Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/704

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tions ties or 654 0.4,5. Anno xxix Reginae Eli zabrthje. AD. 1587, not, nor can come to the fame, or that it was never put in Writing) then the Effect thereof in Writing to be entred and inrolled of Record j or elfe every fuch Affuxance (hall be void to all Intents. Et fie tit Jupra, 18 Ehz. c. 4. PR. ' CAP. IV. An A£t to prevent Extortion in Sheriffs, Under- Sheriffs, and Bailiffs of Franchifes or Li- berties, in Cafes of Execution. is T.A, 4. c. 1. "O E it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That it {hall not be lawful, from the firft F>Imer 4 oo,4oi. Jfj Day of May now next enfuing, to or for any Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Bailiff of Franchifes or Liber- 1 Roll 404. ties » nor f° r an y oi ' t ' leir or eitrier °f the ' r Officers, Minifters, Servants, Bailiffs or Deputies, nor for any Latch 17, 54. °f them, by Reafon or Colour of their or either of their Office or Offices, to have, receive or take of any Noy 27.' Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, directly or indirectly, for the ferving and executing of any Extent or Exe- How much the cution upon the Body, Lands, Goods or Chattels of any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, more or other fa"" L"the Confideration or Recompence, than in this prefent Act is and fhall be limited and appointed, (2) which fci vlng of an ^ a " De 1 awFu 1 to be had, received and taken, that is to fay, twelve Pence of and for every twenty Shillings, Execution. where the Sum exceedeth not one hundred Pounds, and fix Pence of and for every twenty Shillings, being Moor 853. over and above the faid Sum of one hundred Pounds, that he or they fhall fo levy or extend, and deliver in pi. 1166. Execution, or take the Body in Execution for, by Virtue and Force of any fuch Extent or Execution 1 Salk-'T??' whatfoever, (3) upon Pain and Penalty that all and every Sheriff, Under-Sheriff, Bailiff of Franchifes and 3J2 , ' Liberties, their and every of their Minifters, Servants, Officers, Bailiffs or Deputies, which at any Time Moor 468. after the faid firft Day of May now next enfuing fhall directly or indirectly do the contrary, fhall lofe and Cro. El. 33-, forfeit to the Party grieved his treble Damages, (4) and fhall forfeit the Sum of forty Pounds of good and £ 54- ^ lawful Englijh Money for every Time that he, they or any of them fhall do the contrary; the one Moiety do. tar. 287! thereof to be to our Sovereign Lady the Queen, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety thereof to The Forfeiture the Party or Parties that will fue for the fame, by any Plaint, Action, Suit, Bill or Information, wherein of the offender, no Effoin, Wager of Law or Protection fhall be allowed. and how it iliall be recovered; for Execu- . Provided always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to any Fees to be "Townf 1 ' ta ' cen or na( * for any Execution within any City or Town Corporate; any Thing above-mentioned to ths Corporate.^ contrary thereof notwitftanding. FarthcrProvifuns relating hereto fee 21 Jac. 1. c. 5. 13 &? 14 Car. 2. c. 21. 3 Geo. 1. c. 15. 6 Geo. I. c. 21. §. 53. 20 Geo. 2. c. 37. 24 Geo. 2. c. 48. §. 12, ar J 34.Cco.a-. c. 14. CAP. V. An for the Continuance and Perfecting of divers Statutes. 'HERE in the firft Seffion of Parliament holden at Wejlminjler the twelfth Day of "January in the fifth Year of her Highnefs Reign, an Act was then and there made for the Puniihment of fuch Per- El. c 5. ' fons as fhould procure or commit any wilful Perjury; (2) and where in the Parliament begun and Colludon. ' holden at Weftminfter the fecond Day of April in the thirteenth Year of her Majefty's Reign, an Act was ' then and there made for the avoiding and abolifhing of fained, covinous and fraudulent Feoffments, ' Gifts, Grants, Alienations, Bonds, Suits, Judgments and Executions, intituled, yf« Acl againjl fraudu- ' lent Deeds, Gfts, Grants, Alienations, &c. Ways. ' II. And where alfo in the firft Seffion of the Parliament begun and holden at JVeJl?ninJler the twelfth 5 El. c. 13. ' Day oi January in the faid fifth Year of her Highnefs Reign, and from thence continued by Prorogation a &.-3 Ph.& M. c un til the Diffolution thereof, there was one other Act made for the Reviving of a Statute of 2 & 3 Philippi c ' £5" Maria, for the amending of Highways; all which Acts above-mentioned are by Proof and Experience ' tried and found to be very neceffary and profitable for the common Wealth of this Realm :' For which The three for- Caufe, be it enacted by the Queen's Majefty, with the A^ent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and mn- Statutes t he Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Acts Kiacje perpetual. arjove remembred, and every of them, and all and every the Branches, Claufes and Provifions in them and every of them contained, fhall from henceforth be, remain and continue in Force and Effect for ever. SMps. ' III. And where in the firft Seffion of Parliament begun in the City of London the third Day of Novem- 2.1 H. 8. c. 12, 4 fe r j n t jj e one an( j twentieth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord of famous Memory, King

  • Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned and prorogued to the Palace of Wejhninjler, an Act or Sta-
  • tute was made, intituled, An AEl for the true making of 'Cables, Halfers and Ropes.

Cattle. ' IV. And where in the Parliament holden upon Prorogation at IVeJlminfter the fourth Day of February 1.4 H. 8. c 9. ' jn t}, c f our a nd twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid King, one other Act was then and there made, ' intituled, An Acl againjl killing of young Beajls, called Weanlings. Cattle. ' V. And where in the Seffion of a Parliament ended at Wejlminfter the firft Day of February in the fourth ^ & 4 Ed. 6. ' Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Ediuard the Sixth, one Act was made concerning c - '9' ' the Buying and Selling of Rother-beafts and Cattle. Vianal. ' VI. And alfo one other Act was then and there likewife made, intituled, An ASt for the Buying and c&4Ed.6,c.2i..< Selling of Butter and Ch,<rfe. H<h. ' VII. 'And where alio in the Parliament begun at Wejlminfter the three and twentieth Day of January in i El. <:. 17. « the firft Year of the Reign of the Queen's Majefty that now is, and there continued by Prorogation until ' the Diffolution thereof, one Act was then and there made, intituled, An Ail for Prfervation of Spawn

  • and Fry of Fijh. VIII.