Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/269

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A. D. 1 662. Anno decimotertio& quarto Carol I 11. C. 3. 221 ot Perfons fo refufing as aforefaid, rendring the Overplus to the Party diftrained, neceflary Charges for Le- Irying being firft dedu6led. XI. And for the better Difcovefy of the Ability of the Perfons fo to be afieffed and charged, and of all f'^'^'%°J^^"' tVIifdemeanors tending to the Hinderance of the Service aforefaid, the faid refpedtive Lieutenants, and h°ow to'b^'dir. itheir Deputies, or any three or more of them, are hereby enabled to examine upon Oath fuch Perfon or covered. Perfons as they Ihall judge neceflary or convenient, or (hall be produced by the Party charged or accufed, )ther tlian the Perfons themfelves fo to be aflefled and accufed. XII. And for the better and more fpeedy Execution of the Premifles, Be it further enadled. That the xreafurer and' faid refpedive Lieutenants fliall be and are hereby required to appoint one or more Treafurer or Trea- clerks for re- fiirers, Clerk or Clerks, for receiving and paying fuch Monies as (hall be levied by Virtue hereof; of all "'vingandpay. which Receipts and Disburfements thereof, the faid Treafurer, Clerk and Clerks, are every fix Months '("fs Aa.'^* ^ to give their Accounts in Writing, and upon Oath, to the faid Lieutenants and their Deputies, or any three or more of them, which Oath they have hereby Power to adminifter: (2) And the faid Account fo to be taken, (hall be forthwith certified to the Lords of his Majefty's moft honourable Privy Council, and a Duplicate thereof fliall be certified to the Juftices of Peace at the next General Quarter-SelTions. Xni. And be it further enacted, That the Deputy-Lieutenants fhall obferve and obey fuch Orders and Diredtions as they (hall from Time to Time receive from the refpedive Lieutenants, for the putting in Execution the Powers given by this Adt. XIV. And for the better fecuring the Peace of the Kingdom, Be it further enadted and ordained, and who (half be the faid refpedtive Lieutenants, or any two or more of their Deputies, are hereby enabled and authorized appointed to from Time to Time, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to imploy fuch Perfon or Perfons as they f^f^'^^y'^'^, ^^' fhall think fit (of which a commilTioned 0(ficer, and the Conftable or his Deputy, or the Tithingman, theHoufesof or in the Abfence of the Conftable and his Deputy and Tithingman, fome other Perfon bearing Office "iangerouj Per- within the Paridi where the Search fhall be, (hill be Two) to fearch for and feize all Arms in the Cuftody '^°" or PolTefTion of any Perfon or Perfons whom the faid Lieutenants, or any two or more of tlieir Deputies, (hall judge dangerous to the Peace of the Kingdom, and to fecure fuch Arms for the Service aforefaid^ and thereof from Time to Time to give Accounts to the faid refpedtive Lieutenants, and in their Abfence as aforefaid, or otherwife by their Diredtibns, to their Deputies, or any two or more of them ; (2) Pro- vided that no fuch Search be made in any Houfe or Houfes between Sun-fetting and Sun-rifing, other than- in Cities and their Suburbs, and Towns Corporate, Market-Towns and Houfes within the Bills of Mor- tality, where it (hall and may be lawful to fearch in the Night-time by Warrant as aforefaid, if the War- rant (hall fo diredl, and in Cafe of Refiftance to enter by Force: (3) And that no Dwelling-houfe of any Houfes of Peers Peer of this Realm be fearched by Virtue of this Adt, but by immediate Warrant from his Majefty, un- ' der his Sign Manual, or in the Prefence of the Lieutenant, or one of the Deputy-Lieutenants of the fame County or Riding : (4) And that in all Places and Houfes whatfoever where Search is to be made as afore- faid, it (hall and may be lawful, in Cafe of Re{iftance, to enter by Force; (5) and that the Arms fo feized may be reftored to the Owners again, if the faid Lieutenants, or in their Abfence as aforefaid, their De- puties, orany two or more of them, fhall fo think fit. XV. And be it enadted. That all Hi^h Conftables, Petty Conltables, and other Officers and Minifters^j^u High Con- within the faid Counties, Cities, Parimes and Places aforefaid, be and are hereby required to be aiding ftabies and offi- and affifting to the faid refpedtive Lieutenants and their Deputies, or any of them, in Execution of the cers to be aMps PremilTes : (2) And that all and every Perfon and Perfons who (hall adt or do any Thing in Execution- Lie„fjn^„'J^ """ thereof, (hall be hereby faved harmlefs and indemnified : And alfo, that all and every Perfon and Perfons,. who have heretofore adted or done any Thing in Execution of any CommilTion or Commi(Fions of Lieu- tenancy iflued by the King's Maje(ty that now is, or by Colour of them or any of them, or touching or concerning the fame or any of them, or relating thereunto, fince the feventh Day of May one thoufand fix hundred fixty and one, until the twentieth Day of May one thoufand fix hundered fixty and two, (liall: be and are hereby faved harmlefs and indemnified in that Behalf. XVI. And be it further enadted and ordained. That where any Perfon or Perfons (hall be charged byjjQ^pgr(j,„,3,^. Virtue of this Adt to find a Horfe and Horfeman, Horfes and Horfemen and Arms, or Foot-foldier and to be charged re- Arms, in fuch County, City or Place, where he or they do not relide or inhabit ; that then and in fuch filing in one Cafes, the refpedtive Lieutenants and Deputies, or any three or more of them, (hall fend Notice of every ving"Lands in** fuch Charge, if fuch Perfon have any Land in his own Occupation, to fuch Perfon as he doth imploy as another, his Servant in managing the fame; (2) and in Cafe all his Lands or other Eftate be demifed, and to farm let, then to one or two of the moft fufficient Tenant or Tenants, who (hall have the fame in their Occupation, who are hereby required forthwith with all convenient Speed to convey the fame to their Mafter or Landlord refpedtively, and within fuch Time as (hall be appointed in that Behalf, bring an Account of their Mafter or Landlord's Anfwer to the refpedtive Lieutenants and Deputies, or any three or more of them : (3) And upon Negledt or Refufal of the Landlord, to provide fuch Horfe and Horfe- man, Horfes and Horfemen and Arms, or Foot-foldier and Arms, as is duly charged upon him, ac- cording to the Rates mentioned in this Adt, for the yearly Rent referved upon every Demife or other Grant, and not otherwife, within the Time limited for that Purpofe; that then the faid Tenant or Te-- ^^^^^^^^^^^^ nants (hall provide and do as the Landlord in that Behalf ought to have done : (4) And if the faid Te-M^^MtM^fot ' nant or Tenants (hall refufe or negledt to provide fuch Horfe and Horfemen, Horfes and Horfemen and their i-an<iioid». Arms, or Foot-foldier and Arms, as are charged upon his and their Landlords, within the Time limit- ed ; that then and upon every fuch Default, it (hall and may be lawfvil to and for the faid refpedtive Lieu- tenants, and in their Abfence as aforefaid, or otherwife by their Diredtions, to and- for their Deputies,; or any two or more of them, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to levy all fuch Penalties as are appointed by this Adt, by Diftrefs and Sale of the- Offender's Goods, rendring the Overplus to the Partjg diftrained. XVII. And