Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/389

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A. D. 1670. Anno vicefimo fccundo Caroli II. C. 11. 341 of Ground or Soil fo built upon, united and annexed to fuch Buildings, for and during fuch Terms and tftates as he and they refpeftivtly have, or hereafter fliall have, of and in the faid Mouil-i and Buildings; any Matter or Thing to the contrary in any wife notwithltanding. ' LVIII. And whereas the Wardens and Commonalty of the Myftcry of the Mercers of the City of ♦ London are now building, purfuant to a Defign approved of by by his Majefly, anew School-houfe with ' Houfes thereto adjoining, for the Accommodation of the Matter, Sub-Mafter and Chaplain thereof, partly ' upon the Sites and Totts of the late School called St. Paul's School, and the former Houfes of the faid ' Mailers and Chaplain, and partly upon fome Ground next adjoining, being Part of the Church-yard ' belonging to the Cathedral Church of St. Puui's, London : And whereas other Parts of the former Site Paul's School ' of the laid late School and of other Houfes adjoining, have been alfo by his Majefly's Directions cut ofF",'=* '>" X «  ' and laid into the faid Church-yard, for the Enlargement and Accommodation of the Paff.ige at the Eafl- f^°T!""5 ' end of the faid Cathedral;' (2) Be it therefore ena£ted, That fo much of the faid Ground adjoining to Pai't of Si. Paul's the Site of the laid late School and former Houfes, as is comprized within the Foundation of the f.iid new Church-yani, School and Houfes now building for the faid Mafters and Chaplain, be and are hereby vefted and fettled on ""' ccnfirmeJ the faid Wardens and Commonalty and their Succeflbrs for ever, as the faid late School and former Houfes '° ""• were before the faid Fire; and that the faid other Parts of the former Site of the faid late School and other Houfes adjoining, laid unto the Church-yard as aforefaid for the Enlargement of the late Palfage, fhall con- tintie a Paflage forever, and be and are hereby veiled and fettled on the Dean and Chapter of the Cathe- dral Church of St. PauPs aforefiud, and their Succeflbrs forever, as the Refidue of the laid Church-yard is and was heretofore; any Thing in this A61 to the contrary notwithlranding. LIX. Provided always. That nothing in this Aft contained fnall extend or be taken to veft or fetile the PfoviC" for t!is Church of St. Paul :inA St. Faith, or any Part thereof, or the Church of St. Gregory by St. Paurs, or any sj'^p^'l;"^"*',, of them, or the Church-yards to any of them belonging or appertaining, or any Part of any of them, in jt'. Pani' Tnd the Mayor, 'Aldermen and Commons of the City of London, or any of them, or in any other Perlbn or st. Gregory. Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, other than the Ground whereupon St. Paul's School and Houfes thereunto belonging, are by this Adt appointed to be rebuilt; any Thing in this Act notwithflanding. LX. Provided always, and be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That whereas the Alley called Wli"t«. Alley mites- Alley in Colcman-Jlreet, London, was not wholly burnt down in the faid late Fire, but the one Half- ft^eer '"^ "" part thereof, or near thereabouts, is yet Handing; -neither was the faid Alley ever any through Paflage, nor will the Enlarging thereof be any Ornament or Advantage to the faid City; therefore it fliall and may be lawful to and for the feveral Proprietors of and in the faid Alley, to rebuild their feveral Houfes on both Sides thereof, which were burnt or demolifhed by Reafon of the faid late Fire, upon their old Founda- tions refpeftively; This prefent or the faid former A£l for rebuilding the City of London, or any Thing therein contained, or any other Matter or Thing, to the contrary notwithflanding. LXI. And further, be it enatSed by the Authoiity aforefaid, That for ever hereafter the faid Mayor and Market. place- Commonalty and Citizens of London., may and fhall have a Market to be kept three or four Days in the withm New- Week, as to them fhall feem convenient, upon the Ground now fet out by the Aflent of the Dean 3^i>d ^j'^^'°j^'^'^^[j^" Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, for a Market-place within Newgate: {^). And that bvLeafeor the faid Dean and Chapter fhall make and give one or more Leafe or Leafes of the faid Ground, to the oiherwJfB. faid Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens, and alfo of the Wall of the faid Church-yard, abutting Severally upon Pater-nofter-rovj and the Old-Change, for the Term of forty Years, referving the yearly Rent of four Pounds for the Ground of the faid Market-place, and two Pence for every (uperhcial Foot of the Ground or Soil of the faid Wall, as it is now fet out by the Surveyors of the City, and of the faid Dean and. Chapter; and fo from forty Years to forty Years for ever, at the like yearly Rent, and one Year's Rent after the Rates aforefaid to be paid by way of Fine for each of the faid Grounds relpeflively, upon the Ma- king every new Leafe thereof: Which faid Leafe and Leafes fliall be good and eftectual in the Law, as- againfl the faid Dean and Chapter, and their Succeflors, and all Perfons claitning by, from or under them; And that no Houfe, Shed or other Building fhall fland, or hereafter be erected and fixed upon the faid Market- place, other than the Market-houfe already built, without the Confent of the faid Dean and Chapter j any Thing in this or any other Act to the contrary notwithflanding. ' LXIL' And whereas by a late A61 of this prefent Parliament, intituled. An Act for rehuilding the City of 19 C;ir. 2. c.;> ' London, it was enacted. That the Parifhes to be rebuilded within the faid City oi London, inLieu of thofe ^-S'-

  • which were demolifhed by the late dreadful Fire, fhould not exceed the Number of thirty-nine^ But for-

' afmuch as upon an exafl Survey taken of the Number of Houfes to be rebuilded, and of the Extent of ' the refpeclive Parifhes neceflary to be fettled and continued within the faid City, It doth appear that the ' Parifhes to be fettled and continued, and the Parifli Churches to be rebuilded within the faid City of ' London, in Lieu of thofe demoliihed or confumed by the faid late Fire, cannot conveniently, by Union or ' otherwife, be reduced to a lefs Number than fifty-one :' (z) Be it further enabled by the Authority afore- Fifty-one Pi- faid. That the Number of Parifhes to be fettled, and of Parifli Churches to be rebuilded, within the faid !)^^ff,^l^^^ City of London, fhall be fifty-one; the aforefaid Acl, or any Thing thereia contained, to the contrary ^7 London, notwithflanding, LXIII. And that the fifty-one Parifhes fo to be continued fhall be as hereafter followeth. That is to fay, The Names of Aihalloivs Lomhard-Jlreet, St. Bartholo?nezv Exchange, St. Bridget, alias Brides^ St. Bennets Fink, St. Michaels the fifty-one Crooked-lane, St. Chrijhphers, St. Diotiis Back-Clmrch, St. Dunflans in the Eafl:, St. fames Garliek-hithe, St. P-'rl>"- Michael Cornhill, St. Michael Bafflfjaiv, St. Margaret Loathbury, St. Mary Aldermanhury, St. Martin Lud- gate, St. Peters Cornhill, St. Stephens Coleman-Jlreet and St. Sepulchres, fhall remain and continue as hereto- fore they were : (2) And that the refpe£live Parifh Churches to each of the faid Pariflies belonging fliall be rebuilded and continued for the Ufe of the faid Pariflies, and that the feveral Parifhes hereafter men- Panffies united tioned fhall be refpeflively united into one Parifh, in Manner hereafter following, that is to fay,^ The Pariflies ^^'jj'^;J°'J^^'^|] ^"'^ " of Alhallows Brcad-Jlreet and Saint fohn Evangeliji fliall be united into one Parifh, and the Church heieto- pj/^n^Qhurches, fore