Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/272

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234 C. 15, 16. Anno viceiimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1535. ment at the King's Pleafure; (2) and alfo that if the Teller within any fuch Port or Haven, at any Time hereafter, take upon him to . tell or number any Leather in the Abfence of the Cuftomer, Comptroller, or of his or their Deputy or Deputies, then the lame Teller, for every Time fo doing, to lofe and forfeit five Marks. ' IV. And forafmuch as divers Strangers carry and convey their Leather from one Port to another, and ' by the Way caufe the fame Leather to be packed, which Packs fo conveyed be not undone nor opened ' at their Arrival within the Ports whereunto they be fo tranfported, but there only entered by and upon ' the Report and Information of the Merchant Eftranger, or of his Factor, whereby much Cuftom is con- In what Sort a * cealed :' (2) Be it therefore alfo enacted by the faid Authority, That if any Stranger, or other his Fac- Stranger convey- tor, at any Time hereafter do convey and carry any Leather from one Port to another, to the Intent to ing Leather fhip the fame in fuch other Port whereunto it fhall be fo conveyed, the fame Stranger, or other his Factor anoTher fliall'ufe ^ or h' m > before fuch tranfporting of the fame Leather, fhall caufe the faid Leather firft to be told within the r ti fame Port from whence he will, or intendeth, to carry the fame; (3) and the fame fo told caufe to be en- tered by the Cuftomer of the fame Port, or his Deputy, and caufe to be alfo packed by the faid Packer of the faid Port where it fhall be fo told, taking of the Cuftomer or Cuftomers of the fame Port or Haven, or of their Deputy or Deputies, a Certificate expreffing the Number or Quantity of Dickers of all the fame Leather fo to be carried and tranfported, directed to the Cuftomer of the other Port or Haven whereunto the fame Leather fhall be fo conveyed, making Mention alio in the fame Certificate, whether the Cuftom thereof accordingly be truly paid, or not; (4) and in cafe any fuch Leather be carried or conveyed from one Port to another, there to be fhipped, without having of fuch Certificate, that then the fame Leather, or the Value thereof, to be forfeited. None having a V. And be it further enacted, That no Tanner within this Realm, Wales, or other the King's Domi- Tan-houfe fhall n | ons? or ther Perfons occupying or having a Tan-houfe, fhall from henceforth fend or caufe to be con- . ^ran por ea- ve y ec j over the g ea> ^y wa y Q f jyferchandife or otherwife, any manner of Leather tanned or untanned, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Leather, or the Value thereof. (2) Nor that any Perfon or Perfons at any Time hereafter fhall carry or convey over the Sea out of this Realm, Wales, or other the King's Domi- nions, any fait or untanned Hides, or any Leather called Backs or Sole-Leather, the King's fpecial Li- cence not obtained for the fame, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Hides and Leather called Backs or Sole- Leather, or the Value thereof; (3) the one Half of all the faid Forfeitures to be to the King's Highnefs, and the other Half to any of his Subjects that will purfue for the fame in any his Courts by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or otherwife; in which Suit none Effoin, Protection, Wager of Law, or other dilatory Plea for the Defendant, {hall be admitted or allowed. TheCaptain and VI. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not be hurtful nor prejudi- OwnerofaShip cial to any Captain of any Ship in the Time of War, being in the Retinue and Service of the King's High- m fomeCafeex- ne f Sj no r to any Owner or Mafter of any Ship, being the King's Subject, going into Ifeland, Daiifke, Nor- this Sta°ute° way, or Southward beyond the Straits; but that every fuch Captain and Mafter of every fuch Ship during the War-time, and every Mafter to fuch Ships paffing into the Places before named, may and fhall at their Pleafure have and carry Salt Hides in their Ships, fo that every of them fhall not have at fuch Voyage, or ■ during the War, at any one Time, above the Number of eight Salt Hides; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. Hides untanned VII. Provided always, That Hides untanned of any Beafts being killed within Wales, or the Marches- cfBeafts killed thereof, may be conveyed and carried into outward Parties by any Perfon or Perfons from Time to Time, m Wales may be exce p t on ]y D y Tanners, and fuch as have Tan-houfes, in fuch and like Manner as they might have been ^artterproviJcd before the making of this Act; any Thing in the fame mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding. for by 1% El. c. 9. §.4. 13 ©" 14 Car. 2. c. 7. prohibiting Exportation. 1 W. & M. fej'. I. c. 33. 9 Ann, c. 6. permitting it. And fee 12 Am. fiat, 2. c. 9, 3 Ceo. 1. c. 4. 5 Geo. 1. c, 2. 12 Ceo. 2. c, 25. CAP. XV. Exp. and repeal- The King fhall have Authority to name xxxij. Perfons, viz. xvi. Spiritual and xvi. Temporal, to examine <?m ' % Z Ph " t ' le ^ anons an ^ Conftitutions heretofore made according to the Statute of 25 H. S. c. 9. But no Canons See 3cH.8.c.i6. or Conftitutions fhall be made without the King's Affent, nor which be contrary to the King's Preroga.- 3 &4Ed.6. c'.ii". tive or the Laws of this Realm. CAP. XVI. For Inrollment of Bargains and Sales. PJE it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That from the laft Day of July, which J3 fhall be in the Year of our Lord God i <J36. no Manors, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, and Sale, uniefs fhall pafs, alter or change from one to another, whereby any Eftate of Inheritance or Freehold fhall be indented ' fealed mao "e or ta k e Effect in any Perfon or Perfons, or any Ufe thereof to be made, by reafon only of any Bar- and inrol'led. gain and Sale thereof, except the fame Bargain and Sale be made by Writing indented fealed, and inrolled 3 Bulftr. 1G3. in one of the King's Courts of Record at Wejlmhifter, (2) or elfe within the fame County or Counties 1 liift. 67J. where the fame Manors, Lands or .tenements, fo bargained and fold, lie or be, before the Cujlos Rotulo- H R b 'il 3 -' "*' rum anc * two J u ^ ces °f the Peace, and the Clerk of the Peace of the fame County or Counties, or two of 2 Roll xost them at the leaft, whereof the Clerk of the Peace to be one; (3) and the fame Inrollment to be had and 119,204.' made within fix Months next after the Date of the fame Writings indented; (4) the fame Cujlos Rotulo- Hob. 128, 140. rum, or Juftices of the Peace and Clerk, taking for the Inrollment of every fuch Writing indented before Dyer, t". 155, them, where the Land comprifed in the fame Writing exceeds not the yearly Value of Forty Shillings, il-s. Cc -6 a Co that is to fay, xij.d. to the Juftices, and xij.d. to the Clerk; (5) and for the Inrollment of every fuch 70. 7C0.40.' 4 Writing