Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/425

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A.D. i672« Anno vicefimo quinto Caroli II, C. i, 2. 377 C A p. I. An A£i. for raifing the Sum of twelve hundred thii^ty-eight thoufand feven liundred and fiity Pounds, for Supply of his M«jelty's extraordmui-y Occafions. EXP. .'■'■< C A P. II. An Ad: for preventing Dangers which may happen from Popidi Recufancs. FOR preventing Dangers which may happen from Popifli Rccufants, and quieting the Minds of his Lutw. ifo. Majefty's good Subjeds; (2) Be it enadicd by the King's mofl: Excellent Majefly, by and with the ?>-i. <■.■•.. Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament 7 7" >• f- 6. aiTembled, and by AuthoriLy of the fame. That all and every Perfon or Pcrfon, as well Peers as Com- All Pcrfons that moners, that fliall bear any Office or OfFices Civil or Military, or fliall receive any Pay, Salary, Fee or "'••'J bi-arany Wages, by Reafon of any Patent or Grant from his Majefty, or fliall have Command or Place of Trufl: Cffi.cs orPijcej from or under his Majefty, or from any of his Majefty's Predeceflbrs, or by his or their Authority, or by hyM'aV(v'& , Authority derived from him or them, within the Realm of Eur/and, Dominion of TFales, or Town of muii like'the Berwick upon Tweed, or m his Majefty's Navy, or in the feveral lllands of Jeifcy and Gunnfey, or fliall be Oaths of Alic- .,pf the Houfhold, or in the Service or Imployment of his Majefty, or of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of simcc andSn- .Tork, who fliall inhabit, refide or be within the City ov London or lVe/hninJiet or v/ithin thirty Miles diftant ',']""f' 1" /rom the fame, on the firft Day of Eafler Term that fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hun- 0^1]°! &c!"^ •j.dred feventy-three ; or at any Time during the faid Term, all and every the faid Perfon and Perfons fhall r,,.-. /--. igj 2^o_ • .perfonally appear before the End of the laid Term, or of Trinity Term next following, in his Majefty's wiicnanriwlieri.- High Court of Chancery, or in his Majeft-y's Court of King's Bench, and there in publick and open Court, to appearand between the Hours of Nine of the Clock and Twelve in the Forenoon, take the feveral Oaths of Supre- ""ke Oath, macy and Allegiance (which Oath of Allegiance is contained in the Statute made in the third Year of King ijames) by Law eftablifhed ; (3) and during the Time of the taking thereof by the laid Perfon and Perfons, ail Pleas and Proceedings in the faid refpedtive Courts fhall ceafe ; (4) and that all and every of the faid TlnsAflfxtfind- .jefpettive Perfons and Officers, not having taken the faid Oaths in the faid refpeclivc Courts aforefaid, I"°*P"J"^'^y ihali on or before the firft Day of Augujl one thoufand fix hundred feventy-three, at the Quavter-SefTions ,._ 13°'/' i'g^'"' for that County or Place where he or they fliall be, inhabit or refide on the twentieth Day of May, take To nceive the the faid Oaths in open Court between the faid Hours of Nine and Twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon ; Sacrament ac- (5) and the fiiid refpeftive Officers aforefaid fhall alfo receive the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, accord- cording to th«  ing to the Ufage of the Church of England, 'at or before the fiiit Day of Aiignfl in the Year of otu' Lord p,'^"* ^'^ one thoufand fix hundred and feventy-three, in fome Parifh Church, upon fomc Lord's Day, commonly £,) j'*j called Sunday, immediately after Divine Service and Sermon. .,,, IL And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon or Perfons that fliall f, a'r!,'i,t"d |°,o

>.be admitted, entred, placed, or taken into .Tny Ofiice or Offices Civil or Milit;iry, or fhall receive any Pay, ai.y okcc &".

Salary, Fee or Wages, by Reafon of any Patent or Grant of his Majefty, or fliall havcCcmmand or Place after tlic/iniDay of Triift from or under his Majefty,' his Heirs or SuccelFors, or by his or their Authority, or by Auth'o- "f £"ftcr-Tei;m, rity derived from him or them, within this Realm of England, Dominion of Wahi, or Town of Btr- ^ '^'^"^ "= f,

wick upon Tweed, or in his Majefty's Navy, or in the feveral Iflands of jferfey and Gucrnfey, or that fliall oj^ lOi-o'^'

be admitted info any Service or Imployment in his Majefty's or Royal Highnefs's Houlhold or Familjr, 0.31.5, 9. after the fjft Day of Eafler Term aforefaid, and fliall inhabit, be or refide, when he or they is or are fo c,iriiio« .j^S. '; admitted or placed, within the Cities oi- London or Hu-jlminjier, or within thirty Miles of the fame, fliall ^^./'V'- '-'g- take the faid Oaths aforefaid in the faid refpcftive Court or Courts aforefaid, in the nfxt Term after fuch ^"I"^'^?- '■"• his or their Admittance or Admittances into the OiHce or Offices, Imployment or Imployments aforefaid, jj^,^.,) (^j'^^j^'"" between the Hours aforefaid, and no other, and the Proceedings to ceafe as aforefaid; (zj and that all and Month'-, gCco. every fuch Perfon or Perfons to be admitted after the faid firft Day of Eafler Term as aforefaid, not having ?. c. 26, , ' taken the faid Oaths in the faid Courcs aforefaid, fhall at the Q^iarter-Seffions for that County or Place ^'"^^"'- beyotiti where he or they fliall refide, ne.t after fuch hi: Admittance or Admittances into any of the (aid refpefiive. j^Qf;'"' ■(• OfTiccs or Imployments aforeGiid, take the faid feveral and refpe(5tive Oaths as aforefaid : (3J And ,all_,and ^,.^,/ ' iV^i?'" every fuch Perfon and Perfons fo to be admitted as aforefaid, fliall alfo receive the Sacrament of the Lord's whc.i ,-nj where Supper, according to the Ufage of the Chutch of England, within three Months after his or their Admit- m be taken. tance in or receiving their faid Authority and Imployment, in fome publick Church, upon fome Lord's Day, '"'^ SirTho. commonly called Sunday, immediately after Divine Seivice and Sermon. n'" . c^ rr ' •'^ / Quarter Semons. Explained by I Geo. 2. Stat. 2. c. 23, §. 6, Caithew -20. III. And every of the faid Perfons in the refpeftive Court where he takes the faid Oaths fliall firft deliver A Certificate to - a Certificate of fuch his receiving the fiid Sacrament as aforefaid, under the Hands of the rcfpeftive Mini- CoM'."'T't,'"'° fler and Churchwarden, and fhall then make Proof of the Truth thereof by two credible WitnefT^is at the r°',. ; ;,;„„ t|,'g leaft, upon Oath ; all which fliall be enquired of, and put upon Record in the rcfpedlive Courts. Sacrament. ' IV. it further enabled by the Authoiity aforefaid. That all and every the Perfon or Perfons ^vhofoevtrflwii a'brefaid, that do or fhall neglefl: or refufe to take the faid Oaths and Sacrament in the faid Courts and refufetoia' e the Places, and at the refpciflive Times aforefaid, fhall be ipfofado adjudged uncapable and diflibled in Law, to Oathsftali be be void, and is hereby adjudged void. Vol. in. e c c V. And