Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/535

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A. D. 1692. Anno q^uarto Gulielmi & Marf^. .j^fonable Excufe for fych his Default} every Perfon fo making default, fhali pay to tliCir iviajefties double the Sum he fhould. or ought to have been Set at or rated. And moreover the Commiflioners, or the major Part ot fo many of them as fhall be prefent, fnall have Power by all lawful Ways and Means to examine into the Eftate of fuch Perfon, and the Malue of fuch jPremiffes chargeable by this Aft, and to fet fuch Rate or Rates upo« the fame, as fhall be according to the true Intent of this Aft. And the faid Afi'cilbri are iiereby required to give, one Copy of their Certificates or .AflelTments fiiirly written and /ubfcribed by them unto the faid Commiflioners, by whom they were appointed. And the '^d Commiilioners, or any two or more of them are hereby ordered and required to caufc the faid feveral and refpsftive AfTeflments to them delivered (when by them approved of or altered, according to the true Intent of this Aft) to be fairly written^ and to fign and fcal feveral Duplicates or Copies of the faid Afleffment ; And one of them fp figncd and feakd . forthwith to deliver, or caufe to be delivered unto the Sub-collcftors, and {hall likewife de- hyer or caufe to be delivered other Copies thereof fo figned and fealed unto the Head-col- f^ors :and Receivers General, according to their feveral and refp'.ftive CoUefticns and i^eceipts. And moreover, the ComrnifTioners fhall caufe a true Copy or Extraft of the whole Sums ailefled and charged within eyery hundred. Lathe, Wapentake, Parifh, Ward, orPiacfe, rated or affefied in purfuance of , t)iis Aft? and of the whole Sums rated or af-

fefled upon perfonal Eft^tes, OiSces, or Imployments, to be certified, and tranfmitted into

their Maj:fties Court of Exchiequer, under the Hands and Seals of any two or more of the X^ommiflioners, but without naming the Perfons in fuch their Certificates. And this the ftud.Gomtniflioners {hall caufe to be done upon or before the twentieth Day of March then next enfiiing, or within thirty Days after (all Appeals to them made being firft deter- mined); and the King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer, for the Time being, fhall, and is hereby required, within three Months after the Duplicates of the 1 aft Payment ■ fhall be tranfmitted to him to tranfcribe all the Schedules and Duplicates of the 5ums returned to Jiim from and for every refpeftive County, Riding, City and Town, and every Hundred, Wapentake, Parifh, Divifion, Town and Place therein, in a Book of Parchmentin al- phabetical Order, and in a fair legible Hand-writing ; And within three Months after the fame fhall be fo by him received, to tranfmit all and every the fame Schedules and Duplicates to the Office of Writer of the Tallies, commonly called the Auditor of the Re- ceipt of the Exchequer, who is hereby likejvife auj;horizgd iajjd required to enter the fame in the like alphabetical Order in anpther Book of Parchment faarly writterii to'be provided for that Purpofe. I X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, that the Commiflioners, or any '{wo or more of them fhall iffue out their Warrants or Eftreats to the Subcolleftors, under their Hands and Seals, thereby requiring them to levy and coUeft one fourth Part of the Rates and Affeffments in refpeft of their perfonal Eftates, Offices and .Imployments,: and. alfo i«ine fourth Part of the Pound Rate charged, upon all Manors, Mefluagtes, Lajids:, Tene- ments, and Hereditaments, a^nd PremifTes, .as afbrfefaid.. ■ And the faid Sub-colleftors: aire hereby required and enjoined to levy and colleft the fame, according to the Duplicates thereof by them received, and according to the Intent and Direftions of this Aft; and. to make Demand of the faid Rates and AfTeflments upon perfonal Eftates, Offices andlm- ployments, of the Parties themfelves if they can be found, or -otherwife at the Place, of , their laft, Abode; and to pay the fame unto their refpeftive Head-colleftors, on.orbe- .fmc the .tenth Day, oi Mai-ch one thoufand fix. hundred ninety-tv/o, or willhin twenty ■ Bays .after. And the faid HeadTColleftors. are to haflen thefaid Sub-colleftors, and' iin cafe tilie fame fhall not be collefted by reafon oi'Negleft or Failure of Dutyibf thfe faid Sub- colleftors, the faid Head-colleftors .are to levy by Warrant under the Hands, and Seals .of

any two or more of the faid Commiflioners, by Diftrefs upon the Sub-coll^ftors refpeftive- 

iy, fuch Sum and Sums of Money, as by him and them ought to have been paid, and is or are not paid, by reafon of his Failure in doing his Duty, according to the Direftions of this Aft. And every Head-colleftor is hereby required to make payment, of what fhall he fo •levied or received, unto; the Receiver General of the faid County, City or Place, lipon' fcr before the twentieth Day of Mcrch aforefaid, or within twienty. Days after.. ■ . And the' Re- ' eeiver General is likewife required to call upon and hafteni ,the faid Head-colleftors, and to ^y what he fhall receive from the faid Head-colleftors unto their Majefties Receipt of ■ Exchequer, upon or before the five and twentieth Day oi Alarch, or within twen- , ty Days after, to the end that the firft Payment of the faid Rates and AfFefimfnts may -by that Time be fully anfwered and paid in to their Majefties. And the Suh-coUeftors. fhaiil alfo levy the fecond quarterly Payment of the faid Rates and AfieffinentBy .changed' as aforefaid, upon or before the fecond Day oijune then next enfuing,)Of within twenty Days after, and fhall alfo pay the fame in to the Head-colleftors upon or Before thfeninth^Day of 7«u^- aforefaid, or within twenty Days after..' And the :faid) Kead-colleftprvS ihalimake raymejttt thereof to the Recejv^er General of the.fiid County,' City, .or Place,.' ypOn^ fore C. I, 487 (nor having a rcafcn^blc Excufcjto paj double the Sum he ought to be rated. Comminioners or the major Part prcfint have Power to examine in- to ihe Eflatc of ftch I'crfon, nr.d tilt Valued the Prcmiflcs, fet fuch Rates atcc;.-din[; to iht In- tent of the .4a. Alieffors to five on Copy of ihcjr Aflinnr.-nis to the Crmminioners. Con mifl'oneis to'e the lame to be f.iirly wriiten, 2nd fjgn and feal Uuplicares. One to be del ycred to the Snb-col- ]e6lors. Others to the Head-colleftors and Receivers General. Comn-.idioners to caufe an Extraft of the whole Sums charged, &c. to be certified into the Exchequer be- fore the twentieth Day of March, or within thirty Days after. King's Kemenibrancer within three months to tranfcribe theDupIicates, &c. and within three Months after fo tranfmit the fame to the Officers of the, Receipt. Commiflioners to i/Tue Warrini.' fo the Sub-colleftors for levying, &c. Sub-colleftors to levy and collect according to their Duplicates ; and make D(Smand of fhe-Rat<!a on perfonal Eftates and Offices of the Patties th^mfijlves, if they can be fOOnd, to be paid to the Colics- tors before the joth of Mateh. Head-colleftors to haften the Sub- CcUeftoTS. I In cafe of NegJ^ft. pf At. Subr,fo.i- Icftors the Sums to be isviei by Diftrefs and Sale of Goods. Head-colleftors to pay in to Re* eeiver General before the 20th of March. Receiver to pay into the Receipt of the Exchequer beiore the 15th of Marcli. Times for the fecond quarterly Payment,.