Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/538

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49C> C. I. Ar,v Perfon vho In' ch^ni^'ing his P' H-f of Refidcucc or o:ri£i Framl, ih'Al Gkj[K: bfriDi: tr.xpd, upon Proof' thcteoi to b« dof.bly charged. - Every Ho'iftolder to give an Ac- count oi' his Loduers to thcj At- fcfibrs. Commiflibners within their Divifi- on to rate eatii rtl^.er /or tlicir per- gonal £llat*,'a and Offices, Commiflioiiers to afiefs the AfTcf. fors. Every Perfon having a Share in the >Jevv- River, Thames, HytJe-Parlc, or Mary- bone Waters, or Profits arlfing thereby, or any Intereft in th: King's Prin- ting-houTej to pay 4s. in the Pound. Every Perfon having Share or Tn- tcrefl: in the faid Kew-Rivcr-Wa- ter, Thames, Hyde-Park, or Ma- ry-bone Waters, and in the Stock for Printing, fliall be afl';(Ted by the Commiffi- ojiers appointed for the City of Liondon, and the Sum to be paid by the re- fpcclive Treafuiers or Receivers. A£t not to extend to Inhabitant', of Scotland, Ireland, Jerfey or Guern- fey for perfonal Eftates in thofe Places. Any Perfon affcded finding himfclf aggrieved may appeal. The major Part of the Commifli- cners vviio figned the Rare Oiail within ten Days after fuch Appeal examine the Perfon upon Oath, and abate or incveafe their Airell- tncnt. CammitTioners required to meet to- gether for deierminin? Appeals. Anno quarto Gulielmi 85 Mari^. A. D. 1692. by authorized and required to adminiller) then ths Perfon and Perfons fo doubly charged, ihall for fo much as fnall be fo certified, be difchargjd, in every other County, City or i lace. • And if any Perfon that ought to be taxed by Virtue of this A£t, for or in re'ped: of his perfonal Eltate, fhall by changing his Place of ReGdence, or by any olher Fraud or Covin, efcajje from the Taxa'ion, aiid not be taxed, and the fame be proved before the Commif- fioncrs, or any two of thein, or before any two juftices of the Peace of the County where fuch Perfon dwelLeth or refideth at any Time within one Year next enfuing after fuch Tax mads, e-very Perfon that iliall fo efcape from the Taxation and Payment, ihall be charged (upon Proof th'jreofj at the doubl-a Value of fo much as he fliould or ought to have been t.ixed a: by this Act, the faid double Value upon Certilicate thereof made into the Exche- quer by the Commiiuoners or Julliccs (before whom fuch Proof (ball be made) to bs levied of the Goods, Lands and Tcjiements of fuch Perfons. XVIl. And for the better Difcovery of perfonal Eitates, Re ic furthrr eiiacled by the Au- thority aforcfaid, T'hat every Houfliolder fhall upon th',: DeiTianJ of the AlTcflors of tn-; re- lpecti-e Fariftif-s or Places, give an Accoii.nt of the Names and Qttalities of fuch Perfons as Ihall fojourn or lodge in their refpeclive Houfes. XV ill. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiffioners that fhall be within any County, City, or Place within the rcfpective Limits, or the mi'jor Part of them, Ihall rate, tax, and alicfs every other Commiiuoner joined with them, ior, and in refpecl of the ready Money, Debts, Goods, Chattels, and perfonal Eifate of fuch Conmrifiioilers, and alfo for ?,nd in refpetl of the Ofilces and Imployments of Profit, which at the Time of fuch Taxation fliall be held and enjoyed by fuch C mmiffioners, fo as the Refidence and ufual dwelling Place of fuch CommilTioner fo to be t;ixed, be within the Di- vifion of fuch Comrniflioner by whom he is taxeJ, and fo as the.Otnce or Imployment held and enjoyed by fuch Commi-fiioner fo to be taxed, be likewife to be exercifed within the Di- vifion or Limits of fuch CommiiTioner by whom he is to be taxed. And the Comrrjiffioners within their Divifion, fhall -alio affefs every Afl'eflbr within their Divifion, for all andfingu- lar the FremilTes for which by this A61 he ought to be rated and atfefled, and as well all Sums-alfelled upon every the faid CommiHioners and. AfielVors as the AflefTments made and fet by the Affeflors aforcfaid, fhall be written, effreated, levied and gathered as the fame fhould and ought to have been, if fuch Commiffioners had not been named Comrnif- fioners. XIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforcfaid. That all and every Perfon j and Perfons having any Share or Shares, or Interefts in any frefh Stream of Running-wa- ters brought to the north Parts of Lsndm, commonly called, The Neiv River, or in any "Thames Water-v/orks, or in the Hyde-Park, or Mary-hone Wateis, or any PvCnts or Profits arifmg thereby, and -all and every Perfon and Perfons having any Share or Interefl in the Stock or Stocks for printing of J^ooks in or belonging to the Houfe commonly called. The King's Printing Houfe, Ihall pay for the fame the Sum of four Shillings for every twenty Shillings of the full yea'ly Value thereof. And all and every Perfon and Perfons having any Share or Shares, or Intereft in the River- water brought to the ISorth Part of London, or in any Thames Water-works, or the i^'i/t'-Pi7r/-, or Mary-boneV'J-iXzxs, or in any Rents or Profits arifing thereby charged by this A6l, and alfo the faid Stock and Shares for Printing as aforefaid, Ihall be ailefled for the fame by the Commiffioners nominated and appointed for the City of London, or any three of them, after the Rates herein contained : And the iame fhall be paid to fuch Perfon or Perfons as the faid Commiffioners fhall appoint by the the Treafurers or Receivers of the faid River-waters, and Water-works, and Stock for Printing, and to be dedufted at and out of their next Dividend. XX. Provided alfo. That this Act ihall not extend to the Inhabitants of Scotland, Ire- land, Jerfey, or Guernfey, for and concerning any fuch perfonal Eftate, which they or any to their tJfe have within the faid Kingdoms and Iflands. And if any Perfon or Perfons certified, affeffed, or rated for or in refpeft of any real or perfonal Eftate, or for or in re- fpefl: of any Matter or Thing for which by this Adl he or they is or may be rated or char- ged, do find him or themfelves aggrieved with fuch Affeffing or Rating, and do within ten Days after Demand thereof made, complain to the Commiffioners, the faid Commif- fioners, or any five or more of them, fo as the major Part of the Commiffioners, who fign- ed or allowed his or their Rates be prefent, fhall and may within ten Days next after fuch Complaint, particularly examine any Perfon or Perfons upon his or their Oath, touching' the Value of his or their real or perfonal Eftate, and other the Matters aforefaid ; and upon due Examination or Knowledge thereof abate, defalk, increafe or enlarge the faid Afleff- i ment; and the fame fo abated, increafed, or enlarged fhall be levied, and fhall be certified.' or eftreated into the Exchequer, in Manner aforefaid. And to that End the faid Commif- ; fioners are hereby required to meet together for the determining of fuch Complaints andAp-, peals accordingly, and for this End to exprefs in their Warrants to the CoUeftors the Times and Places for detennining Appeals, and Appeals once heard, and determinei to be fimal without any further Appeal upon any Pretence whatfoever^ z XXL