form as hereafter enfueth, and not otherwife; that is to fay, firft from the Archdeacon, or his Official, if the Matter or Caufe be there begun, to the Bifhop Diocefan of the faid See, if in cafe any of the Parties be grieved. VI. Ana in like wife if it be commenced before the Bifhop Diocefan, or his Commiffary, from the Bifhop- ■Before whom, Diocefan, or his Commiffary, within fifteen Days next enfuing the Judgment or Sentence thereof there Courts Appeals S' ven » to the Archbifhop of the Province of Canterbury, if it be within his Province; and if it be within the ftail be fued Province of York,, then to the Archbifhop of York; and fo likewife to all other Archbifhops in other the King's within this Dominions, as the Cafe by Order of Juftice fhall require; and there to be definitively and finally ordered, Realm. decreed, and adjudged, according to Juftice, without any other Appellation or Provocation to any other Per- 4 Mod.n6.117. fon or p er f onS) Court or Courts. yCr i° 9 ' h ^^' ^ n ^ the M atter or Contention for any of the Caufes aforefaid be or fhall be commenced, by any to be within 1; °^ t ^ le King's Subjects or Refiants, before the Archdeacon of any Archbifhop, or his Commiffary, then the Bays. Party grieved fhall or may take his Appeal within fifteen Days next after Judgment or Sentence there given, to the Court of the Arches, or Audience, of the fame Archbifhop or Archbifhops; (2) and from the faid Court of the Arches or Audience, within fifteen Days then next enfuing after judgment or Sentence there given, to the Archbifhop of the fame Province, there to be definitively and finally determined, without any other or further Procefs or Appeal thereupon to be had or fued. Suitscommenceil VIII. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Matter, Caufe and Con- before an Arch- tention now depending, or that hereafter fliall be commenced by any of the King's Subjects or Refiants for bifhop fr^ 1 ^ any of the Caufes aforefaid, before any of the faid Archbifhops, that then the fame Matter or Matters, Con- him without ar.y tention or Contentions, fhall be before the fame Archbiihop where the faid Matter, Caufe or Procefs fhall further Appeal, 4 *>£