Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/532

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484 C. I. All Perror.!, Bodies Politick, &c. Anno quarto Gulielmi 8c Mari^. A. D. 1692, pences for the neceffary Defenceof your Realms, and the Profecution of a vigorous War againft France, have cheerfully and unanufly given and granted unto your Majefties the Rates and Affeffments hereafter mentioned. And we molt humbly befeech your Majefties that it may be enafted, 11. And be it enafted by the King's and Queen's moft Excellent Majefties,. by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre- fent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That their Majefties fliall have and receive the Rates and Affeffments hereafter mentioned, of and from every Perfon- Spiritual and Temporal, of what Eftate or Degree foever he or they be ; which faid Rates or Affeffments fliall be taxed, affeffed, levied, and paid into their Majefties Receipt of Ex- chequer 'according to the Tenor of this Act, and in manner and form following, (that is to fay) That all and evej'y Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, Guilds,, and Fraternities within this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Ber- having any Eftate in ready Moaies ^/^^ ^^^^ Tweed, having any Eftate in ready Monies, or in any Debts whatfoever owine. i vJC'^l^^oKZ^^^X to them, within this Realm or without, or having any Eftate in Goods, Wares, Merchant.; Eftate 'whati'oever, difes, or Other Chattels or perfonal Eftate whatfoever, within this Realm or without^ belonging to or in Truft for them (except and out of the Premiffes deducted fuch ' d:du(ft!ng Monies, bona fide owing, Sums cf Money as he or they do bona fide owe, and fuch Debts owing to them as ftiall i. and defperate Debts j be adjudged defpcratc by the Commiflioners appointed by this A£l ; And alfo the Stock. . and except Stock upon Land and upon Lands and fuch Goods as are ufed for HouftioH-ftuff j And alfo other than and •■ ""com^anief' wWch^raU cxccpt the joint Stocks ot Shares of fuch Bodies corporate, Companies or Fraternities as ' therwife'chwged^by'^Naine in^any ^^^^ ^e otherwife charged by Name in any other Adt to be made during this prefent Sef- ' - - - - ^Qj^ Qf Parliament) fhall yield and pay unto their Majefties four Shillings in the Pound, according to the true yearly Value thereof, for one Year; (that is to fay) for every hundred Pounds of fuch ready Money and Debts, and for every hundred Pounds worth of fuch Goods, Wares, Merchandifes, or other Chattels, or other perfonal Eftate, the Sum of four and twenty Shillin'gs ; And fo after that Rate for every greater or leffer Sum or Quan- A& of this Seffion, Hiall pay 245 for every tool. Perfons having any Office or Im- ployment of Profit (except Milita- ry Officers in Mutter and Pay in the Army or Navy) tity, to be affeffed, levied and colle£ted in manner hereafter mentioned. in. " — ■■ And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and' Perfons, Commiflioner or Commiflioners, having, ufmg, or exercifing any publick Office- or Employment of profit (fuch Military Officers, who are or (ball be in Mufter by the- Mufter-mafter-general of the Army, or in Pay in their Majefties Army or Navy in re- fpeiSl of fuch Offices only excepted) and all and every their Agents, Clerks, Secondaries,. fopay4s. in the Pound for Sala- Subftitutes, and other inferior Miniiiers whatfoever, fhall yield and pay unto their Majefties lies or Profits. t)^g guni of four Shillings for every twenty Shillings, which he or they do receive in oner Year, by Virtue of any Salaries, Gratuities, Bounty-money, Reward, Fees or Profits to- him or them accruing, for or by Reafon or Occafion of their feveral Offices or Employ- ments, to be affefled, impofed, levied, and colledled, in fuch Manner as hereafter is men— tioned. IV. And to the End a further Aid and Supply for their Majefties Occafions may be raif- ed, by a Charge upon all Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments,, with as much Equality and Indifferency as is poffible, by a Pound-rate of four Shillings for every twenty Shillings,. of the true yearly Value for one Year only and no longer : Be it further enadied by the- All Manors, Lands. Tenements, Authority aforefaid, That all and every Manors, Meffuages, Lands and Tenements ; As ■;yearl^ Profit, and Hereditaments, ^j^^ ^„ Quarries, Mines of Coal, Tin or Lead, Copper, Mundick Iron, or other Mines, Iron Works, Salt Springs, and Salt Works; All Allom Mines or Works ; All Parks,. Chaces, Warrens, Woods, Underwoods, Coppices, and all Fiftiings, Tythes, Tolls, Annuities, and all other Yearly Profits ; And all Hereditaments of what Nature or Kindr foever they be, fcituate, lying, and being, happening or arifing, within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon "Tweed, or within "liny the Counties, Cities, Burroughs, Tov/ns, Divifions, Ridings, Hundreds, Lathes, Wapen- takes, Parifhes and Places thereof, as v/ell within ancient Demefne, and other Liberties charged with 4s. in the Pound of and priviledged Places, as without, fhall be, and are hereby charged for one Year only, " ' " ' ' and no longer, with the Sum of four Shillings for every twenty Shillings, of the full year- ly Value, and fo in proportion for any grater or leffer Value ; And all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, Guilds, Myfteries, Fraternities and Brother- hoods, whether corporate or not corporate, having or holding any Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments or other the Premiffes, fhall yield and pay unto their ■ Majefties the Sum of four Shillings for every twenty Shillings by the Year, which the faid Manors, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and other the Premiffes are now » ■worth to be leafed, if the fame were truly and bona fide leafed or demifed at a Rack-rent, ' and according to the full true yearly Value thereof, without any refpeft had to the pre- • fent Rents referved for the fame, if fuch Rents have been referved upon fuch Leafes or ■ Eftates made, for which any Fine or Income hath been paid or fecured, or have been lef- without refpea to Repairt, Tax- fened or abated upon Confideration of Money laid out or to be laid out in Improvements, t% Parifl. Duties sr other Charges. ^^^ without any refpetft had to any former Rates or Taxes thereupon impofed, or making the true yearly Value. Ji Perfons, (ay 4s, Bodies Politick, &c, in the Pouad, of what now worth to be leafed kuna fide at a Rack-rent, &c.