Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/693

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A. 0.1585. Anno xxvii Rcginac Ei.i ;i.-. (. . Inroltnenl »nJ Examination of every Fine and the Pai and Examination oi andtheParh e Shillings; | of the Enrolment ol e ei | 1 inc and die Parts thereof, three S t» i 1 ! i • t; • plincation ol the [nrcflrrcm ol every Recovery and the Parts 1 tor the Search of the Roll* for one 1 pBncki (7) and fbi the I Mining fourteen Lines, Four-p :ni e : (H) And that the Juili. • for the rime being within the (aid twelve Shi Counties Palatine, or any one of, within the feveral Litnii and P millions, ih.ill examine the Inrolment of every imh Fine and Recover) xamination of the (nrolment of every l ine and R< diately write his Name that fo examined), with his own llmJ in the R [11 dices (ball forfeit to <.ur Sovereign Lady Lhe Queen' Majcfty, Time thai they or one of theni fliall make Default "i inch E xamin is aforefaid ; (o) and that it fli:ill and may be lawful (qr the (kid. Jufliu to take I M'l 1 in .ill Things that (hall bo convenient and needful for die ! ■ iipon Examination in the (aid Courts, to afters fuch Fine or Amerciament upon any Clei Duty. Attorney or any other Perfbn for his and their Mifprifion, Contempt and Nej or mif-doing in any Tiling, of, in or concerning the laid Fines or I or any Part ol thei of them, as by 'he faid Jultices for the Time being or any one of them (hall be though) I nient: (11) The laid Fine and Amerciament to be eflreated amongfl other Fin that Court where fuch Offence or Mifprifion fliall be committed. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Exempli.. Inrolment of any Fine or Recovery, or of any Part thereof, within any ot the (aid twelve Shins or die faid Town and County of Haverford-we/r, under the Judicial Seal of the faid Shir where fuch Pine or Recovery was levied, had or palled, (2) and the Exemplificati m of ...ny fuch tnroln of any Fine or Recovery, or of any Part thereof within any of the faid Counties Palatine, under th of that County Palatine where fuch Fine or Recovery was levied, bad or paff I be of as Force and Validity in the Law, to all Intents, Rcfpeets and Purpofes, for fuch Part and fo much of any of them as fliall be fo exemplified, as the very Original Record it fell', being extant and reo re or ought by Law to be. fX. Provided always, and be it cnac"tcd by the Authority aforefaid, That it fh.ill be lawful for the Tuf- 'tices Clerks, authorifed by their Warrant in the faid feveral Offices and Places where the fame ReCOl ■ any of them do or fhall remain, to write out or inrol the fame Records and every Pan thereof, (2 , I that the faid Records nor any of them, for the writing out or making the Rolls thereof by the Clerks of the faid Jultices, fhall be brought or carried forth of the laid Offices or Places. X. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Thai none of the faid Fines or Recovi Rc - aforcfaid, heretofore levied, palled or fuffcrcd, which fhall be exemplified under any Judicial Sea! of . of the faid Shires of Wales, or Town or County of Haverford-weft, or under the Seal of any of the I Counties Palatine, according to the Form of this Adt, lhail after fuch Exemplifications had be In any wife amended. XI. Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fliall not in any wife ( the Prejudice of the Heirs of Sir Edward Grey, Knight, Lord Powys deceafed, or of Sir Edwa . Knight, or his Heirs or Affigns, Henry Vernon. or. John Kernon s Efquires, or their Heirs or Affigns, for or h concerning any Fine levied, or Recovery Inhered, by or againft the faid Lord Powys, of any Baron.. Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments in the County of Montgomery, or any Exempli- fication thereof, or for or concerning any Writ of Error, brought or to be brought f r the reverting of any fuch Fine or Recovery ; but that they and every of them fliall have and enjoy the fame Right, Title, Be- nefit and Advantage to all Intents and Purpofes, as ii this Act had never been had or made. ' XII. And forafmuch as upon great Examination it appeareth, That divers Fines and Recoveries have ' been heretofore levied and fullered of divers Caltlcs, Manors, MefTua^es, Lands, Tenements and Heredir

  • laments, which fometime were the Inheritance of George fometime Earl of Kent, Great Grandfather tpTlic E>>l of

4 Henry, now Earl of Kert, in Ufe, Pofleffion, Reverfion or Remainder, whercunto the faid nox Farl oJF K ' ' Kent pretended Title, in Ufe, Pofleffion, Reverfion or Remainder, which, if they be erroneous as is pre- ' tended, do much vary from the general Caul".- and Mifchief for which this Statute mcaneth to provide :' Be it therefore enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That neither this Statute, nor aiu - 'Filing therein con- tained, fliall extend to take away any v rit of Error hereunto any Perfon or Perfons is now, or hereafter fhall be, lawfully intitled to have, for the reverfing of the faid Fines and Recoveries or any of them, h tofore levied or fuft'ered of any of the faid Caflles, Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements or Heredita- ments which late were any Part or Parcel of the Inheritance of the faid George, fometime Fail ot Ken!, in Ufe, Pofleffion, Reverfion or Remainder ; any Thing in this Statute contained to the contrary thereof i:i any wife nouviihltanding. 23 Eliz. c. 3. '" vi/aia'ai 4N 2