Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/309

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A. D. 1539. Anno tricefimo £rimo Hsnrici VHf. C. 14.. 271 idlateAbbo , P Prioreflea, ai ■' ■• • ■ I, held, d, uluJ, reta ■ I . ■ I • t<> the Kii 1 Houfea or il ] ).:y cii ih • I ) ■■!■.: i n, iuppreilion, Renouncing, Relinquish tftthi or any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwith- XXII. S ving to th i and all manner of R . 1 . Anil be i i srther enacted by Authority of I hat fuch of the faid lai I ' Is, Houfes , and other Religious Moiu ' , ? i and Eo ■ . ' to 1 iv of them belonging, 2] Forfeiting, Giving up, or coming riiaiaion of die u|U » the i the Vifitation or Vifitations, and all Jurifdiction of the Ordinary. Ordinar' >cefe they were fituatc or fet, (hall from henceforth be within the I 'ilii uion of the Ordinary or Ordinaries within whole Diocefe they or any of them be iituate mid ithin the Juri ind Vifitation of fuch Perfbn or Perfons, as by the King's High- i ppointcd ; this Act, or any other Exemption, Liberty or Jurifdiction to the con- .. i iin in . . And > fore this Time it hath pVafcd the King's ?.'lajcfty, at the Contemplation and Duke of Noi~ • miml le Peti m • tli ; ijhi Noble Thomas Duke of Nurfol/:, to give his Royal AiTent of Licence by h manner of Letters Patents, or other Writing, to purchafe and receive tohim tbury, late Abbot of the Monaltery of Sipton in the County of Sipton Abb:/. nl ol ii fame late Monailery now being dilfolved, all the fame Monastery, together rs, Lordfhips, Lands, Tenements, Woods, Waters, Commons, Courts Leets, P.irfonages, Vicarages, Chantries, free Chapels, Tithes, Portions of Tithes, 1 , Suits, Services, Reverfions, Remainders, and all other Things which were i' the Poffcflions of the faid late Monaftefy, wherefoever they lay or were within the

) And in like wife our faid Sovereign Lord gave like Licence by his Grace's Word, Lord Cpbh

George Lord Cobbam, to purchafe and receive to him and to his Heirs for CoUu _ ( .:i! Brethren of the College or Chantry of Cobham in the County of Kent, now being i . the Site of the fame College or Chantry, and all and lingular their Hereditaments and ; ■ '!■■ io is, as well Temporal as Ecclefiaftical, wherefoever they lay or were within the Realm of it therefore enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Act above written. >r any Thing then in rontained, fliall not be in any wife prejudicial or hurtful to the (aid Duke and Lord , or to either of them, or to the Heirs or Afligns of either of them, but that the fame Duke and ^ord Cobbam, and either of them fundrily, and the Heirs and Affigns of either of them, fhall and may have, Liold, i eive and enjoy the Premiffes by them fundrily purchafed or received, according to the Purports and . i f fui ! i Evidences, Writings and Conveyances, as they or any of them fundrily have caufed to be levif< I end made to them or to their Ufes for the fame : VI. Saving alway, and referving to all and fingular Perfons and Bodies Politick, and to their Heirs Saving of • nd Succeflbrs (other than the faid late Abbot and Convent and their Succeflbrs, , and the faid late Maftcr " I -^ R: - :

.nd Brethren and their SuccelTors, and to the Founders of the fame Monaftery or of the faid College orl. t n "?f ly ,

phantry and the Heirs of either of them, and all Donors, Granters or Augmenters of them or of either . Clian-

hem, and the Heirs and Afligns of either of them) (2) all fuch Rights, Titles, PofTeffions, Rents, Ser-try.

i ices, Fees, Offices, Annuities, Corrodies, Liveries, Leafes, and all other fuch their Interefles, Profits nd Commodities, as they or any of them had, fhould or ought to have, of, to, or in any of the Premiffes SaJartSer Pro- undrily purchafed or received by the faid Duke orLoid Cobham, if this prefent A£f. had never been had or ~~jf;- ~ ! ;'■■■■ ••'"•£ nade ; any Thing in the fame AiSt to the contrary being in any wife notwithstanding. -'"u ■■■ 34 Gf35 //. S. c. 19. 35 H. 8j c. 14. 37 #. 8. c. 20. 1 Ed. 6. c. 14. and 1 £? z P. is M, c. S, CAP. XIV. An Act for abolifhing of Diverfity of Opinions in certain Articles concerning Chriftian Re- ligion. See Appendix. Statutes made ai Weftminfter, Anno 32 Hen, VIII. and Anno Dom. 1540. N the Parliament bi Weftminfier the eighth and twentieth "Day o{ April, the one and thirtieth Year of the I r excellent, moll: high, and moft mighty Prince, Henry the Eighth, by the Grace of v ■ el and of Ffhkee, Defender of the Faith, Lord of Ireland, and in Earth, under Chni' . the Church of England, our moil: redoubted Sovereign Lord, there - holden, andafterwa; Prorogations unto die twelfth Day of April in the enfuing 4 Year ;