Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/651

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A. D. 1570. Anno xiii Rcgincc Eliza df. t ii .r.. C. 2 1 — 25. 601 CAP. XXI. An Aft that Purveyors fhall not take away drain. Corn fir Vicinal within ford. Continued by 3 Car. 1. c. 4. and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. ' >BS. 1. '. ir. 1. .. Z4. C A P. xxn. An Act for Continuance of the Severance of the Sheriff) in fundry Co ml CAP. XXIII. A Way without Aldgate in the Suburbs of London, fomctimc called the Ban without 4ligatt : And a Way leading from the Old Cage to the North End of Nightinzale-Lane : And another V Old Cage and Craft-Mill in the Parifh of St. M ry, fhall be paved with Sto continued by thofe which be feized in Fee-fimple, Fee-tail, or for Term of Life, I Ijoining to the laid Highway on the one Sid.- or on the other, unto the Mid II of the faid Ways, upon i J ..i 11 10 forfeit Three Shillings Four-pence for every Yard fquare not paved. PR. 23 Eliz. c. 12. CAP. XXIV. The Streets of Ipfwich in the County of Suffolk, and the Suburbs thereof, fhall be paved with go d pai Stone, and for ever repaired by the Owners, Landlords or Tcnc-1 enants, along, from their Houfes, Lands and Tenements adjoining to the Street, viz. fo much of the fai.l Street in L his Houfe, Lands, &<:. fo adjoining, cxtendeth unto, and in Breadth, during all the faid Length to the Channel, or to fuch Place as the Channel there fhall be appointed by the Bailiffs, on Pain of Forfeiture for every Yard fquare, not fufficicntly repaired, Eight-pence. The Bailiffs of Ipfivich, and the Port there, the Church-wardens, and four of every Parifh, fhall have Authority to fax upon every Ho Ground and Tenement, Free and Copy, fituate within the fcveral Parifhes of Ipfwich, reafonable Sums of Money to be yearly paid, as well toward the finding of a convenient ftipendiary Minifter within every Parilh, as for the Reparation of the Churches there. P R. C A P. XXV. An A<£t for Reviving and Continuance of certain Statutes. ' "TT 7HERE in the Parliament begun and holden at London the third Day of November in the one and D •' W twentieth Year of the Reign of our late molt dread Sovereign Lord of famous Memory, Kingfi ' Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned to TVijlminfter, and there holden a ' Prorogations until the Diflblutioh thereof, an Act was made for the true winding of Wools. ' II. And where alio in the fame Parliament one other Act was made and eitablifhed for Attaints to :

  • fued for the Punifhment of Perjury upon untrue Verdicts.

' III. And where in the Parliament holden at Weftmiiiftcr in the thirty-fifth Year ol the! ' late Sovereign Lord K'mg H'nry the Eighth, on; Act was made for the Prefervation of ' IV. And where alfo at the Seffion of a Parliament by Prorogation holden at// 1 twentieth Day of January in the fifth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign I. >rd KLig Edwarc tli ' Sixth, one Att was then and there made againft Regra ors, Fpreflallers and Ingrofl 1 . ' V. And where alio at a Parliament begun and holden 1i.TVvft1n.11 ..'-r the twenty-tirft Da]

  • fecond and third Years of the Reigns of the late K'mgJP/jilp and Queen Mary, and there continued until

' the DiiTolution of the fame, one Act was made then and there for keeping of Milch-kine, and 1 .' breeding and rearing of Calves : (2) Ail which Acts were by fundry Acts ol' Parliament continued in Force j&g Ed!'6."c.i+. ' and Effe£t until the End and DiiTolution of the la(t Parliament 01 our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Ma- 2 & 3 Ph. ' jefty that now is, at which Time the fame feveral Acts and every of them were difcontinued, and loir their c - 3- ' Force and Effects ; (3) which Acts abovementiohed, and every of them, by Proof and Experience, have ^ an0 g £•;_ ' fince the -making of the fame been tried, and found to be very ncceltary, beneficial and profitable for the ' common Wealth of this Realm, and therefore are thought good to be- made perpetual :' (4) Be it there- --■ fore enacted by the Queen's Majeity our laid Sovereign Lady, with the Affent of the Lords Spii ii Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aiTembled, and by the Authority of the fame, to continue |<n That the laid Acts above-remembred, and every of them, and all and every the Brant lies, Glaufes and Pro- cvcr - vifions in them and every of thetn contained, fhall be revived, and from henceforth remain and continue in Force and Effect for ever. ' VI. And where alfo in the faid Parliam nd holden at London on the 'bird D. '. rai H. %.%.%. ' in the faid one and twentieth Year of the Reign ol the faid late King Henry the Eighth, and from th

  • adjourned to Wejlminjhr, and there c ntinued by Prorogation until the DiiTolution thereof, on
  • there made, intituled, An- Ail again i Killin Beei/ts, called T ft

Vol. II. '4 H

  • 1 liirticth. .Skir,. 120.
