Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/515

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A. D- 1553- Anno pn'mo Mari.e, Seflio tcrtia. C. 2 — 5. 4/><j hcrcioforc to any other her moft noble Progenitors, King* of this Realm : titutes of this Realnij beingmade by Kings then reigning, do not only attj .-• . Preheminenoe, Power aiwjurifdi&ion Royal unto the Name of King, I ■•point the Correction and Pun ilhmcnt of all Offenders agamft the Regality and Di the Laws of this Realm, unto the King : (4) My Occalion wh< i- ;*, i!r malicious ..• may be hereafter induced and perfwaded unto this Error and Folly, i" think 1l1.1t her Hrghnefi could ne Sould have, enjoy and ufe fuch like Royal Authority, Power, Preheminence, Pre (Bfrion, nor do ne execute and ufe all Things concerning the (aid Statute , and take the B . vilege of the fame, nor correct and puniih Offenders againft her molt Royal Perfon, and the Regality and Dignity of the Crown of this Realm and the Dominions thereof, OS the Kings of tin., Realm her mofi 1' ;enitors have heretofore done, enjoyed, tiled and exercifed :' II. For the Avoiding and clear Extinguifhnunl of which faid Error or Doubt, and for a plain Declara- tion of the Laws of this Realm in that Behalf, III. Be it declared and enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Law of this Realm T"* Rn? "! is, and ever hath been, and ought to be underftood, that the Kingly or Regal Office of this Realm, and !./'.,', »nd'ill all Dignities, Prerogative Royal, Power, Prcheminences, Privileges, Authorities and Jurifdictions there- theDignitin of unto annexed, united or belonging, being inverted either in Male or Female, are and be, and ought to be,- the as fully, wholly, abfolutely and entirely deemed, judged, accepted, inverted and taken in the one as in thej* " wtl! ln * other ; (2) fo that what or whenfoever Statute or Law doth limit and appoint, that the King of this Realm j?£? " "" * mayor [hall have, execute and do any Thing as King, or doth give any Profit or Commodity to the King, or doth limit or appoint any Pains or Punilhment for the Correction of Offenders or Tranfgi-eiii»r» againit die Regality and Dignity of the King or of the Crown ; the fame the Queen (being fupream Goveri Poflrffor and Inheritrix to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, as our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen molt juftly prefently is) may by the fame Authority and Power likewife have, exercife, execute, puniih, correct, and do, to all Intents, ConrtrucYions and Purpofcs, without Doubt, Ambiguity, Scruple or Queltion ; any Cuftom, Ufe or Scruple, or any other Thing whatfoever to be made to the contrary notwithstanding. CAP. II. The Articles of Marriage between Philip Prince of Spain and the Queen rehearfed and confirmed. ThcQueen, Queen fhall and may only, and as a fole Queen, ufe and enjoy the Crown and Sovereignty over her Dominions and Subjects, with all the Prerogatives, Jurifdictions, .Manors, Lands, £57. belonging to the fame, in fuch only Ertate, and in fuch large Manner in all Degrees, after the Solemnization of the; faid Marriage, as fhc now hath and enjoyeth the fame, without any Right, Claim or Demand to be given, come or grow unto the laid Prince, as Tenant by the Courtefy of this Realm, or by any other Means. All Gifts, Grants, Letters Patents, Leafes and other Writings, which during the fn'u Mar- riage fhall pafs and be made of Benefices, Offices, Lands, Revenues and Fruits, fhall be intituled and made in the Names of the faid Prince and the Queen, and fhall be figned with the Sign Manual of the Queen, and fhall be beftowed upon natural-born Subjects of this Realm. And thole Grants, Letters Patents and Writings, which fhall not be figned with the Sign Manual, fhall be void. EXP. 1 cif 2 P. & M.c.i. CAP. III. A Repeal of one Statute (not printed) made 7 Ed. 6. whereby the Bifhoprick of Durham was difTolved, DurY.n:. and all the Lands and Poticffions thereof were given to the King ; and of one other Statute made 7 Ed. 6. c, 10. whereby the Town of Gatefide, &c. was fevered ffom the faid Bifhoprick of Durham, and an- nexed to the Town of Newcajilc ; and Cuthbcrt Tv.ujhl reftored to the faid Bifhoprick, and to all the Pofi'effions and Franchifes thereof, (faving to a Capital Manlion Houfe in in London, and five Tenements thereunto belonging) and to the faid Town of Gateftde, is'c. PR. CAP. IV. A Repeal of the Statute of 32 H. 8. c. 39. made touching the Erection of the Office and Authority of. the stcwui. Great Mafter of the King's Houfe, and the Re-eftablifhing of the Name, Office and Authority of the Lord Steward of the Queen's Houfe. PR. CAP. V. TheCaufey paved with Stone in the Counties of Dorfci and Somtrfet between Shaft/bun arid Shirburii, fhall P R - from Time to Time, during ten Years, be made and amended by the Owners and Farmers of the Lands lying nigh unto the faid Caufey on either Side of the fame, and by the Inhabitants of Shaftfoury and Shirlmrn, and by the Owners and Farmers of Lands, and by the Inhabitants within the Forcft of Gil- lingham, and Liberties of Gillingham and Alcettcr, and the Hundreds of Kcdlancand Shirburn in the County of Dorjlt, and of the Hundred of Horetborne, in the County of Somerfet ;' and thejutlices of Peace of the Counties of Dorfet and Somerfet fhall alibi's the faid Owners, Farmers and Inhabitants, towards the faid Repair. And if the faid Jurtices fhall refufe to put this Act in Execution, the Lord Chancellor or Lord Keeper, &c. fhall upon Requeft make a Commiffion to certain difcreet Perfons to put this Act in Execution. PR. 3 Car. 1. c. 4. continued until the End of the firft Seffion of next Parliament. And farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. Vol. II. O o o C A P-