Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/759

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A.D. i6or. Anno xliii Rcgina; Eli z abet h r. (.4- 7c 9 more of the County, as by nil oth<-r good am! [awful Way, tad VI- ■ i'.i- mJtatJona, Affignmcnts ana Appoi n t me nts aforefaid, and of the Abufcs, 1; 1 Mif-imployments, not imploying, concealing, defrauding, mil -converting or Mil ^ vcifinx Tenement., Ren s, Annuities Profits, i [ere litaim-nt ■,, Goods, Chattel., M heretofore given, limited, appointed or ailigned, or which hereafter (hall he given, li imed, app .n.t-cior affign- ed, to or for any the charitable and godl) life, before ichearfed : (4) An J all 1 the (aid C four or more ot them (upon calling tlv Panic interefted man, fuch Lands. I Profits, Hereditaments, GoodF, Chattels, Money and Stocks ofMoney) f l» • l J n twelve Men or more of the faid County (whereunto the laid I their lawful Challenge and Challenges) (5) and upon (itch Enquiry , fochOrdcrs, Judgments and Decrees, as the faid j ands^ Tenement , , Good*, Chi tels, Money and Stock;, of Money, may be duly and faithfully employed, to and foi I i< h oordingly, until the fame (hall be undone or altered hy the Lord Chancellor of England Ql Lord Keeper ot r the Great Seal of England, or the Chancellor of the County Palatine of Lamaftir, refpectivcly, within their feveral Jurifdictions, upon Complaint hy any Party grieved to be made to them. II. Provided always, That neither this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, lh ill in any wife cxtei to any Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities, Profits, Goods, Chattels, Money or Stocks of Money, in Oi given, limited, appointed or affigned, or which (hall be given, limited, appointed or afligivd, to any Col- Cm lege, Hall or Houfe of Learning within the Univerfites of Oxford or Cambrtdre, or to the College 1 oilFtfl- ?

."///.7, Eaton or JVinchrJier, or any of them, or to any Cathedral or Collegiate Church within thi; .

Realm. III. And provided alio. That neither this Act, nor any Thing therein, (hall extend to any City, to Town 1 (--■• -2.. Corporate or to any the Lands or Tenements given to the Ufes aforefaid within any fuch City or 'IV ■ Corporate, where there is a fpecial Governor or Governors appointed to govern or direct fuch Lan ncments or Things difpofed to any the Ufes aforefaid, neither to any College, Hofpital or Free School, Fm which have fpecial Viiitors or Governors, or Overfcers appointed them by their Founder'. IV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That neither this Act, nor any Thingo , >.,„•, t c . therein contained, (hall be any way prejudicial or hurtful to the JurifdicTion or Power of the ( >rdimrj , . . . but that he may lawfully in every Cauie execute and perform the fame, as though this Act had never be..n had or made. V. Provided alfo, and be it enacted, That no Perfon or Pcrfons that hath or (hall have tiny of the (aid Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities, Profits, Hereditaments, Goods, Chattel , Money or Stacks O^joreTwh Money in his Hands or Polleflion, or doth or fhall pretend Title thereunto, (hall be named a Cuiiin..:- ftoner or a Juror for any the Caufes aforefaid, or being named fhall execute or ferve in the fame. of the l VI. And provided alfo, That no Perfon or Perfons which hath purchafed or obtained, or (hall purchaf-. or obtain, upon valuable Confulcrtuio a of Money or Land, any Eftate or Lite eft of, in, to or out of am Lands, Tuuments, Rents, Annuities, Hereditaments^ Goods or Chattels, that have been or (hall be ; .;....•. given, limited or appointed to any the charitable Uf.** above-mentioned, without Fraud or Co. in, having, file, no Notice of the fame charitable Ufe, (hall not be impeached by any Decrees or Orders of the Commif- fioners above-mentioned, for or concerning the fame his Eitate or Intereft : (2) And yet ncvcrthelefs, BeRcocmr- • it enacted, That the faid Commiffioners, or any four or more of them, (hall and may make Decrees and 1 Orders for Recompence to be made by any Perfon or Perfons who being put in Trull, or having Notice btcjii ; -' of the charitable Ufes above-mentioned, hath or (hall break the fame Trult, or defraud the fame Lies, by any Conveyance, Gift, Grant, Leafe, Demife, Relcafe or Converfion whatfoever, and agai rift the Heirs, Executors ;.nd Adminiitrators of him, them or any of them, having Aflets in Lav/ or Equity, fo far as the fame Aflets will extend. VII. Provided always, That this Act fh.ill not extend to give Power or Authority to any Commiflionc; I before mentioned, to make any Orders, Judgments or Decrees, for or concerning any Manors, Lands, King Hen. i. Tenements or other Hereditaments allured, conveyed, granted or come unto the (Queen's Majefty, to the ™*' '-- late King Henry the Eighth, King Edward the Sixth, or Queen Alary, by Act of Parliament, Suciendi • Exchange, Relinquifhmcnc, Efcheat, Attainder, Conveyance or otherwise : (2) And yet mvcrthelcfs, be it enacted, That if any fuch Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments or any of them, or any Eftate, Rent or Profit thereof, or out of the fame or any Part thereof, have or hath been given, granted, limited, appointed or affigned to or for any the charitable Ufes before expreffed, at any Time fithence the Beginning of her Majefty's Reign ; That then the laid Commiffioners, or any four or more of them, fliall and may, as concerning the fame Lands, Tenement;, Hereditaments, Eftate, Rent or Profit fo given, limited, ap- pointed or affigned, proceed to enquire, and to make Orders, Judgments and Decrees, according to the Purport and Meaning of this Ac!:, as before is mentioned; the faid hit mentioned Proviib notwith- V 111?" And be it further enacted, That all Orders, Judgments and Decrees of the laid Commitlionc. or of any four or more of them, fliall be certified under the Seals of the faid Cbmmiffioners, ort!><^-J- any four or more of them, either into the Court, of the Chancery of England^ or into the Court oi Ctunccry