Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/199

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A^. D. i66oi Anno duodecimo Caroli If.' " ^' C. 4. 35 1'

addas or Cruell Ribband the dozen pieces, 7 jjj ,^

every piece containing 36 yards —— i Calve Ikins in tlie haire the piece -^ x. d, • Cabogium, vide Druggs . „ ^ . pamc?!etto half filk, half haire, the yJrd — x. s. Candles of Tallow the pound -, . — — -iij. d, andle plates, or Wallers of B rafs or La ttin the 7 j_ ^_ j^ j_ pound ■ — . ~r — : ;. . j C of Brafs or Lattin the Pound — j.s I of wire the dozen landlefticks

andleweeke "the hundred weight, cont,

pound " • "^ ■ ,Jallicoes fineor coarfe the piece — Canes or Reeds the thoufand — U c iir J S the dozen 1 Canes of Wood ^ ^^^ ^^ck cont. 60 canes

ant fpars the hundred, coiit. fix fcore

Capers, the pound [^aprsvens the hundred, cont. fix fcore ap-hookes, or hooke-eridi the gloce, cont. 12 doz;. xv. s. -double turfed, or Cockared Caps the dozen ij. I. viij. s. for children the dozen j,-.l- Nightcaps of Sattin and Velvet the dozen nj. 1. Nightcaps of Silk knit the dozen '— fv. 1. Nightcaps of woollen the dozen J-.j.- .Nightcaps of Linnen the dozen vuj. s> r Playing Cards the groce, containing? yij^ Cards 3 ii dozen paire — — i ." ' focat. J Wool Cards old the dozen paire — vj. s, (_ Wool cards new the dozen paire — x. s. of Tonney the piece, containing two yards 7 j. 1. x s. and a half long -"-^ 5 ... of Scotland the piece fi^ ' '"'J of Cornix the Carpet two yards and a half? j. j. Ion? i Brunfwicke Carpets ftript and unflript the ^ ,j , J) ^ piece iv. d, vj. s. viij d,

iij.l. xs, 

_i.s. ' — ij. 1. X s, ivs. -J-1- ... . ^ — J. 1. Xiij. s. ivd. vj. d. jij. 1. xiij. s. iv, d. s. iv d. China of Cotton courfe the piece Gentilh the dozen Turkey or Venice fliort the piece IV.: S, iij.l. J. 1. X s. , . Turkey or Venice long, containing four 7 .^jj. [ | yards and upwards ■ S .. ' i_of Perfia the yard fquare the yard ij. 1. v. s, Carrells the piece, containing 15 yards j. 1. vi. s, viij. d. ^of No^ 3 and 4 the dozen ivs. of No. 5 and 6 thedozeri vij. s. of No. 7 and 8 the dozen' x. s. of No. 9 and 10 and wards the dozen Safes for looking glalTes gilt , CO f of No. 3 and 4 the dozen

J of No. 5 and 6 the dozen

^- X j. I. xiij. s. iv. d. . - • 9- Jafes for looking ) of No. 5 and 6 the dozen nj. s. glalFes ungilt j of No. 7 and 8 the dozen v. s. (_ of No. 9 and 10 the dozen xvi. s, with wooden Combs garnilhed the dozen j. 1. with fmall Ivorie Combs garnifhed the ~ dozen vj. d. , viii. d. j. I. vi. s. viij. d. with naiddle fort Tvorie Combes garnifhed ( the dozen with large Ivorie Combs garni(hed dozen the j ij.l. iv.l. for Combs fmgle the groce, cont. iz dozenj. 1. for Combes double the groce, cont. is dozen ij, 1, for fpeftacles gilt the groce, containing 13 7 . , dozen " 5 ^' for fpeftacles ungilt tha groce, cont. 12 dozen xiij. for Needles or Pin-cafes the groce, contain- 7 ... ing 12 dozen — £ ""J' Jor Needles French guilt the dozen v. s, Cattel 5 Imported from Ireland into England, 7 ■• VJ. s. viij. s. iv. d. s. iv, d* d. ' ^reat l apiece after the rate of " of Iron fmall, the dozen — 1 middle fort, the dozen large, the dozen the dozen 1. Caviare the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound v>,„,„ 5 °f Linen for women, the dozen — '*-"" I of Silk, the dozen J. 1. xs. ij. 1. viij. s, iij. 1. yj. 1. J.l; viij. s. j. 1. vj. s. viij. d» jCefterns of Lattin, the pound j. s. iv d tehaffing-di/hes$°f f"*^ °; L^""' ^^^ pound j.s. iv. d. ! " i of Iron, the dozen xiij. s. iv. d, jchains ^ i° JJ^y^ **'" f^rCes, fine, the dozen viij. s 'P for Dogs courfe, the dozen hairs of Walnut-tree, the piece -iij. s, iv. d. 1 r un watered or Mohairs, the yard iij. Chamlets < watered, the yard v. < I t'half filk half hair, the yard x. ! •Cheefe the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound ' Cherries the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound ^Chcl'j-boards, the dozen vj. s. viii. d. xij. s. 'Chefs-men the groce, cont. 12 dozen 1^ r of Iron fmall or middle fort the piece v.'i, I » < of ] ron large the piece vj. 1. xiij. s, lo (.of Cyprus v/ood the nefl, cont, three chefls viij. 1. ' Ifi) s Ann. c. 8, iv, d. of of Spruce or Danfke the nefl; contaihing-? : V 1^ three chefts — . — — ^J; X. s. -V' s. viij. d, ij. s. iiij. d. uj. s. iiij. d iiij. 8. • . 1. g t painted the dozen ^— Chimney-backs {^^^ China Peafe the Pound Chizels for Joyners, the dozen Citterns, the dozen iij !the fmall hundred, containing fix- 7 ^y j fcore boards 5 ' * the Ring, cont. two fmall hundredj. 1. x. the great hundred, com, twenty 7 jj^jj: j four fmall hundred — i ' xiij. s. -ij. 1. Clar'cords the pair Clo.^kes of Felt the piece iiij d. All manner of Woollen Cloths imported per yard viij. 1. x. s, !voe.. Svlvefter, or Campeachea? : j_ ^jj; j^ chocheneale the pound "^i ' ' of all forts of Cocheneale except 1 Svlvefter arid Campechea co- I vj. s. vuj. d. cneneale, the pound — — ^ j Coales of Scotland the Tonne }3- =• viij. d. f covered with gilt leather, the dozen _— ij.l. covered with Velvet, the dozen jv. 1. with Iron barrs the neft, cont. three coffers J •.!.•. xij. s. plain the neft, containing three coffers xiiij. s. iv. a, painted the neft, cont. three coffers —^ — xvj. s, Comafhes out of rfurkey, the piece -^^^ — '- "• '• "for wool the paire, oldornew ____y. s. of bone the pound - " • _-^iv. s. of box the grooe, cont. 12 dozen jj J voc. lightwood combes the groce, S ; taining 12 dozen -— Q of home for Barbers, the dozen I of Ivorie, the pound — l_vocat. Horfecombs, the dozen — Comfets the pound 8 Geo. I. c. IJ 5 Ann. c. 8. _i. _x. s. 1.- s. VIIJ. a. -'J- -X. s. Compafles -ij. s. of Iron for Carpenters, - the dozenij. s. " ' "■ ' ' -iv. s. -vij. s. r of irc i of br; I for SI afle, the dozen Ships, the dozen funwrought bricks or plates round or fquare, the hundred' weigjit cont. 112 pound iSr rofe Copper • Chames, the Chaine purles or plate the marke .— — — Copperas green the hundred weight, contain ing 112 pound ■'? Cordage or Ropes tarred or untarred the hun- dred weight, containing 112 pound rorkp farks 5 "^ ^™" ^^^ thoufand . eorke tacKS -^ ^^ g^^^j ^^^ thoufand for Shoemakers, the dozen pieces ij. s. vj. s. 12 Ann. c, i8i viij. d. o r foi •S^of xuj. s. nij. d. . viij. d. xuj. s. iv. d. -ivs. all othei' forts the hundred weight, con- taining H2 pound f rWheat imported not exceeding the 4., price of five fhillings fix pence S J the Bufhell at the place of^ im- 5 I portation by the bu/hel ■* J When it (hall exceed that rate by xvj. s. viij. d, ■ 22 Car. 2. c. 13, L the quarter I -vj. s. viij. d. c Wl {"Imported not exceeding the price ofS

four fhillings fix pence the buihel (iij. s. iv, d, 

^ J at th© place of importation by the f C(i J bufhel J / when it (hall exceed that rate by the ^ v. s, L quarter .—— ^ [Imported not exceeding the price of three fhillings fix pence the bufhell, at the place of im portation iij. s. iiij. d. by the bufhel J- . s. iv. d. 'hen it (hall exceed that rate, by the quarter v. s. Coverlets of Scotland, the piece xv. s. Counters of Latin, the pound j. s. r Laths the pound . viij. d. Grosbow •} Threed, the pound . viij.d, t Racks the piece . xs. r of Stone without covers, the hundred 7 Crufes } ■ containing five fcore 5 ^' ^' (offtonevvithcovers, thehun;cont, 5fcorej. 1. vj. s. Gu(hians of Scothnd, the dozen . x. s. Guihen-cloths I courfe the dozen _ -^ y.-.'-x." j Ann. c- S» viij. d. 2ofTapeftry, the -dozen Cuttle bones, the thoufand — iiij. 1. x. - j. 1. vj. s 5 Ann. c, 8, viij. d. D. Daggs with fire locks, or Snaphances, the piecej. I. "blades, the dozen j. 1. vj. s. viij.d

hildien, the dozen iiij. s.

5one for cliildren, the dozen ij. s. with velvet (heaths, the dozen iij. 1. with velvet (heaths, the dozen •—iiij. 1. Pe.-iles