Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/243

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A. D. i534« Anno viccfimo fcxto Hi- nri ci VIII. C. 3. Cnmmiflioncrs aforefaid, or any of them, witnefling the Receipt of the (aid Firft-Frui< • or any Part (hereof, (hall bi nefs, hi Heirs and Succel ry Perfon a ng the lame, foi fo much Money as fhall be mentioned to bi intained in every in, 1, ,, quiti in e, as it Inch Acquittance were or had been lawfully bad and obtained in tb 1 Ircat Seal, and fo fhall be admitted, accepted, allowed and I <. d that all Writing oblig tory to be taken for Payment of the faid Firfl the faid Lord Chancellor, or M Roll , or by and afore any other Perfon or P pOund and agree for th • faid Firft-Fruits, as is aforefaid, (hall be of the feme Strength, Force, Quality and Effect, to all Intents and Purpofi , as Writings obligatory heretofore made by any I Perfon by Authority "1 the Statute of the Staple been ; (3) and that upon Certificate hen into tlu King's Chancery, of any fuch Writings obligatory to be taken like I Voi el's ami Execution (hall be thereupon made and had againft any Perfon Spiritual and Tampon hath been accuftomed to be made againft any Lay Perfon, upon Certificate of Writings obligatory of the fiud Statute of the Staple; (4) and that no Perfon fhall be compelled to pay for any Writing obligatory to be made for the faid Payment of the faid Firft-Fruits, above viii. d, nor for any Acquittance to b Receipt of fuch Firlt-lruits, above iv.d. (;) and that fuch Perfon and Perfons as fhall be the King s Highnefs, by Commiflion under the Great Seal, to compound and agree for the 1 ruits, fhall, at the End of every fix Months next after the Date of their Commiirion, and fo from fix Mohl fix Months, deliver or caufe to be delivered unto the Trcafurcr of the Chamber for the Time being, or elfe- where to fuch Commiflioncrs as fhall be appointed as is aforefaid, to receive the fame, as well all fuch Mo- ney, as all fuch Specialties and Bonds as they fhall have taken for the Payment of the faid Firft-Fruits, by Indenture to be made between them and the (aid Treafurer, or other Commiflioncrs as is aforefaid, contain- ing the Certainty ajid Number of the Sums of Money and Specialties, and Bonds by them taken and re- ceived; (6) and if any Perfon or Perfons to whom any Deputation (hall be made by Commiflion, to com- The Penalty of pound and agree for the Payment of the faid Firft-Fruits, their Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators, conceal Commiflionerj or imbezzle any of the laid Specialties or Bonds taken for the fure Payment of the faid Firft-Fruits, and do "^ l n ^ o n r E t ^° n<1 * not deliver them according to the Tenor of this Act, that then every fuch Offender fhall forfeit that Office payment of of Deputation, and ov.r that make Fine and Rnrtfom at the King's own Pleafure and Will. Firft-Fruits. V. And it is alio enacted by Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons, which at any Time after whofo entrcth the faid fu ft Day of 'January fhall bj nominated, elected, pretexted, prefented, collated, or by any other u t'°' >lr . Means appointed to any of the Dignities, Offices, Benefices or other Promotions Spiritual before-mentioned, fore CoroDoOrjon do enter into the actual and real PotTeflions thereof, or meddle with the Profits thereof, before they fhall have fl, a ii truly fatisfied and paid to the King's Ufc, the Firft-Fruits and Profits thereof for one Year, or elle fhall have hlc the V. agreed or compounded for Payment of the fame at reafonable Days upon good Sureties, in Manner and Form the Fini-. . . as by this Act is above fpecified, that then every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo doing and offending, and being thereof convict by Prcfentment, Verdict, Confeffion or Witnefs before the laid Lord Chancellor, or fuch other ns fhall have Authority by Commiflion to compound for the faid Firft-Fruits and Profits as is aforefaid, fhall be accepted and taken an Intruder upon the King's Poffeflion j (2) and that they, their Executors or Adminiftrators, fhall pay to the Ufe of the King's Highnefs, for every fuch Offence, fo much Sums of Money as fhall amount to the double Value of the laid Firft-Fruits and Profits of fuch Dignities, Benefices or other Spiritual Promotions wherein they fhall fo enter and intrude before the Payment of the faid Firft- Fruits and Profits for one Year thereof, or before due Agreement made for the fame, in Manner and F'orm as is above rchearfed. VI. And be it further enacted by Authority aforefaid, That the Firft-Fruits of Benefices heretofore ac- All Flrft-Fruitj cullomcd to be paid to the Bifhop of Norwich, within his Diocefe, and to the Archdeacon of Richmond, payable to other within his Archdeaconry, or to any other Perfon or Perfons within this Realm, or any other the King's Pa*" (hall Dominions, fhall from the faid firftDay of January ceafe, and be extinct, and no longer be paid, but only «fd^o^be-Klii£ to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, in fuch Form as is above mentioned in this Act. see 31 H. 8. VII. Provided always, That Archbifhops and Bifhops, and all other having Jurifdiction ordinary, may c. 47. %. 3. give and deliver Letters of Inftitution and Induction, as they might do before the making of this Act, with- Th - B ." lo P' out any Offence of any Article contained in this Act ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary there- ™Xn Mo'in" of notwithftanding. duflion. V Til. Provided alfo, That -where there be divers Cells appertaining to Monafteries and Priories, and that Priors rcmova- the Priors of fuch Cells be n3med, and rsmoveable from Time to Time, at the only Wills and Pleafures of b!e (hall pay n * their Mafters and Sovereigns of the Monafteries and Priories whereunto fuch Cells belong; that the Priors Firft-Fruitfc of fuch Cells fhall not be compelled to pay any Firft-Fruits by Virtue or Authority of this Act; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding; (2) but that the Firft-Fruits and Profits of every fuch Cell fhall be paid to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, whenfoever and as often a? any Perfon fhall be nominated, elected, prelected or collated to the Monaftery or Priory whereunto fuch Cells belong. IX. And over this be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Sue- a yearly Tenth ceflbrs, Kings of this Realm, for more Augmentation and Maintenance of the Royal Eftate of his Imperial of allfpiri Crown and Dignity of fupreme Head of the Church of England, fhall yearly have, take, enjoy and 1 '- ill » united arid knit to his Imperial Crown forever, one yearly Rent or Pention, amounting to the Value of the *" Tenth Part of all the Revenues, Rents, Farms, Tythes, Offerings, Emoluments, and of all other Profits, as well called Spiritual as Temporal, now appertaining or belonging, or that hereafter fhall belong to any ck, Bifhop'rick, Abbacy, Monaftery, Priory, Archdeaconry, Deanry, Hofpital, College, Houfe Collegiate, Prebend, Cathedral Church, Collegiate Church, Conventual Church, Parfonage, Vicarage, Cbau Ltery, Free Chapel, or other Benefice or Promotion Spiritual, of what Name, Nature opQuaJity foevei they be, within any Diocele of this Realm, or in Wala; (2) the faid Penfioa or anjiuaj Rent to be yearly