Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/504

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["466] C. 5. Anno feptimo Edwardi VI. A. D. 1553. t>>> Licence of feit for every Day fo offending, the Sum of ten Pound of lawful Money of England: (3 ) Nor that it (ball 1 he Mayors, &c. b e ] avv f,.i to any Perfon or Peribns, after the faid Feaft of St. Michael, to keep any Taverns, or fell or utter T " •Til wf"-in ^Y ^ et;1 n y the Gallon or lefs or greater Meafure, in any City, Borough or Town Corporate, any Man- aiwTown, &c. ner or Wines, but only l'uch Perfon and Peribns as {hall be thereunto nominated, appointed and affigned nCav. a.'c.25. by the Head Officers and the moft Part of the Common Council, Aldermen, Burgeffes, Jurats or Com- §. 2. monalty for the Time being, of fuch City, Borough or Town Corporate where fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall tavern, fell or utter Wine by Retail as is aforefaid : (4) The faid Nomination and Affignment to be made by Writing under the common Seal of fuch City, Borough or Town Corporate as is aforefaid: (5) And the faid Nomination, Appointment and Affignment fhall continue in their Force, or be changed, at the Election and Pleafure of the Head Officer or Officers, and the moft Part of the Common Council, Al- dermen, Burgefles, Jurats or Commonalty for the Time being, of fuch City, Borough or Town Corpo~ No Perfon (hall rate, by Writing, and under fuch common Seal as is aforefaid : (6) Nor that it fhall be lawful to any Per- feii Wines in fon or Perfons to keep any Tavern, or to fell or utter any Wine by Retail as is aforefaid, in any City, Bo- any Town not r0 ugh, Port-Town or Market-Town not Corporate within the Realm of E?igland or Wales, or in the faid fcTv'thTL^cenK Towns of ' Gravcfend, Sittingbom, Tuxford or Bag/loot, but only fuch Perfon or Perfons as thereunto fhall of the jusices be affigned, nominated and appointed by all or the moft Part of the Juftices of Peace for the Time being, of Pci&eof the of fuch Shire or County where fuch Taverns, or felling of Wine by Retail fhall be had or allowed, as fhall Shire. be prefent at the General Seffions for the Time being, to be holden within every of the faid Shires or Coun- Cok. pi. 370. t ; es . (y) j-fjg f a jj Affignment, Nomination and Appointment to be had and made in full Seffion, by Wri- " r ' 33 ' ting under the feveral Seals of every of the faid Juftices, and to be continued, altered or changed in like Form, and by like Authority as is laft aforefaid ; (3) upon Pain that every Perfon that fhall after the faid Feaft fell or retail any Wine, being not thereunto licenced and authorifed as is aforefaid, fhall forfeit and How many Ta- lofe for every Day that he fliall fo offend, vli. of lawful Money of England: (9) Nor that any Perfon or verns may be li- Perfons having Authority by this prefent Act to nominate, affign or appoint what Perfons fhall tavern, ut- cencedinone ter or fell Wine by Retail as is aforefaid, fhall nominate, affign or appoint by his or their Writing, any Town, &c. more or greater Number of Taverns or Wine-fellers by Retail to fell or utter Wine, or keep or continue any Tavern at one Time in any one City, Borough, Town Corporate, Port-Town, or Market-Town, or in Gravefend, Sittingborn or Bag/hot (all and every fuch City and Town hereafter exprefly named only ex- cept) than two Wine-fellers or Taverns ; (10) And it fhall not be lawful to any Perfon or Perfons having Authority to nominate, affign or appoint Taverns or Sellers of Wine by Retail by this Act, to nominate, affign or appoint by Writing, any more or greater Number of Taverns or Wine-fellers in the City of Lon- don to fell or utter Wine by Retail, at any Time above the Number of forty Taverns or Wine-fellers ; and in York eight, in Norwich four, in Wejlminjler three, in Brijlol fix, in Lincoln three, in Kingjlon upon Hull tour, in Shrew/bury three, in Exeter four, in Salijbury three, in Glocejler four, in Wejlchejler four, in Here- ford Eaji three, in Worcejler three, in Southampton three, in Canterbury four, in Ipfwich three, in Winchef- ter three, in Oxford three, in Cambridge four, in Colchefter three, in Newcajlle upon Tine four Taverns or Wine-fellers ; (11) upon Pain that every Perfon authorifed by this Act to nominate, affign or appoint Ta- verns or Wine-fellers, to forfeit for every Nomination, Affignment or Appointment by him made contrary to the Form of this Acl, v. li. No Man /hall re- IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, from tail Wine to be and after the faid Feaft of St. Michael, fliall fell or utter by Retail any Kind of Wine or Wines, to be KouV" drunk or fpent in his or their Manfion Houfe or Houfes, or other Place in his or their Tenure or Occupa- whoihalih2ve tion '> by any Colour, Craft, Engine or Mean; (2) upon Pain to forfeit for every fuch Offence of the Forfeiture, lawful Money of England: (3) The one Half of all which Forfeitures fhall be to the King our Sovereign liCar. 2.0.25. Lord, and the other Half to him or them that will fue for the fame by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or In- formation in any of the King's Courts of R.ecord, in which Action or Suit no Effoin, Wager of Law or Protection fhall be allowed, who may have V. Provided always, That it fhall be lawful for all and every Merchant and Merchants adventuring for Wines to fpend t ] le f. lme at n ; s or their own Cofts and Charges, to have and keep to fpeni in his or their Houfe or Houfes* in t eir . .oiues. ^^ y ine or Wines as he fhall tranfport or caufe to be tranfported into this Realm or any Part thereof, not taking any Money or other Recompence for the fame that fhall be fo fpent in his or their Houfes : (2) And that it {hall be lawful to every High Sheriff of every County, Mayor, Bailiff and Sheriff of every City and Town Corporate within this Realm of England and other the faid Dominions for the Time being, dur ring his or their Office of Charge, and to every other Perfon inhabiting or dwelling in any of the King's Majefty's Forts or Towns fortified and kept for the Wars, during his or their Dwellings in any fuch Fort or Town of War, to have Wine in their Houfes by the Vefiel, to fpend the fame in his or their Houfes, without taking any Money or other Recompence for the fame fo fpent in his or their Houfes, or other Place in their Tenure or Occupation; this Act, or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife not- withftanding. Which Officers VI. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of Peace of every Shire or may enquire of County, City and Town Corporate in their feveral Seffions, and the Steward in every Leet, and the She-

  • f C S a i nces r 'ff < a his Torn, and every Efcheator, fhall have full Power and Authority by this prefent Act, to enquire-

by the Oaths of x ; j. lawful Men, of all and every Offence and Offences perpetrated or done contrary to the Form of this Act : (2) And that every Enquiry and Prefentment, taken and had by the Oaths of xij. lawful Men as is aforefaid, fhall be of fuch Force and Effect as if the fame were taken or had before the King in his Majefty's Bench ; (3) And that every of the Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures aforefaid, to be, due by Force of this Act, for any Offence to be committed or done by any Perfon or Perfons, contrary to the Form of this prefent Act,, as {hall be found by Prefentment before the faid Juftices. of Peace, Efchea- tors, Sheriffs or Steward, by Verdict of xij. Men as is aforefaid, (4) and no Bill, Plaint, Action or Infor- mation thereof commenced in any of the King's Courts of Record, fhall be divided equally in two Parts, 3 whereof