Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/222

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174 C. 12. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. A. D, ltdpA Fabrick Lands, LI, Provided always, That this Acl, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall not extertd IQ andemijiijrii| ^'Tut 'n° ^"^y P^^i'^0" o^ Perfons wliatfoever, who have entred into any Mefluages, Land*, Tenements and Het«-1 and uunii s. ^litaments, called Fabrick Lands, or poffefs themfelves of any Rent or Revenues given for the Repair of • any Cathedral or other Church, or who have facrilegioufly enriched themfelves by converting the Plate, or Utenfils and Materials, of or belonging to any fuch Churches, to their own private Ufe and Advaa- tage, for or in refped; of thefaid Crimes only. 13 Car. 2. Stat. i. c, 7. CAP. XII. An A6t for Confirmation of Judicial Proceedings, What Afla and TJ ^ it enaftcd, and it is enadted by his Majefty, and the Lords and Commons in Parliament aflembled, proceedingsftiaii iJ and by the Authority of the fame. That no Fines, nor final Concords, Chirographs, nor Proclami- . not be avoided, tions of Fines, nor any Recoveries, Verdidls, Judgments, Statutes, Recognizances, nor Inrolments of any Deeds or Wills, or of any fuch Fines, Prdclam.ations, Recoveries, Verdids, Judgments, Statutes or Recognizances, nor any Exemplifications of them nor any of them, nor any Inquifitions, Indictments, Prefentments, Informations, Decrees, Sentences, Probats of Wills, nor Letters of Adminiitration, nor any Writs, or AcUngs on or Returns of Writs, Orders or other Proceedings in Law or Equity, had, made, given, taken or done, or depending, in the Courts of Chancery, King's Bench, Upper Bench, Common Pleas and Court of Exchequer, and Court of Exchequer-Chamber, or any of them, fitting ?t TVeJfmhifter, or in the Courts of the Great Seflions Wahs, the Courts of any Counties Palatine or Duchy of Lancafter, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or in any other inferior Courts of Law or Equity, or by .any the Judges, Clerks, Officers, Sherifts, Coroners or Minifters, or others adling in Obedience to them or any of them, or by any the Courts of Admiralty, Delegates, Juftices of Affile, Nifiprius, Oyer znA Ten?iin:r, Gaol-delivery, Juftices of the Peace, Commiffioners of Sewers, Bankrupts, or Charitable Ufef, nor any Adtings, Procefs, Proceedings nor Ex;ecutions thereupon had, made, given, done or fuffered in the Kingdom of England fince the firft of May one thoufand fix hundred forty-two, ihall be avoided fqr Want or Defecft of any legal Power in the faid Courts, Judges, Commiffioners, Juftices of any of them,; fa) or for or by Reafon that the Premiffes or any of them were commenced, profecuted, had, made, held or ufed in the Name, Stile or Title of the late King, or in the Name, Stile, Title or Teft of Cujhdes Libertatis Anglia Authorltate Parliamenti, or in the; Name, Stile, Title or Teft of ' The Keepers of the 'Liberty oi England hj Authority of Parliament,' or in the Name, Stile, Title or Teft of ' Oliver Lord ' Prote6tor of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto be- ' longing,' or of ' Oliver Lord Protestor of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and

  • the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging,' or the. Name, Stile, Title or Teft of ' Richard

'* Lord Protestor of the Commonwealth oi England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions and Terr ' ritories thereunto belonging,' or for or by Reafon of any Alteration of ihe faid Names, Stiles or Titles':

("3) Or for that the faid Fines, Recoveries, Procefs, Pleadings, Proceedings and other Things beford-

mentioned, or the Entry and Inrolment of them or any of them, were in the Latin or Englijh Tongue; (4) but that all and every fuch Fines, Recoveries and other Things above-mentioned, and the AcSinga, 1 Doings and Proceedings thereupon, Ihall be of fuch and of no other Force, Efi^ecSt and Virtue, than as ^ if fuch Courts, Judges, Juftices, Commiffioners, Officers and Minifters, had acSed by Virtue of a true, juft and legal Authority, and as if the fame and the Entry and Inrolment thereof were in Latin, and as ii ■ the feveral AcSs and Ordinances or pretended Ads or Ordinances m.ade by both or either Houfes of Par- liament,, or any Convention aflembled under the Name of a Parliament, or by Oliver Cromivell late ftile<' Protedtor of the Commonwealth of £a:^/(jaf/, Scotland znA Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging and his Council warranting or dire<Sing fuch Piroceedings, had been good, true and effedual Aets of Par liament. .Fines levied * II. And whereas, fince the Death of the late King, feveral Fines have been levied, without any Entr^ ■witjiout Entry e qj. jj^g Entring of any Sum mxApro Ikentia concordandi, commonly called the King's Silver, and withou luordln"" '^°"' ' Entry or due Entry of any Sura given to the Party for the Concord ; (2) And alio whereas in the Tern?, /gc-... I's-at. I. ' oi'Eit. Michael z.?x. paft, leveral Fines were levied and recorded in the Court of Common Pleas befor^' e. i.f=a. 4. i pne Judge only of the faid Court:' III. Be it enacted. That the faid Fines and Proclamations thereupon, and every of them, fliall be goo4 'i and effcftual, notv/ithftandir.g the Defeats aforefaid. ' .Fines and Reco- IV. And be it alfo further enaited, That all Fines, Proclamations of Fines, Recoveries, and other Ju.; . incJ:^!pXun dicial Proceedings in the Court of Common" Pleas at IVeft?ninJhr, fince the Death of his late Majefty King i Uurium. ^ " Charles the Firft, had, levied or fuffered, of any Lands 'lying in the County Palatine oi Durham, Ihall » good and eSeilual, notviithftanding the faid Lands were lying in the faid County Palatine. , Tile illegal Aas V. Provided, That this A£l or any Thing therein contained fliall not be conftrued, deemed or adjudged id .n,i pi-nceedin^s . ... ! _ii_... — o. or countcnance any the Proceedings in the lateillegal and unwarranted Higii !■ or any of them : (z) ' And whereas fince the firft Day of May in the Year .| hundred forty-one, and before the fi-e and twentieth Day of April in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, there were divers Perfons that adhered to both Houfes of Parliament, who, for or in refpeCt of fuch their Adherence, were indided, charged or imh peached of J reafon : ( 3 )■ And whereas fince the, faid firft Day of May in the Year of our Lord one. thoufand fix hundred forty-one, and before the .faid five and twentieth Day of April in the Year of oiac ' Lon*