Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/675

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A. D: 1 58 1. Anno xxiii Region Eli z ahf.tii .p.. C. 2. nment in Caufcs F.cclcfiaftical, or other M or Coming to ( iblifhm in ol ]' . e, as othei I ! ■ : : 1 in mud in th i o#r and a I ) itted , any Thing in thi I a. 15c it likewife enacte I, I ry, in their fcvcral Limits, fhall have Poi tatutc : (7.) And Jufticcs of Peace in theii i Act to enquire, hear and determine of all Offences againft thi .'. : , ex <ii Tn X. Provided alwy, That every Perfon guihy of any Offence nga{nfl te, other th^n grid vlifprifton of Treafon, which fhall before, he be I fore Judgment, fubmit and conform himfelf before the Bifhop bf the 1): • before the Indices where he fhall be iiuli I rred Ol tri ', ■' h. M at any his Trial, being indicted for his firft like Offence) fhall ii ori hi . R< • ich Submilf. in open Affifes or Scflions of the County where filth Perfon fhall he refidem. every the faid Offences againft this Ait (except Treafon and Mifprifion of Treafon) and ot all Pain. .•res for the fame. XI. And be it likewife enacted, That all Forfeitures of toy Sum? of Money limited by this Act. fhall be " divided in three equal Parts, whereof one third Part fhall be to the (Jjftew'-a Majefl other third Part to the Queen's Majefty for Relief of the Poor in the Parifh wftei committed, to be delivered by Warrant of the principal Officers in the Receipt of tl further Warrant from her Majefty; and the other third Part to fuch Perfon as will liie for the lane frl . Court of Record, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information ; in which Suit no klfiin, Pr I Wager of Law (hall be allowed : (?.) And that every Perfon whi h fhall forfeit any Sums of Money by Vir- "« 1 tue of this Act, and fhall not be able, or fhall fail, to pay "the feme within three Months aTterTudgn thereof given, (hall be committed to Prifon, thereto remain until he have paid the faid Sums, or ecu : himfelf, or go to Church, and there do as is aforcf .i I: XI I. Provided alfo, That every Perfon which iifuallv on the Snti'lrrv fhall have in his or her Hbufe the Divine Service which is eftablifhed by the Law of this Realm, and be thereat himfelf or hcrfclf ufua'k moft commonly prcfent, and fhall not obftinatcly rciufe 'o come to Church, and :hcrc to do as is afori and (hall alfo four Times in the Year at the leaf! be prcfent at the Divine Service in the Churvh of th rifli where he or fhe fhall be refident, or in fome other open common Church or fuch Chapel of Eafe, fhall not incur any Pain or Penalty limited by this Act for not repairing to Church! XIII.. And be it likewife enacted and declared, That every Grant, Conveyance, Bond, Judgment . Execution, had or made fince the Beginning of this Seffion of Parliament, or hereafter to be had or ftl of covinous Purpofe to defraud any Interefb, Right or Title, that may or ought to grow to the Qucc- to any other Perfon, by Means of any Conviction or Judgment by Virtue of this Statute, or ot the fail ' Statute of the faid thirteenth Year, fhall be, and be adjudged to be, utterly void againft the Queen, :.;.J 6 ?'- againft fuch as fhall fuc for any Part of the faid Penalties in Form aforefaid. XIV. Provided always, That if any Peer of this Realm fhall happen to be indicted of any Off n:c made -? FUc - 6 ; j _ Treafon or Mifprifion of Treafon by this Act, he fhall have his Trial by his Peers as in other like C ujP«i»' ' . is accultomed. XV. Provided alfo, That neither this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall extend to take away Ecdi or abridge the Authority or Jurifdiction of the Eccleliaftical Ccnfurcs for any Caul'e or Ma ter, but tlva: Ccl>fu,c,< the Archbifhops and Bifhops and other Ecclefiaftical Judges may do and proceed, as before the Awaiting of _ . this Act they lawfully did or might have have done; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwitiiftantl- ing. iW.&M. Stat. i. c. 18. 15 C- I. :. S. S ; CAP. II. If any Perfon fhall advifedly and with a malicious Tut nt, of his own Iirr.girarion. C] flanderous News' or Tales againft the Queen that now is, then he fhaJi haxe both I ccpt he pay two hundred Pounds to the Queen's Ufc: in the- Exchequer within :.•:> ment : And if he (peak fuch slanderous News of the Report of ..nx other, he fhall have cut off, except he pay two hundred Marks, &c. And if any Pcrfun on e com ic'; ill all often I {hall be adjudged Felony. And if any Perfon fhall devii'e, write, print or fet forth ..: It Ballad, Letter or Writing, containing any fajfe, feditious and' ilanic;.us Matter, to thi the Queen, or to the ftirring cr moving of any Rebellion ; or fhaJl caufe any fuch Booty Rhime, W'n t/r. to be written, printed or pubiifhed ; or fhall by fctting of any Figure, catting of K iti i culation, Prophefying, Witchcraft^ Conjuration, is'c. feekto know, and fhall fet forth bj Deeds or Writings, how long the Queen fhall live, or who fhall reign as King or ',Mi:-; ceafe ; or fhall utter any Prophecies to any fuch Intent ; or fhall wifh or define of the Queen, or any Thing to the fame Effect : Then every fuchOfruiee. fhlail EXP. 1&2P. &M. c. 9. lEliz. c.6. Vol. II, . 4 L