Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/450

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402 C. 2. Anno xxxii Caroli II. A. D. 1680. ported or found contwiy to this or the Adt aforcfaid, and to make the Prohibitions therein more ef- S.izor (hall "■ v".^ Be it enaAcd by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the refpeaive Seizor or Seizors of (lich ouic iW Cat. Cattle, Sheup or Swine, fliall within fix Days after Convi<ftton and Forfeiture thereof, caufe the faid Cat- tle tube killed, ^jg Sheep and Swine to be killed; (2) and the Hides and Tallow of fuch Great Cattle, biieep and Swine, HidLS nnd TjI- „ '^jj ^^ .j^^j yg naiu to the Ufe of the feid Seizor or Seizors, and the Remainder of the faid Great Cattle, sVizor-s.h.Lft Sheep and Swine iliall be forthwith diltributed an.ongft the Poor of the faid Parifh, by the Churchwardens ,0 be diflribi.tcd and Overfcers of the Poor there, or fome of them, upon Notice thereof to be given them or any of them, to the Poor by ^^ fm-h Scizor or Seizors as at'orefaid; anv Thing m the faid former Law, or any other Law to the con- '*"=^^""^"'-trarynotwithftanding. ,,..,>,. . . u r-i- u j j^ swcTcU.rch VL And be it further enaded, That m cafe the Seizor or Seizors, or the Churchwardens and Over- tX's and fecrs of the Poor, Ihall fail la their refpedive Duties in the Lxecution of this A£t, They and every of thetn Overiierson rcfpedtivclv, lh?ll forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings for every one of the Great Cattle, and ten bhillmgs for Ncelea forfeit ^^^ Sheep or Swine, which fhould have been killed and diilributed as aforefaid; one Moiety thereof to 40s. forcach ^^^ ^^^^ J^^^ j.^jj Parifli, and the other Moiety to the Informer; (2) the fame to be levied by Diftrefs ?:r:^^; and S,Je of Ae Goods and Chattel, of the Pei^n or Perfoiis 10 o^^ i!"i!j!!^i!!S"'!.!"? each Sheep or S*lile. To be levied ■by Diftrefs and i li^f ph,f adirinilter, rentmng; the ^^verpms to me wwuci^ lui-itu., iiv.v.^iiaiy x^j.^.g^.^ ^. ^.... ..^ ^^,..^, ...^ u^,- ieU by w.r-' dufted (%) And tor Want of fuch Diftrefs, the faid Offender or Oftenders to be committed to the Corn- rant of any mon Gaol of the {iiid County or Place, there to remain tor the bpace of three Months without Bail or J^^^-^f^fDif.Mainprize 'r .ifrc.r„fr, be imprifoned without Bail three Months. ...,,., rr-i -i .• »«  NothtAcrel" VIL Provided always, and be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That neither this Aft nor to binder impor- any Other Adt whatfoever heretofore made {hall either hinder or be conftrued to extend to hinder the Impor- t.,non of Stock- fj^jJQj^ ^( Stoclc-fifli or live Eels into this Kingdom of England; (2) but that it Ihall and may be lawful to ■fifh and Eels, ^^^j j-^^. ^jj ^^^^ ^ Perfon and Perfons whatfoever to import into this Kingdom of England any Stouk-

n"p^cr?StockSfilh or live Eels as aforefaid; any Thing in this Aft, or any other Law, Statute, Ufage Or Cuftom, to

and live Eels, the Contrary in any wife notwithftaiiding. • n. .u t » ..• ^<c-A .. t 4 Ylll Xnd whereas the prefent Laws do not fufficiently provide againft the Importation of Mutton and Fo^eifners, by ' Lamb out oUrekml and other Parts beyond the Seas into this Kingdom, but that great Quantities thereof jGeci. Stat. 2. ' ^^-^ daily imported and fold, to the great Lofs and Prejudice of this Kingdom; (2) Be it therefore enacted c. iS. §. I. ^ the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid fecond Day of February, no Mutton or Lamb Ihall -Want of fuffi- J imoorted into this Kino-dom from the Kingdom oi Ireland or any Foreign Parts: (3) And all Mutton and


.mn of Mutton be fubieft to the like Seizures, and the Importers and Sellers thereof refpeflively to the like Penalties, as are and Lamb. provided and appointed in any former Law againft any Importer or beljer, or Importation of any Beef, N" Mutton or ^^^j^ ^^ Bacon, from the Kingdom of Irelatid, or any Foreign Parts; any Thing in this or any former Law i'm^oried or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. ?4utton or Lamb imported or expofed 10 Sale, lubjeft to former Penalties. ,„., ., -n... f ^r ru.. J Want of^ro- ' IX And whereas the prefent Laws do not fufficiently provide againft the Importation of Butter and vifion againft « Cheefe out oi Ireland into this Kingdom, but that great Qiiantities thereof are daily imported and fold to importationof » ^j^^ ^^^ L^fg ^^^ Prejudice of this Kingdom;' (2) Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, Cheefe and That from and after the faid fecond Day of February no Butter or Cheefe fhall be imported into this King- No'sMtter or dom from the Kingdom of Ireland: (3) And all Butter and Cheefe imported from Irehnd, or that fha be Cheefe (hall expofed to Sale within this Kingdom, Ihall be fubjeft to the like Seizures, an 1 the Importers or Sellers be imported • -■ r _ rL:_ _i„ ..- ..i,„ i:i,„ D=„.,li-1oo <.f -iro t-.r/->i/irlfrl nr nnnrntifpd in anv former L.av aT?ainit anv Im- Eutter and expoled to oaie witnin cms ivinguum, luaw uu .ut/jv,v,i ^^ ^...- ....... „-...„. ^-, „. -^...^ ■~^- --■- — thereof refpeftively, to the like Penalties, as are provided or appointed m any^ former Law agamlt any Im- iir^'v'"'"' ,.1 porter or Seller, or Importation of any Beef, Bacon or Pork from the Kingdom of Ire/and, or any rid fpoTed" Foreign Parts; any Thing in this or any former Law or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. For^ExeeuS^ " X .™And for'the more effeflual Execution of this and the aforefaid Aft, (2) be it further cnaaed by the of 18 Car. 2. Authority aforefaid. That if any Great Cattle, Sheep or Swine, fhall be once or oftner feized in Purfuance £.2. Seizure to ^j.tjjjj^/^j^g^^j J y^£^^ and afterwards either by Permiffion, Connivance, Negligence or otherwifc (hall '^n!"rr'h be removed into and found alive in any Parifh or Place within the Kingdom of £wW, Dominion of cfti«. IFales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, other than fuch Parifh or Place wherein they fhall have been refpec- tivelv feized, that then the faid'Cattle, Sheep and Swine fhall be lable to like Seizure, and the Seizor and Poor of the Parifh or Place have like Benefit and Advantage, and the Cattle, Sheep and bwine be forfeited, and the Proof be incumbent upon the Owner, as if fuch Cattle had never before been feized. > 4 -n vt.r ' XI And whereas divers Perfons, on purpofe to difcourage others from making beizure of Injh Cattle, Sx^ng U" ves'. ' have intermixed feme few Englijh or other Cattle in Droves of Irijh Cattle, and fo created many vexatious ' and chargeable Suits againft thofe that have feized Injh Cattle in purfuance of the aforefaid Aft; (2] Be toglirt. Cattle it further enaaed by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Englijh or other Cattle driven or intermixed.with iriven or inter- j^; A Cattle fhall be feized together with them, fuch Cattle fo intermixed and feized Ihall be deemed Jnp mixed with Cattle, and fhall be fubjea to like Forfeiture, and be ordered and difpofed of in all Refpefts, as if they were fcrfed af Wflu Irifi Cattle, and imported contrary to this and the aforefaid Aa. ,,„-., .^ ^ ,,. fc,fed as inih, ^^^ Provided that nothing in this Aa fhall be conftrued to extend to the Forfeiture or feifin^ any Cattle CaVtle in'Enr. that are Or fhall be in £ni/<7W before the faid fecond Day of F-^'Wr)'.