Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/153

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A. D. 1623. Anno viceriino primo Jacobi I. G. 19. ^loj Tenters ufed contrary to the true Meaning of this A(5V, that then they fliall forthwith deface, or caufe to be defaced, fuch Tenter or Tenters. X. And be it further ena(5ed, That if any Perfon or Perfons vvhofe Tenter or Tenters hath been or J^"..^"^^ " {half be once defaced, fliall eftfoons offend contrary to the true Meaning of this A6t, that then fucli clnd Time for - Perfon or: Perfons fo offending Ihall for every his or their Offence contrary to the true Meaning of this having » Tenter Aft forfeit and lofe the Sum of forty Shillings of good and lawful Money of England, to fuch llfes and contrary to th.s Behoofs, and to be levied and recovered in liich Manner and Form, and by fuch Means, to all Intents _^j_' ^*"'"'"' ami Purpofes, as before in and by this prefent A<ft it is limited, appointed and enacted, for the Suu^ or •Forfeiture of five Pounds to the life of the Poor, in this A61 before-mentioned. XI. And be it further enabled by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That every Overfeer of '^"gv Pn'^u" Cloth appointed by any former Law now in Force, to fix unto any kind of. Cloths a Seal of Lead, Ihall "^j his Name from and after forty Days next after the End of this prefent SefTion of Parliament, upon the Penalty of upon the Soi of their refpeiUve Recognizance taken or to be taken h^ Virtue of the faid Statute made in the nine and the cioth. thirtieth Year oJF the Reign of the faid Queen Elizabeth, or of any other Statute, engrave or fet, or caufe ^' '^' *"' to be engraved or fet, in and upon every of their refpeftive Seals of Lead, which they fliall fix unto any Cloth by them refpeftively to be fealed, his or their Chriftian and Surname ; and that no Cloth or Cloths to be fealed with any Seal of Lead which fhall want fuch Engraving or Print, as aforefaid, fliall be taken or allowed to /he fufficiently fealed, within the Compafs of any former Law or Statute: (z) And fur- ' thermoreAvhereas of late Years divers fubtil and naughty Means and Devices have been invented and praftifed for the preffing of Woollen Cloth of all Sorts, by heating of thick Boards or Planks, and lay- ing the fame under and above the Cloth in the Cold Prefs, and alfo by putting of thin or Ceiling-boards and Pafte-boards, being made very hot, into the Cuttles or Plates of Cloths, and then prefently putting the fame into a Cold Prefs, and by divers other cunning Sleights and Inventions, by which deceitful Praftices and Devices the Chapmen or Buyers of the Woollen Cloth of this Kingdom are deceived and greatly wronged, and the Woollen Cloth of this Kingdom it felf is difgraced, and held and reputed very deceitful, to the great Prejudice and Scandal of the Cloth of this Kingdom:' (3) Be it further enadted Preffing of by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, l^hat all and every the Prelfng of any Kind or Sort of hi° PbnkTfhTii Woollen Cloths by or with fuch fubtil and deceitful Means as aforefaid, or by or with any other the bepunifhedwitii like fubtil or deceitful Means or Device, by or with any Heat of Fire, which fhall be ufed or praftifed like Forfeiture at any Time or Times after the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, fliall be taken and fliall be "iFha'hofprefe, expounded and adjudged to be prefflng with a Hot Prefs, and fhall be puniflied and punilhable with the like Forfeitures, and in like Sort, to all Intents and Purpofes, as the preiTmg with the Hot Prefs is punifliable by any former Law or Statute. XII. And be it further enacSted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Penalties and Forfeitures for s&SEd.e.c. 6i Want of Length, Breadth, and Weight of Cloth or Cloths limited by any former A&. now in Force, or ^or'J^ntiT^ by this prefent Aft, fliall be diflributed into three equal Parts, whereof one third Part fhall be unto the Length, &c. of faid Overfeers and Searchers finding and certifying the faid Default of Lengtli, Breadth and Weight, as cioth fhiii be aforefaid, to be recovered by them at or in the General Quarter-Seflions of the Peace to be holden for the thre^parts'""^" County, City or Town Corporate, where the Offence therein fhall happen to be done or committed, by 5 &6Ed.6.'c. §, i AftionofDebt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Effoin, Proteftion, Privilege or Wager of Law 4 * s P^- ^ ^*' 1 Ihall be allowed : (2) And the other Parts thereof fhall be unto the Poor of the Parifli where the faid ^- Sj.^ ^

Cloth or Cloths fhall be made, to be levied by Way of Diftrefs, and Sale of the Offender's Goods in 35 ehz". c". 7 & 9. .

! Default of fufficient Diftrefs, rendring to the Party the Overplus, by the Church-wardens and Overfeers 43 ^.'ii- <=• i°- . Lof the Poor of every fuch Parifh, from Time to Time refpeftively, (which faid Church- wardens and'* J"^' ^•*'

Overfeers are in fuch Manner to account for the fame, as for any other Sums which are by them to be 

■ collefted to the Ufe of the Poor, by Force of the faid Statute made in the forefaid three and fortieth Year 'i 0/ the Reign of the faid late Queen, are by them to be levied and accounted for ;) the faid former Aft or *? ^^■'^- *:, S any other Aft to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. (3) This Aft to continue till the End of the -^^^'^L^c/S' ) firft Seflion of the next Parliament. [3 Car. i. c. 4. continued until the End of the firft SefTion of the i^Car.i.c.zi. ! next Parliament, and by .16 Car. i. c. 4. farther continued. 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 6. 4 & 5 P. & M. c. 5. "^^^^f'V,"*' 8 El. c. iz. ?7 El. c. 17. 35 El. c. 7 & 9. 43 El. c. 10. 4Jac. i. c. 2. 13 6c 14 Car. 2. c. 32.] 6'^„" A's^g'. ■J Aiti> c, 13. la^n, c, 16. I Cm, i. c, 15 ©" 41. i Ceo, i. c, 24.- t Gsa. t, c, 15, 11 Geo, 2. c, x8. and nGeo, ». c. 355 C A P. XIX. I An A61 for the further Defcription of a Bankrupt, and Relief of Creditors againft fuch as fhall become Bankrupts, and for infliding corporal Punillirnent upon the Bankrupts in fome fpecial Cafes, Creditors.

  • (2) And for that divers Defefts are daily found in the former Statutes inade againft Bankrupts, both in '"■^^'^if'^i
  • the Defcription of a Bankrupt, as alfo in the Power given to the Commiflloners for the Difcovery and 3*^ 35 ■ •

' diftributing the Bankrupt's Eftate, to the great Encourag-ement of evil-minded Perfons, the Hindrance i'jeHz. c.7. ' of TrafBck and Commerce, the great Decay, Overthrow and Undoing of many Clothiers, by whom 1 Jsc. i. c. 15. ' many Thoufands of the natural-born Subjefts of this Realm be from Time to Time in all Parts of this S^ J|o*;^c?^.

  • Kingdom fet on work : All which .do tend to the general Hurt of tliis Realm :' ( 3 ) For Remedy whereof, sac. Jir. v.i.

ix it enafted by the King!s moft excelient Majefty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Cominons, »*7- _, , . Vol. in. ■ -' " p ^ ^ ' j^?r»«/PM,96>