Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/420

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382 C. 21,22, Anno tricefimo feptimo Henrici VIIL A. D. 1545, CAP. XXL The Bill for the Union of Churches. HERE in divers and fundry Places within this Realm of England there be many and fundry Par- fonages, the Glebes, Tithes and yearly Revenues and Profits whereof be not fufficient to find i e Prieft or Curate to ferve or minifter to the Parifhioners thereof; within a Mile or lefs of the Church ol ' which poor Parfonages there is in many Places another Church pertaining to another Parifh, Handing as ' neceffary and commodioufly for the Accefs of the Parifhioners of the other poor Parifh, as their owr, 5 doth : ' II. And forafmuch as the Charges for the Maintenance of fuch two Churches and Chapels, with all ' manner of Reparations, Ornaments and other accuftomed Duties pertaining to a Church, be much grea- ' ter than may be well raifed or borne amongft fuch poor Parimioners, and might and mould be eafed and ' remedied by the uniting and knitting of fuch two Churches in one :' III. It may therefore pleafe the King's Royal Majefty, with the AfTent of his Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that it Two Churches may be enacted and eftablifhed, That an Union or Confolidation of two Churches in one, or of a Church ..not being above and Chapel in one, the one of them not being above the yearly Value of fix Pounds, as it is rated and ya- a Mile difUnt, j uec | at t0 ^g f^; n g' s Highnefs in his Court of the Firft-fruits and Tenths, and not diftant from the other bein° n no°t above above one Mile, ill any Place or Places within this Realm of England, may be from henceforth had or made the yearly Value by the AfTent of the Ordinary and Ordinaries of the Diocefe where fuch Churches and Chapels ftand, and of fix Pounds, by the AfTent of the Incumbents of them, and of all fuch as have a juft Right, Title and Intereft to the may be united Patronages of the fame Churches and Chapels, being then of full Age; (2) and that all fuch Unions and 3 jw° 01 fifi */ Confolidations had or made of two Churches in one, or of a Church and Chapel in one as is aforefaid, mi •/> . fljjji] b e good, fufficient, lawful, firm, ftable and. available in the Law, to remain, endure and continue for Cro'.EU 500. ever united and knit in one, in fuch Manner and Form, as by Writing or Writings under the Seals of fuch t i LdRaym. 195. Ordinaries, Incumbents and Patrons, it (hall be declared and fet forth/ Vin. V. ai, 59.4- IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Unions and Confolidations of all ^ c ° n fi rnla ^ on Churches and Chapels, which have heretofore been united or knit together in one by the AfTent of the Or- h'eietofoiemade. dinaries., Incumbents, and true and lawful Patrons in Fee-fimple of them as is aforefaid, fhall alfo remain and be from henceforth adjudged and deemed in the Law to endure and continue for ever united and knit in one, without any Diflblution Undoing, Unknitting, or Repeal of them, or any of them, by any manner of Means or Way. The King's V. Saving unto the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, all the Tenths and Firft-fruits of all fuch Tenths and Churches and Chapels, as be heretofore united or confolidated in one, or that hereafter fhall be united and r ." ft " Frults re ~ confolidated in one, according to the fame, or fuch like Rates and Valuations, as the fame Churches and Chapels, or any of them, now are rated or valued at to the King's faid Majefty, in his faid Highnefs Court of the Firft-fruits and Tenths. Unions fhall not VI. Provided alway, That all Unions and Confolidations, and every of them, hereafter to be had or be m Corporate mac i e f an y Church or Chapel within any City or Town Corporate within this Realm of England, with- ConfentTf the" out the AfTent of the Mayor, Sheriffs and Commonalty of the City where fuch Churches, Church or Cha- Ma^ifvrates P e l be °r fhall be, or without the AfTent of fuch Bodies Corporate of other Towns Corporate, where fuch thereof. Churches, Church or Chapel be, or mall be, by the Names of their Corporations in Writing under their 37 Car. 2. c. 3. common Seal, fhall be clearly void and of no Force ne Effect; any Thing before expreffed, or any Ordi- nance, Law, Cuftom or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. The Union a- yjj_ Provided alfo, That where the Inhabitants of any fuch poor Parifli, or the more Part of them, con/etent Liv- w i f hin one Year next after the Union or Confolidation of the fame Parifh, by their Writing fufficient in the 5„„ allured. Law, fhall affure the Incumbent of the faid Parifh for the yearly Payment of fo much Money, as with the Sum that the faid Parifh is rated and valued at in the King's Highnefs faid Court of the Firft-fruits and Tenths, fhall amount to the full Sum of eight Pounds Sterling, to be levied and paid yearly by the faid In- habitants to the faid Incumbent and his Succeffors, that then all fuch Unions or Confolidations hereafter to be had or made of any fuch poor Parifh as. is aforefaid, fhall be void and of none Effect; any Thing fta- tuted or ordained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. VIII. Provided always, That this faid Provifo fhall not extend to any Union or Confolidation of any 1 Church or Chapel had or made before the making of this Eftatute; any Thing in the faid Provifo men- n El. c. 4.. tioned to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.- See further concerning Union of Churches, 4C*f 5 W. & M. c. 12. CAP. XXII. An Aft to fill up the Jury de Circumftantibus. Tie Statute of "p E it enacted and eftablifhed by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and 35H. 5i.c. 6. O the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Act .continued until f or Non-appearance in Juries to have de Circianjianiibits^ made at Wejlminjler at the Parliament holden the .the End of the g ve an( j tr jj rt i etri Year of our faid Sovereign Lord's Reign, fhall continue and remain unto the End of the Made perpetual ' next Parliament in his full Force and Strength, in as ample manner as is in the faid Act purported, iiy a Ed, 6.-c. 32. C A P.