Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/433

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A. D. 1676. Anno viccfimo aono Caroli II. C. i — 3. 385 c A p. I. An AG: for raifing the Sum of five hundred cii;hty-four thoufand nine hundred feventy-ck'ht Poun's tv/o Shillings and Two-pence Half-peny, for the fpeedy building thirty Ships of War. "EXP. C A P. II. An Ac. for an additional Excife upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, for three Years. EXP. C A P. III. An Aft for Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries. ' |~ OR Prevention of many fraudulent Praftices, which are commonly endeavoured to be upheld by Per- iRoll ALr. 24, ' A jury and Subornation of Peijury ;' (z) Be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prcfeiit Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the four and twentieth Day ^ ^^^ of June, which fhall be in the Year of our Lcrd one thoufand fix hundred feventy and feven, all Leafes, ^-s/oi'Llall snd Lilates, Interefts of Freehold, or Terms of Years, or any uncertain Intereft of, in, to or out of any Mef- intcTeftctFree- fuages. Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, made or created by Livery and Seifin only, or by hold fbail have Parol, and not put in Writing, and figned by the Parties fo makin? or creating the fame, or their Agencs ^ J '^°'^'^^^.-,i thereunto lawfully authorized by Writing, fhall have the Force and'Effeft of Leafes or Eftates at Will only, ^^'j^":>-='" "'" and (hall not either in Law or Equity be deemed or taken to have any other or greater Force or Efl'eft ; any Confideration for making any fuch Parol Leafes or Eflates, or any former Law or Ufage, to the contrary notwithflanding. II. Except neverthelefs all Leafes not exceeding the Term of three Years from the rr^aking thereof. Except Leafes whereupon the Rent referved to the Landlord, during fuch Term, fhall amount unto two third Parts at the rot exceeding lea-n; of the full improved Value of the Thing demifed. three Years, &c. III. And moreover. That no Leafes, Eftates or Interefts, either of Freehold, or Terms of Years, or No Leafes or alTigning, granting or furrendring the fame, or their Agents thereunto lawfully authorized by Writing, or by Aft and Operation of Law. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid four and twen- Pfomifesand tieth Day of June no Attion fhall be brought whereby to charge any Executor or Adminiflrator upon any Agree"-""^? ^y fpecial Promife, to anfvver Damages out of his own Eftate; (2) or whereby to charge the Defendant upon ^^° ' any fpecial Promife to anfwer for the Debt, Default or Mifcarriages of another Perfon ; (3) or to charge iSbower 16. any Perfon upon any Agreement made upon Confideration of Marriage ; (4) or upon any ContraiSi: or Sale ^l-nn. 142,143, of Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or any Interefl: in or concerning them ; (;) or upon any Agree- J ^^' 3'°- ment that is not to be performed within the Space of one Year from the making thereof; {(>) unkfs the .gj_ ■'■' ' Agreement upon v/hich fuch Action fiiall be brought, or fome Memovandum or Note thereof, fliall be in 3Lfv. 6-, fe. Writing, and figned by the Party to be charged therewith, or fome other Perfon thereunto by him lawfully 3 Salk. 2S0. authorized. V. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid four and twentieth P'T!""'^^'^"^ Day oi June all Devifes and Bequefts of any Lands or Tenemicnts, devifable either by Force of the Sta- ,|p' '„V:;efl'c'd tute of '^ills, or by this Statute, or by Force of the Cufiom of Kent, or the Cufl-om of any Borough, 01: h,nmf ol hvi any other particular Cufiom, fliall be in "Writing, and figned by the Party fo devifing the fame, or by fome v/itnefTts. other Perfon in his Ptefence and by his exprcfs Direftions, and fliall be attefted and fubfcribed in the Pre- 3 l-i^y- -5- fence of the faid Devifor by three or four credible Witnefies, or eife they fhall be utterly void and of none ^~«"^"^'3S>5i4- Effort. . .. , . ?ez ' VI. And moreover, No Dcvife in Writing of Lands, Tenements or Plereditaments, nor any Claufe |j^^[, ^j^^ j.^^^ thereof, fliall at any Time after the faid four and twentieth Day of j'.vw be revocable, otherwife than by jy,.,]| ^e ,.;vo- iorr.e othe,r Will or Codicil in Writing, or other Writing declaring the fame, or by Burning, Cancellinn;,l"ear- cable. ing or Obliterating the fame by the Teftator himielf, or in his Prefence and^by his Uircftions ard Ccn'er.t ; 3 ^°^- ^^°- (1) but all Devifes and Bcquffls of I,ands and Tenements fliall I'emain and continue in Force, until the fime be Burnt, Cancelled, Torn or Obliterated by the Tefi:ator, or his Di regions, in Manner aforefaid, or unlefs the fame be altered by fome other Vviil or Codicil in Writing, or other Writing of the Devifor finned in the Prefence of three or four Witnefies, declaring the fame ; any former Law or Ufage to the contrary nctwithilanding. ^ A'l Dcdaratims Vi . And be it further enafted by the Airthority aforefaid, 1 hat from and after the find four and twen- or Cren'.nns of 'tieth Dn' of j'.-zj-.v all Declarations or Creaiions of Trrrfts or Confidences of any Lands, Tencm^ents or He- Tmfls /hall ha i-edira'-ients, fliall l>e manifeffed and proved hy fome Writing fignsd by the Party who i.s by Law enabled '" Wrj-u'j^g. to declare fuch TruPc, or by his lalb Vv'ill in Writing, or elfe they fhall be utter-ly void and of none EfiJedt. Er.-plained hy Vi:I. Pi-oviccd riwavs, 'Firat v.'here any Conveyance fnall be made of any Lands or Tenements by^'j""'"^"' ' which a Trufi or Cc.nfidence fhall or may arife or rcfidt by the Implication or Confirii£fion of Ljw, or be " transferred or extinguifhed by an Ac^t or Operation of Law, then and irr every fiich Cafe fuch Trull or Can- trJnsfe,"Vor' fidti'.ce tliall be of tiie like Force and EfFeil as the fame vvotrld have been if this Statute had not been made ; extinsciftcd by any Thing hereirr befoi'e contained to the contra: y notwithftanJing. Impilcaiinn of Law, aie excepted. IX. And be it further enafted. That all Grants and Aflignments of any Truft or Confidence fhall like- Afiiguments of wiic be in Writing, figned by the Party granting or afTigning the fame, or by fuch Lafl Will or Devife, or ^J"^^A'^-^ ^^ elfe iliall likewife be utterly voi'dand of none Efledl. " '"^' Vol. IIL Ddd X. And * Read a K/,f.-