Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/210

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i62 C. 4. Anno duodecimo Caholi II. A. D. 1660. Jl & M W. 3. f . 20, .S c ' r r packed, tlie barrel I packed, the laft, < twelve barrels ) unpack'd or Sea flicks, L laft, cont. 18 barrels r packed, the barrel iv. d, H .5 g I packed, the laft, ' containing a < twelve barrels ^ / unpacked or Sea-fticks, the laft, / L cont. 18 barrels 5 r the cade, cont. five hundred — red, full < thelaftjcontainingtwentycades,,? t or ten thoufand ' — — ? "Winter Her- S the cade, containing five 7 rings red, J hundred — ^ e»,„...„ S t'le laft, containing 20 V iii Shotten, ^ r,H.=' or ten thoufand 5"^ iv. 1, vj'. s vj,l, Cades, " (-packed, the barrell uj. s. 1. ►Si w £ packed the laft, containing iz ] '^^ barrels -^ ^ J unpacked, or feaftick, the laft, (. cont. iS barrels r f the Cade, -containing five hun- •«3 dred ■ (•i } the laft, containing 20 Cades t vj. s, viij, di iv.l. iv.I. iij. $. iij. 1. , - , ^ or ten tlioul'and Homers, the dozen pair — Hops, the hundred weight, cont. 112 pound — 4. 1. X. S«  "Blowing homes fmall, the dozen — iv. s. of Bucks, the hundred — — iv. s. Inkhorns, the dozen, vide Haberdafhery ? ^ ware. —— J . g Horns for Lanthorns, the thoufand leaves j. 1. >jOxe homes, the thoufand « > Powder homes, the dozen S of Rams, the, thoufand — ^ of Sheep, the tliolifand — Shooing homes, the dozen i of Stags homes, the hundred (^Tips of homes thethoufand Horfe-litters and Sedands, the piece r Stone horfes, the piece - 1]. 1. X. s, -iiij. s. - ly. s. IV. d, -viij.d. - j. 1. xij. s. - XV. s. -ij. 1. X. s. y . , ..._^, — Ixyj.l.xiij.s. iv, d. " Geldings or Nags, the piece — xx. 1. Horfes vocat.-^ Geldings or Nags to the Englifh? v 1 I Plantations ' t. Mares, the Mare -cxxvj.l.xiij.s.iv.dr Horfe tailes, with haire, the hundred weight, 7 jv j containing five fcore ■ i .. ' * Horfe collars, the hundred, cont, five fcore 'j- '• Hoops for barrels, the thoufand . xiij. s. iv. d. Jewels precious ftones and Pearls, free Iron wrought, viz. Axes, Adges, Hoes,Armour," Bicts, Knives, Locks, fowling pieces, Muf- kets, Piftols, Ciflbrs, Stirrops, and all Car- penter and Gravers tools, Jackwork, Clock- > Jf- *» work, and all Ironmongers wares perfeflly manufafturedj thehundred vveight, cont. 112 pound i j Iron, thetonn . • xyj.!. ( Old Iron, the tun • xvj. 1. (Iron Ordnance, the hundred weight, cont. nz 7 ii 1 ■ jj pound £ ■■'■ ■ .. Irifti Mantles, the Mantle — — . "J- s. »v. d^ pairing-knives, tfie do-

  • j rShoemakers

o ^^" > I Cutting-knives, the dozen S "j Sheffield knives, the fmall ■g / taining twelve dozen j^ LLondon knives ordinary, the ss, the do-"» 11 groce, con-f le dozen —J vide Iron-ware, f j Lace of gold and filver, the pound j. I. xyj. s«  [Lace of velvet, the pound, vide filk ■ Statute Lace, the groce, cont. 12 doz, vide filk i Litharge of Lead, the hundred weight, con- ' taining 112 pound — ^_ . Lampernes, the thoufand Leather manufadlures of any fort, not particu larly rated, the pound — • — Loom work, the yard ■ • Lime, the chalder Lynnen, viz. all forts of cloth made of Hemp J ^ uy. s. — J. 1. vi.s, viij.d.] ^ X. d. — vj. d. xiij. s. iiij. d«  or Flax, fine or courfe, of Englilh manufac- i x. s» ' tore, the piece, not exceeding forty ells J Linfced, the quarter, containing eight bufliels iij. It Linfey woolfey, vide Stuff i 8 Linnen fhreds, the maund or fat Lifts of cloth, the thoufand yards


X.Sa. Lead, caft and uncaft, the fodder, containing 7 „„ , twenty hundred weight 5 Note, that every itranger is to pay for Lead double cuftome. M. Maps and Sea Cards of all forts, the hundred 7 „ . weight, at 112 pound C " *♦ Muftard feed, thehundred weight, containing? ii2j>ound — — . . £ X., s, Melafies or Rameales, the ton _____ x, I. N. Nailes of all forts, the hundred weight, con- 7 taining 112 pound r v. s. Nuts fmall, the barrel, containing three hulhels vj. 5. viij.4 o. Oatemeale J 'JJ'^ ^^f , . . T l TV "J- «• "'J. d. ^ the barrel, contammg three bufhels x s Oyle vocat. Train oyle made in England, the ton x' l' Oyfters, the fmall barrel, in pickle j. s ' iv d Oker, yellow or red, the hundred weight, con- 7 . ' taining 112 pound — £i-'- Oxen, the Oxe ■ vj.,t xiij, s. iv. 4 P. Parchment, the roU — __- xiij. s. iv. d, Paft boards, the groce, containing 12 dozen — xij,.s. Piftures of Englifti-making, the hund. weight, 7 „ ^ printed or painted — > v. s. Pilchers, the ton, by flrangers xx. I. Points of Leather, the fmall groce, cont. 12 dozen vj. d. Purls of Broadcloth, the dozen (a J ij. d. Pork, the barrel (iJ , , iv. 1, Rape cakes, the thoufand — — x, r. Rape feed, the quarter, containing eight bu.'hels iij. 1, Rugs S Irifli Rug, the yard iv. d, vocat. l Irifn Rugs for Beds, the Rug — vj. s. ^iii. ,*, RufTetting for painters, the hundred weight, 7 containmg 112 pound c Rafhes vocat. filk Ralhes, broad or narrow, 7 the yardj vide filk ware. — — ^ c Ribbon, vide filk manufaftures. V. s. Saddles V. s. iij. S. i'j-s, iv. d. 5 Great faddles, the piece- — ^ i All other faddles of all forts> apiece Saddle-trees, the dozen Sackcloth to make facks, the botrit or piece 7 vide Linnen »— £ Saffron, the pound . j. j. x. s. Salt-peter, the hundred weight, cont, 112 pound iv. L Seamorfe teeth, the pound iij. 5, jv. rf. Scabbards for fwords, the dozen . j. s, viii" d «!h-io- Jwiththred, the yard 7 -. t- ^•^5 l^withthred; the piece ^vide Lmnen. Shovels 5"^°^' '^°^,«" — iv. s. / unlhod, the dozen- iij.s. iv, d. Shreds and peeces of Broadcloth, the pound' vj. d. r old, the hundred dozen pair iv.l, Shooes -J all new Shooes, Boots and SUppers, 7 t the pound Weight . >. Silk vocat. Englifh throne filk, the pound, ] containing fixteen ounces All other filk manufaiftures made of filk only, or of filk and worfted, or of filk and thred. or hair, the pound weight Z< C Tawed & dyed into colors, thehun-7 dred, containing an hundred andjj. ^ twenty ____ ^ , Gray ftag, the •hundred, cont. fix fcore c I Gray feafon'd the hund j3 I Gray tawed the hund X. s. cont. fix fcore j. 1, - - cont. fix fcore xiij. s. iiii d [Black with filver hairs or without, 7 .. , ... I. the hundred, cont. fix fcore — C '-)• '• ^'J- s. Jv. a, r In the liair, thehundred, cont. 7 - Kid-fldns i five fcore — £^- s.' Dreft, the hund. cont. five fcore xiij; s. iv"d' voc. Morkins, untawed, the 7 . ... -, hundred, cont. fix fcore — : f ^XJ- s- vuj.d, voc. Morkins tawed with the? . ,.'•- ^ woollj the hund. cont. fix fcore 5 ^^' '• "'J- o* Wii& (!')3&4W. &M.r"8. SliitW Lamb- fkins f- II