Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/599

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A. 0.1562. Anno quinto Rcginrc E li zaijp. tuje. C. 7 — 9. 549 J! Vflurano fid Bond n that Cal (lull be void. EXP. at, j. c. 5. 7 Jac. 1. c, i*. To endure 10 ilic End ol the next Parliara nt. e a p. vii. An Aft avoiding divers foreign Wares made by Handicraftsmen beyond the c ' the manifold Benefits, that by Means onbyRcafon of! their Knew and univcrfally came to the whole Eftate of the Com m Mi. Vet notwithilanding fo noW it is, that by reafon <>i ice of forei rought into | ' this Rc.ilm irom th( Pari of bcyondthe Seas, the (aid Artificej ' utterly impoverilhed, the Youth not trained ill the faid Scii and Ex >y the faid Facul- ' ties, and the exquifitc Knowledges thereof, like in (hart Time within this R.i ' Cities and Towns within this Realm of Engiand'much thereby impaired, the whole Rea i ' ma gcd aniLothcr Countries notably enriched, and the People thereof well fet qp work, to their (Jon- ' dities and 1 he Arts and Scienci I, and to the great Difcouragemcnt of I kmea ' of this Realm, being in very Deed nothing inferior to any Stranger in the Faculties aforefaid.' III. For Reformation whereof, be it enacted by que Sovereign Lady the Queen's Highnefs, and I . Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament ailembled, and by th«- Autho- int©ihi»Re»im rity of the, fame, That no.Perlbn orPerfons whatsoever, from orafter theFeaft of the Nativity of St. ' B pt'i)} now next enfuing, mull bring or caufe to be brought into ..his Realm of England from the Parts ol .'77... beyond the Seas, any Girdles, Harnel's for Girdles, Rapiers, Daggers; Knives, Hilts, Pummel , J. ockel , ej. 4. t.4. ' Chapes, Dagger-blades, Handles, Scabbards, and Sheaths for Knives, Saddles, Hone-harnefs, Stirrups, 1 R- 3- c. 11, Oils, Gloves, Points, Leather-laces or Pins, being ready made or wrought in any Parts of beyond the Seas, *7 E1 - c - "• to be foldj b.'.rtered or exchanged within this Realm of England or JVahs ; (2) upon Pain to forfeit all fuch Wares fa to be brought contrary to the true Meaning of this A6t, in whole Hands foever they or any of them lliall be found, or tin; vei y Value thereof : The one Halt oi the Forfeiture to be to our Sovereign Lady ' the Queen's Highnefs, her Heirs and Succefiors, and the other Moiety thereof to him or them that will feifc the fame, or fue therefore in any Court of Record of the Queen!s Majeity, her Heirs and Succcflors, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, Information or othcrwife, where no Wager of Law, Klloin or Protection, (hull be. to him or them allowed. (3; This Act to continue and endure to the End of the next Parliament. Contimtsd by 2 Jac. 1. c. 25. 3 Car. 1. c. 4. continued till the End of the hrlt SeiTion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. And fie farther. 13 & 14 Car. 2. c. 13. C A P. VIII. No Butcher fliall be a Tanner. 'Who only may be Tanners. The fcveral Duties of Tanners, Curriers and Shoemakers in their Wares and Workmanihips. Where, when, and by whom Leather (hall be fearched, fealed and fold. Oaks (hall be felled in barking Time only. A Rettraint of Tranfporting of Leather. A Repeal of the Statutes of 25 Ed. 3. Stat. 1. c. 4. 13 R. 2. c. 12. 4 H. 4. c. 35. 2 H 6 Cor:. c. 7 4 Ed. 4. c. 7. 1 H. 7. c. 5. 19 H. 7. c. 19. 3 H. 8. c. 10. 5 H. 8. c. 7. 14 & 15 H. 8. c. 9] 3 Leon. 104. 22 H. 8. c. 6. 24H.8. c. 1. 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. 9. 1 Eliz. c. is. 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 9. of Part of the 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 15. 1 Eliz. c. 8 & 9. made touching Tanners, Curriers and Shoemakers, their Wares and Workmanlhip. REP. 1 Jac. 1. c. 22. C A P. IX. An Aft for Punifhment of fuch as fhall procure or commit any wilful Perjury. < WT^^?--'" the Parliament holden at WeRmlnfter in the two and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the what Punift- V V late king ot famous Memory, King Hon y the Eighth, amonglt other Things, it was ordained, m '-'-" "»U i* enacted and eitabhihed, I hat no Perion or Perlons of what Eftate, Degree or Condition foever he or they ' nfl ' aed u ?° n ^ were, (hould from thenceforth unlawfully fub'orn any Witncfs or Witnefl'cs, by Letters, Rewards, ivomi- '^J,. ^JJL (es, or by any other imifter Labour or Means, for to maintain any Matter or Caufe, or to the Disturbance Pcjurv. . or Hindrance ol Juftice, or to the Procurement or Occafion of any Manner of Perjury, by falfe Verdict or ' Roll 79. ^ otherwiie, in any of the King's Courts of Chancery, the Star-Chamber, the H'hiuhall, or elfew'here within - Rc " '95. ^ any of the King's Dominions of England or Walei, or the Marches of the fame, where any Perfon or Per- fons have or from thenceforth (hould have Authority by Virtue of the King's Commiffion/Patent or Writ, Latch" ° pnide againft the Subornation ef Witneflis, Hctlty i;, GoJbolt ;i. p!. St. Sal i 43,