Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/218

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180 C. 3. Anno vicefirao quinto Henri ci VIII. A. D. 1533-. The Prices of upon every Complaint made of any inhancing of Prices of fuch Victuals, without Ground or Caufe reafona- viauais (hall be y^ j n anv p art f t hj s Realm, or in any other the King's Dominions, the Lord Chancellor of England, the jane's Coun! Lord Treafurer, the Lord Prefident of the King's moft honourable Council, the Lord Privy Seal, the cillorvjoftkes, Lord Steward, theLord'Chambcrlain, and all other Lords of the King's Council, the Treafurer and Con- and Officers. ' trailer of the King's moft honourable Houfe, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancafter, the King's Juftices 13 fl. 2. c. 8. of either Bench, the Chancellor, Chamberlains, Under-Treafurer, and the Barons of the King's Exche- 1 H. 4. <•. 17. q uer? or f eV en of them at the leaft, whereof the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Treafurer, the Lord Prefident 2H. x.c.S. f the King's Council, or the Lord Privy Seal, to be one, fhall have Power and Authority from Time to Time, as the Cafe fhall require, to fet and tax reafonable Prices of all fuch kinds of Victuals above fpecified, how they fhall be fold in grofs, or by Retail, for Relief of the King's Subjects; (4) and that after fuch Pri- ces fet and taxed in Form aforefaid, Proclamation fhall be made in the King's Name, under the Great Seal, of the faid Prices in fuch Parts of this Realm, as fhall be convenient for the fame. They which jj ^ n ^ ^ s j f en acted, That all Fermors, Owners, Broggers, and all other Victuallers whatfoever, hav- muft fell them in S or keeping any of the kinds of Victuals afore rehearfed, to the Intent to fell, fhall fell the fame to fuch at the Prices of the King's Subjects as will buy them, at fuch Prices as fhall be fet and taxed by the faid Proclamation, affeffed. upon the Pains to be expreffed and limited in the faid Proclamation, to be loft, forfeited, and levied to the King's Ufe, in fuch wife as by the fame Proclamation fhall be declared. Head Officers of jjj^ Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not be hurtful to Mayors, ™ P iefthT° WnS Sheriffs, Bailiffs, or other Officers of Cities, Boroughs, or Towns Corporate, or to any other Perfon or Per- PncesofVic- f° ns 5 or Bodies Politick, having Authority to fet Prices of fuch Victuals, or of any of them; but that they tuals. and every of them may fet Prices thereof, as if this Act had never been had nor made. 23 Ed. 3. c. 6. IV. And be it further enacted, by Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons, unlefs it be by Licence w E v : a" T 8 " un< * er t ' le King's Great Seal, from henceforth fhall carry or convey, or caufe to be carried and conveyed, ftall be "ranf- any Corn, Beefs, Muttons, Veals, Porks, or any other of the abovefaid_ Victuals, to any the Parties beyond ported without the Sea, (z) except only for the victualling of the Town of Callls, Guifnes, Hammes, and the Marches of Licence. the fame, (3) and except for victualling of Mafters, Mariners, and Merchants of Ships paffing the Seas; 1 & 2 P. & M. (^) an( j a ]f except barrelled Butter and Meal to be carried to the Parties of Ifeland, as hath been accuftom- c- .5: . ed, (5) upon Pain of forfeiting of the Value of the Thing conveyed and carried into the Parties of beyond 5 . c 5, 'c ^ g^^^ contrary to this Act; the one Half thereof to the Ufe of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, and See farther Re- otrier Half to the Party that will fue for the fame by Bill, Plaint, Writ, or Information in any of the King's ^ la 'viaull"T Courts; in which Suits the Defendant fhall not wage his Law, nor any Protection or Effoin for him fhall '&1 Ed. 6.' c be allowed ,- 15. 21 6? 23 Car. 2. c. 19. 31 Geo. 2. c. 28. 32 Ceo. 2. c. 1. CAP. III. For fuch as ftand mute, &c. 1 Anderf. 114. ' "fXTHERE at your Parliament holden at Weftmlnfler, in the three and twentieth Year of your moft clergy not ai- ' yy noble Reign, among other Things it was ordained, eftablifhed and enacted, That no Perfon or Per- lowed to thofe t { om wn ich thereafter fhould happen to be found guilty, after the Laws of this Land, for any manner of or who domake * Petit Treafon, or of any wilful Murder of Malice prepenfed, or for robbing of any Churches, Chapels peremptory ' or other holy Places, or for robbing of any Perfon or Perfons in their Dwelling-houfes or Dwelling-place, Challenge. ' the Owner or Dweller in the fame Houfe, his Wife, his Children, or Servants then being v/ithin, and ' put in Fear and Dread by the fame, or for robbing of any Perfon or Perfons in or near about the High-

  • way, or for wilful burning of any Dwelling-houfes or Barns, wherein any Grain or Corn fhall happen to

5 be; nor any Perfon or Perfons being found guilty of any Abetment, Procurement, helping, maintaining, ' or counfelling of or to any fuch Petit Treafon, Murthers, or Felonies, fhould from thenceforth be ad- ' mitted to the Benefit of his or their Clergy, but utterly be excluded thereof, and fuffer Death in fuch ' Manner and Form, as they fhould have done for any the Caufes or Offences aforefaid, if they were no ' Clerks; fuch as be within holy Orders, that is to fay, of the Orders ofSubdeacon, or above, all only ex- Cevtair/Defefts « cept, as more at large appeareth by the faid Act. (z) And forafmuch as the faid Act extendeth only to in the Statute of « f ucri Perfons as be found guilty after the due Courfe of the Laws of this Land, divers and man-/- great er-

  • 3 * ,c ' *' ' rant Robbers, Murtherers, Burglars and Felons, that do offend and commit divers and many Petit Trea-

' fons, Robberies, Burglaries and Felonies, contrary to the Tenor of the faid Act, perceiving and clearly ' underftanding, by the Words of the fame Statute and Act, that they fhall not lofe the Benefit and Ad- ' vantage of their Clergy, unlefs they be found guilty after the due Courfe of the Law, upon their ' Arraignment of and upon the faid Felonies, Robberies, and other Offences ^before faid, fo by them ' done and committed, by reafon whereof, divers and many of the fame Robbers and Felons, upon ' their Arraignment of the fame Robberies and Felonies, upon their Indictments againft them ftand ' mute, and fometimes challenge peremptorily over the Number of Twenty, or elfe will not directly ' anfwer to the fame Indictments whereupon they be fo arraigned, according to the Order of the Law. ' (3) And for that thefe efpecial Cafes be not exprefly comprifed and contained within the Letter of the

  • fame Statute, it is neceffary and expedient that the fame-Cafe be clearly and definitively expounded and

' declared by Authority of this prefent Parliament. (4) And whereas alfo divers and many Felons and ' Robbers, that commit and do divers and many great heinous Robberies and Burglaries in one Shire, and ' convey the Sp' il and Robbery into any other Shire, and there be taken, indicted, and arraigned upon Fe- ' lony and felonious ftealing of the fame Goods in the fame other Shire, than there where the fame Robberies

  • or Burglaries were done and committed, and not upon the fame Robbery nor Burglary, for that it was not

' done nor committed in the fame Shire where they be fo indicted and arraigned, and by "reafon thereof ' the fame Mifdemeanours, Felons, Robbers, and Burglars have and enjoy the Privilege and Advan- ' tage