Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/578

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C. 15—17.
Anno primo Reginæ Elizabethæ.
A. D. 1558.

or Kerfie, as before this Time they might have done if the faid Act had never been made; any Thing in the faid Act to the contrary thereof made, or any other Act, Statute or Law heretofore made, or hereafter Tor farther t0 be ma de to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. 27 EL c. 23. Prcvifioni relating hereto fee % Car. 2. c. 22. 22 & 23 Car. 2. c. 8. 11 £f 12 JV. 3. e. 20. 6 .4m. c. 8 £f 9. 7 ./ins. c. 13. 10 /<«n. c, 16. I ff«. 1, e| 15 £? 41. 11 Geo, 1. c. 24. 7 Geo. 2. {. 25. n Geo. 2. c. 28, o»rf 14 Gw. 2. c. 35.


An Act that Timber fhall not be felled to make Coals for Burning of Iron.

J7. 8. f. 17. T^OR the Avoiding of Deftrudion and Wafting of Timber, Be it enacted by our Sovereign Lady 

What Timber- p the Queen's Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Par- Trees, and what ]} amen t affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons hereafter fhall convert Places' fliall not or employ, or caufe to be converted or employed to Coal or other Fuel for the Making of Iron, any Tim- be converted to ber-tree or Timber-trees of Oak, Beech or Afh, or of any Part thereof, of the Breadth of one Foot Fuel for the fquare at the Stub, and growing within fourteen Miles of the Sea, or of any Part of the Rivers of Thama % making of iron. ^ evern _ > ff^y e ^ Humber, Dee, Tine, Teefe, Trent or any other River, Creek or Stream, by the which Carriage No Wood, &c. j s cornrnon ly u fed by Boat or other VeiTel to any Part of the Sea; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture for every toCoal°Tc f ucn Tree, or any Part thereof, fo employed or converted to Coal or other Fuel for the Making of Iron within22 Miles as is aforefaid, forty Shilling of lawful Money of England; the one Half of all which Forfeitures to be of London, &C. to our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majefty, and to her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety t» 23 El. c. 5 . n im or them that will fue for the fame by original Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Eiloin, Protection, Injunction or Wager of Law fhall be admitted or allowed.

To what Shires II. Provided always, That this Act {hall not extend to the County of SuJJex nor to the Weild of Keni y or Maces this nor to an y t jj e Parlfhes f Charlewood, Newdigate and Ligh in the Weild of the County of Surrey. (2) This iffi! " 0t A<a to . be? in and take Effect from and after the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptiji next coming Tor farther Pro- after this Seffion of Parliament. 27 El. c. 19. •vijiom relating to Woods fee 15 Car. 2. c. 2. 20 Car. 2. c. 3. 9 (S 10 TV, 3. c. 36. 1 Geo. 1. Stat. 2. c. 48. 6 Geo. I. c. 16. 29 Geo. 2. c. 36. end 31 Geo. 2. c, 41.


Riots. The Statute made Anno i Mar. SelT. 2. c. 12. againft unlawful and rebellious Affemblies, fhall be continued during the Queen's Life, and until the End of the Parliament then next following. EXP.


An A<ft for Prefervation of Spawn and Fry of Fifh. The Penalty for ' T7 O R the Prefervation hereafter of Spawn, Fry and young Breed of Eels, Salmons, Pikes, and of all •taking of the « ji other Fifh which heretofore hath been much deftroyed in Rivers and Streams fait and frefh within Spawn or Fry of « ^j s R ea i m , infomuch that in divers Places they feed Swine and Dogs with the Fry and Spawn of Fifh, ronabi'e, &°. r ' and otherwife, lamentable and horrible to be reported, deftroy the fame, to the great Hinderance and De- ilEJ.'i. c. 4.7. ' cay of the Commonwealth :' (2) Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's moit excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Au- thority of the fame, That no Perfon or Perfons of what Eftate, Degree or Condition foever he or they be, from and after the firft Day of June next coming, with any manner of Net, Weele, But, Taining, Kepper, Lime, Crele, Raw, Fagnet, Trolnet, Trimenet, Trimboat, Stalboat, Weblifter, Seur, Lammet, or with any Device or Engine made of Hair, Wool, Line or Canvas; (3) or fhall ufe any Heling-Net or Trim- boat, or by any other Device, Engine, Cawtel, Ways or Means whatfoever heretofore made or deviled, or hereafter to be made or devifed, fhall take and kill any young Brood, Spawn or Fry of Eels, Salmon, Pike or Pikerel, or of any other Fifh, in any Flood-gate Pipe, at the Tail of any Mill, Wear, or in any Straits, Streams, Brooks, Rivers frefh or fait within this Realm of England, Wales, Berwick, or the Marches None fliall take thereof; (4) nor fhall frorr v and after the firft Day of June next coming, by any of the Ways and Means any Salmons or aforefaid, or otherwife in any River or Place above fpecified, take and kill any Salmons or Trouts, not Tioutsnotm being in Seafon, being Kepper-Salmons or Kepper-Trouts, Shedder-Salmons or Shedder- Trouts. Of that Length

And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Fifhes muft be Degree or Condition he or they fhall be of, from and after the faid firft Day of June, by any of the Means that mail be aforefaid, in any of the Rivers or Places above-named, fhall take and kill any Pike or Pikerel, not being taken and killed. J n Length ten Inches or more; (2) nor any Salmon not being in Length fixteen Inches or more; (3) nor any Trout not being in Length eight Inches or more; (4) nor any Barbel not being in Length twelve Inches or more.

OfwhatMcih III. And to the Intent the faij young Fry, Brood or Spawn may b; preferved according to the true "ch Net <hall Meaning hereof, be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no manner of Perfon or Perfons, ic - from and after the firft Day of June next coming, fhall fifh or take Fifh with any manner of Net, Tramel, Kepe, Wore, Hivie, Crele, or by any other Engine, Device, Ways or Means whatfoever, in any River or other Place above-mentioned, but only with Net or Traxel whereof every Mefh or Maik fhall be two Inches and a Half broad; Angling excepted.

What Nets or JV. Provided neverthelefs, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That in all fuch Places where Smelts, other Devices L oc hes, Minnies, Billheads, Gudgions or Eels, have been ufed to be taken and killed, that in all fuch Places

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