Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/27

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The T I T L E S of the STATUTE S. a. An Aci: for the Talcing and Afleffing of the Lands of tfife Adventurers within the Great Level of the Fens. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno viceftmo CaroU IL Regis. 1. A N A£t to indemnify the late Sheriffs of the City of / London, and the Warden of the Fleet, touching the Efcapes of Prifoners, and other Matters occafioxied by the late Fire. 2. An Aft for fettling of certain Manors, Lands and Te- nements oi ^'nThomas Leventhorp, Baronet, in the Coun- ties of ii^i?^' and i/frZ/ar^f. 3. An Aft to enable Sir Thomas Hablethwaiie to fell or dif- p.ole of Land to pay Debts, and make Provifion for youn- ger Children. 4. An Aft for Confirmation of the Settlement of Sir Kingf- my'd Lua, Baronet, io the faid Aft mentioned, and for trans fern lig over fome other Part of the Real Eftate of Sir Richard Lucy, Knight and Baronet deceafed, from Francis Lucy, Efquire. 5. An Aft to confirm an Agreement between William A^5/V, Efquire, Lord of the Manor of //artwi, and the Tenants of the faid Manor, for an Inclofure of Part of the Wafte of the faid Manor, for the Prefcrvation and Growth of Wood and Timber. 6. An Aft for Enabling of Sir William Juxon, Knight and Baronet, Executor of the Laft Will and Teftain^ut of William Juxon Vate. Lord Archbifhop of Canterbury, to recover Part of his Eflate. 7. An Aft for the better Securing of a Portion of 5oo"i/. to and for the Lady Frances Savile, an Infant Daughte oi Thomas late Eail o' Sujix deceafed, ou. of Pirt of thc- Eftate oi James Earl of .Sz^'a- alfo an ■ 1 Pur u- ance of the Will of the faid Thomas E : ^ , '• 8. An Afton the Behalf of £>i7twi- /'^/. , .re, 'for fettling certain cuftomary Lands hi:iu ^.: w.anor of Wimbleton in the County cf Surrey. 9. An Aft to enable the Exccuvion of a Truii ■'or Payment of the Debts and Providing for the younger Children of Richard Taylor, Efquire, deceafed, 10. An Aft for enabling Truftees to make Leafes, for Pay- ment of the Debts, "and Providing for the Children of Sir Charles Stanley. PUBLIC K A C T S. Anno vicefimo fscwido Car ill il. Regis. 1. A N Aft to prevent and fupprefs fediticrus Conven- J^ tick-s. 2. An Aft for Repairing of the Flaven and Piers of Great Yarmouth. 3. An Aft for granting to his Majefty an Impofition upon all Wines and Vinegar Imported between the four and twentieth Day of June 1670. and the four and twentieth Day of June 1678. 4. An Aft for the Settling the Impofition on Brandy. 5. An Aft for taking away the Benefit of Clergy from fuch ' as fleal Cloth from the Rack, and from fuch as fiiall fteal or imbezil his Mnjefty's Ammunition and Stores. 6. An A61; for advancing the Sale of Fee-Farm Rents and other Rents. 7. An Aft to enable the King's Majefly to make Leafes, Grants and Copies, of Offices, Lands, Tenements and Hereditarnents, Parcel of his Highnefs Duchy of Corn- ival, or annexed to the fame. 8. An Aft for afcertaining the Meafures of Corn and Salt. 9. An Aft authorizing certain Commiffioners of the Realm of England, to treat with Commiffioners of Scotland, for the Weal of both Kingdoms. ' , " ' " 10. An Aft for Sale of Part of the Eftate qf Sir joh^ Pxjt- tirnan, for Satisfaction of a Debt by hijn dup to th? King's Majelly. 11. An additional Aft for the Rebuilding of the City of London, Uniting of Pariflies, and Rebuilding of the Ca- thedrftl and Parochial Churches within the faid City. 12. An additional Aft for the better Repairing of Highways and Bridges, 13. An Aft for Improvement of Tillage, and the Breed of Cattle. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno vicefimo fecundo Caroli II. Regis, 1. A -^ Aft for John Mannors, called Lord Roos, to marry l again. 2. An Aft for fettling certain charitable Ufes devifed by John late Bifhop of Rochejler. 3. An Aft for to enable Anthony Afiley, Efquire, Son of the Lord AJhley, to acknowledge Fines and fu.ffer Reco- veries of I,ands and Hereditaments, whilft he is under the Age of twenty and one Years. 4. An Aft for fetting Part of the Eftate of Dame Sufan Bella/is Widow, late Wife of Sir Henry Beliafis de- ceafed. V An Aft for Confirming Purchafers Eftates, and for fet- tling the Differences between the Lady Elizabeth. Lee ni;d the Daughters and Coheirs of the late Earl of Dsivne. 6.' An Aft to enable the Truftees for the Lord Vifcount Strangford of the Kingdom of Ireland, to fell certain Lands, for the Payment of the Remainder of his Debts.,- 7. An Aft for the Enabling Sir William Gojlwick^, Knight, to make a Jointuie to Dame ^(7r^' his Wife. 8. An Aft for Confirmijig the Eftate of 'Sir' Ralph Bankes in the ^.ror of Thejb eft et alias Thirfbejiet, and other Lands in the County and Borough of Carmarthen. g. An Aft for Sale of Lands to pay the Debts, and raifc Portions for the younger Children of Sir Cutbbert Herm^ Baronet. 10. An Aft to enable Dame Elizabeth Routh, Mother and Executiix of the Laft Will and Teftamcnt of Dorothy /V.T«y(r// Widow deceafed, late the Relift and Executrix of John Fareivell late of the Inner Teinfle, Lo7:don, Ef- quire, to fell certain Lands for the Payment of Debts. 11. An Aft for fettling the Manor or Lordfliip of Firbecke in the County of 2«r^, and other Lands therein mention- ed, on Truftees, to enable them to fell the farne for the Payment of Debts. 12. An Aft for the Building of a Manfion-Ho.ufe for the Dean of St. PciuTs Church, London. 13. An Aft concerning the Difpofing of a Houfe and Lands belonging to the Sifters and Coheirs of 'Margaret Strode. 14. An /' ft for Endowment of a Church at Shadwell, now in the Parifh of Stepney in Mjddlefex, and making cf it ■ Parochial dillinft- from ^Vi.;;^"^)'. 15. An Aft for fettling the Draining of the Fe;ns ,in L'tn- colnjhire called Deeping Fcnns. 16. An Aft for making Navigable the Rivers comrnonly called Brandon and Waveney. 17. An aft to enable Tho?nas Herd, Efquire, to make Leafes of his Eftate. i. 18. An Aft to enable Richard Beckham and others, tp Jeli Lands, to pay his Father's Debts, and to raife l^ortiyns for his younger Brothers. ,,: 19. An AA to enable John Bill, Efquire, tp fcU cficjain Lands ki Kent and Surry. 22 v? 23 Car. s, O-.H'.'A '.■■ c b 2 20, An