Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/157

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A. Di i623> Amio vicefimo primojAcoBi I. €.21^22. 109 IV. Provided, That this Adl: fhall continue until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Padiament, and no longer. [3 Car. i. c. 4. continued until the End of the firft Seffion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. i. c. 4,j B e A p. XXI. An Aft concerning Hoftlers and Inn-holders E It enaded by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That one Statute made in- the feven and Hoftlers oririn- thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late King Edward the Third, made for the great Dearth that J^",^"^ '^" • then was. in many Places of the Realm, of Poultry, and concerning the Prices of Poultry: (z) And fo bread."° °'*' much of one Statute made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, as pro- 37Efi,3.c.3. yideth, that no Hoftler make Horfe-bread in his Hoftrey, nor without, and that the Affize thereof Ihall J3 -R-i.Stat. i, be kept, and that the Weight be reafonable after the Prices of the Corn in their Markets, and that the ' ' fame Hoftlers ftiall fell Hay and Oats, after a reafonable Price, fo that they take but one Half-peny over the common Price in the Market : (.3 ) And fo much of one Statute made in the fourth Year of the Reign ^h. 4. c. 15. of the late King Henry the Fourth, as doth concern the putting in Execution of the Part of the Statute made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of King Richard the Second, that is before fpecified : (4) And ThVafoufaid one Statute made in the two and thirtieth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth intituled, An A£i' Statutes cmcerning the Baking of Horfe-bread : (5) be from henceforth repealed, made void, and of none ElFedt. repealed. II. And be it further enaded, That no Hoftler or Inn-holder ihall at an Time after the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, make Horfe-bread in his Hoftrey, nor without, but Bakers fhall make it, Hoftlers, &c. and the Afllze fliall be kept, and that the Weight be reafonable after the Price- of the Corn and Grain in- ^^j.'|."'^'^^"° the Markets adjoining; (2) and the Hoftlers or Inn-holderS fhall fell their Horfe-bread, and their Hay, Th^/flia"fe'ii Oats, Beans, Peas, Provender, and alfo all Kind of Victual both for Man and Beaft, for reafonable Provender ac- Gain, having . Refpe^ to the Prices for v^fhich they fliall be fold in the Markets adjoining, without taking ^j^jj"^ '° "'^ any Thing for Litter. ai e . III. Provided- always, and be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That from henceforth it may and Tiieymaym?.ke' fliall be lawful for every Hoftler and Inn-keeper, dwelling in any Town or Village, being a Thorough- Horfe-bread fare or a common Paffage within this Realm, and being no City, Town Corporate or Market-Town, ^jjj "° ^{!^^" ' wherein any common Baker exercifing. the Occupation of Baking, and that hath been Apprentice at the fameT6wn.' faid Occupation by the Space of feven Years, is dwelling, to make within his Houfe Horfe-bread fuffi- cient, lawful and_ of due Affize, according, as the Price of Grain and Corn now is and hereafter fliall be from Time to Time; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. _IV. And be it further ena<5ted by the Authority aforefaid. That if the Horfe-bread which' any of the if they make it ■ faid Hoftlers or Inn-holders ftiall make, be not fufficient, lawful and of due Affize, according to the"°'°J^^"«'*f- . Price of Grain and Corn as is aforefaid ; or that if any of them fliall offend in any Thing contrary to ^-nidied b'y the^ this A<ft'; then the Tuftices of Affize, Juftices of 0/^f and Terminer, Juliets of thePeace in every Shire^- Juftices, &£.• j Liberty or Franchife within this Realm, Sheriffs in their Turns, and Stewards in their Leets and-Lav/- I days, . fliall have fall Power and Authority to enquire, hear and determine the faid Defaults and Offences j of the faid HofUers and Inn-holders, hereafter to be committed againft the Form of this prefent Statute : I (?) And the Hoftler or Inn-holder for the firft Offence fhall be fined according to the Quantity of the I Offence ; and if being once convided he'fhali again offend, for the feeond Offence he fhall be imprifoned j for the Space of one Month without Bail or Mainprize.; and if he fhall a third Time offend, being thereof • i convi(5led he fhall ftand upon the Pillory, without being redeemed for Money ; and if he fhall offend • ■ after the Judgment of the Pillory given, he fhall be Fore-judged for keeping any .Inn again. ■ ■ GAP. XXli. I An ASt for the Explanation of the Statutes made in the third, fourth and fifth Years of Ring Edward Jthe Sixth, concerning the Traders of Butter and Cheefe. 'WHEREAS in a Parliament holden at Wejiminfier in the third and fourth Years of the'Reigntil TheStatuteaof ' the^moft excellent Prince of happy Memory, King iWtCiZr^ the Sixth," it was enacted. That no 3 ^j^f^^^'^g , ^ Perfon or Perfons after the Feaft of the Anunciation of our Lady then next coming, fhould biiy to fell i.t 6. c. 14 ^ again any Butter or Cheefe, unlefs he or they fold the fame again by Retail in open Shopj Fair or explained. ^ Market, .and not in Grofs, upon Pain of Forfeiture of double the Value of the fame Butter andCheefe fo fold contrary to the Tenor of the faid Adl ; ■ < ' II. In and by which Adl it is provided and enaded, That the faid Word of Retail mentioned in the ■ ' faid A6t fhall be expounded, declared and taken oiily where a Wey of Cheefe, or a Barrel of Butter, cr ' a lefs Quantity, and not above, fhould be fold at one Time' to any Perfon or Perfons in open'Shop, ' Fair or Market, and that to be done without Fraud or Covin : . ' , . . ■ * III. And whereas alfo by one other A61 made in a Parliament hblden zi Wejl mi njfer 'mth€. fifth 5 &6 Ed. 6/

  • Year of the Reign of the faid late King it was eiladed, (amongft other Things) That; whatfoever '^' '4-
  • Perfon or Perfon fhould ingrofs or get into his H^nds any Butter or Cheefe within the Realm of England,

' to the Intent to fell the fame again, fhOuld be accepted, reputed and taken to be an unlawful IngrofTer, ' arid Ihould lofe and forfeit the Value of the faid Goods : (2) In which A(5l there is no Provifo f or Re- ' tailers at all ; by Occafion whereof, the Traders for Butter and Cheefe for the City of London are con-

  • tinually vexed and molefted by common Informers, fometimes upon the one Statute and fometimes

'...upon the other, to their great Lofs and Charge : - * IV. Now for that by' daily Experience it is found, that theTraders of Butter and Cheefe for ther - City of London, which fetch and provide the faid Butter and Cheefe out of divers Counties, upon their • 8 * great"