Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/576

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528 C.'22. Anno quarto 8cqiinto GuLiELMi^ Marije. A. D. 1692. CAP. xxir. An,A<^ for regulating Proceedings in the Crown ■ Office in the Court ol King- J Bench it ■■ .11 '...■, Weftminftsr. iPerfons having •Grants by Charters and inrolled, not bound to plead them to an In- quifition. So much of Grants of Fe- Jbns, &c. as ■may exprefs the Grant, to be ' only entredi Fee 20 s. After fuch En- try, Grantee difcharged from pleading to In- -quifition. Penalty upon Clerk of the Crown i/Tain^ ' Procefs after fuch Entry. FO R reiSlifying the Proceedings in the Crown Office ■ in their Majcfties- Court of Kin^ s Binoh^ and for the greater Eafe of ail their Majefty's Subjefts v^hofhall hereafter be profecuted in tho-fawe:; Be it enadted by the- King's and (Queen's moit Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritualj'.nd Temporal, 2nd CommoriS, in this prefent Parlia-rnent affembkd, and by Clerk of the Crown not punifliable for ifluing Procefs againfl Heirs, a-c. A Proclamation at ihe Time of the Exigent in^ criminal Cafes, to be delivered three Months kfore Retuin. JI El. c. 3. Aft to continue tbree Vears. any Coroner; any Cuitom or Ufageto the contrary noiv/ichftanding : Ai.nd if theire be any Coppora- 't3bn«. Lord or Lords of Manors, or other Perfon or Perfon?, who now have, or hereafter fhall have fuch Charters or Grants from the Crown, for Felons Goods, Deodands, and other Forfeitures, fuch Corpo- rations, Lords of Manors, and other Perfons, fhall riot be compelled to inroll their whole Charters and Grants, but bjing in the fame to the Clerk of the Crown of the faid Court, he fhall inroll and enter upon Record fo much thereof, as may exprefs and fet forth the Grants of fuch Felons Goods, Deodands, aind Forfeitures, and no more ; for doing wherepf he fnall have, and receive twenty Shillings for his Fee and Entry thereof, and no- more ; and from and after fuch Inrollment, no Corporation, Lord of Manor, or other Perfon or Perfon^, Grantees, of fuch Goods or Forfeitures, fhall be compelled to plead the fame in the faid Court, to any Inquilition {hereafter filed therein, touching any Goods found thereby; any Ufage to the contrary notwithffanding. ■ ■. n. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Clerk of the Crown of the faid Court fhall hereafter iffue out any Procefs againft any Corporation, Lord of Manor, or other Perfon or ' Perfons Grantees of fuch Felons Goods, Deodands, and other Forfeitures, after inrollment or Entry as aforefaid, the faid Clerk of the Crown fhall for every Offence forfeit and pay to the Corporation or Party grieved thereby, the Sum of five Pounds, to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any-6f their Majefties Courts of Record at Wejimiti/ter, wherein no EfToin, Privilege, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be admitted, nor any more than one'Imparla.nce. ' in. And whereas divers Perfons having Grants of Felons Goods and Deodands, and inrolled and ' pleaded as aforefaid, do many tfmes aliene and convey their Interefls therein to other Perfon or Per- ' fons, or by their laft Wills do devife the fame, or by their Deaths fuch Eftates do defcend to their Heirs, ■ ' whereby the Clerk of the Crown of the faid Court is rendred uncapable to difcerri where ilich Interdt ' liesj -until the Perfon or Pej-fons, to whom fuch Eftates are conveyed, devifed, or defcended, fliall come ' into the faid Court, and make Entry of fuch their Claim as aforefaid ;' Be it therefore hereby further -.eria6ijed by. the Authority aforefaid^ That the Clerk of the Crown of the faid Court forthe Time being, "nor .any fucceedingb.Clert there, .' fhalil ihcur uny Penalty mentioned in this Act, for iffuing. Procefs .again, vany .Perfon or.Perlcinai. who fhall not, upoflusveriy Purchafe of -the Title of fuch Felpjis .Goods and Deodands, . inroll .-apd.ipleadi the -fame ,Purchafe in'ths'fnid Court ; -nor ag.nnft any Devifee of the like Eftate, who fhall not likewife inroll or plead fuch 'Devife ; n<or againft any Heir, who fhall not in like manner inroll his Or

her jB-ig^^hy'D-efcentito t!ic 4am&j
and U'niil after, -fuch Pleas have been allowed of,'jand approved by

the' faid Court; nor:whera by any Inqueft of an^' Coroner or -Coroners, the Goods 'of any Felon jor Feldus, qr.DeiiAlands, fhall be byfuch Inqueft noK sound to be in the Haiids of fucli'Purchafcr^i Jj>evifisc, .<jr JEleii-, ibilthcix^refpeftive-OfliGar. or'Offii^ets in^Trlaft for them relpe<9;ivelyi :■: ..'i. :.,•.,.:.■ f,i >, !.■ . >v. , * Wy- And whereas,', it' is.'agiF-aea&la to j'«ftice,J^that 'Proceedings to Oatla^^ries in'lcrifrimal Caitfes fhonid

be.:ni pilbljck:alr(i!taoit>JriauB as )i,a, civil Cit8ifts^:biecA«re:tti&Confeque'nce6 to Perfons; outl:rwad,in critarnal
' Caufes.are .mbre!f;u:a}'aad..iia;& thtm a'fsdtiieiir Pofterities,'than in any'otherCaufes ;' 'Be it furtluir

enafted by, the Authority afait'-faidj' That" upori the -iffuing fc>f any Exigent "out of any of their MajefUcs Co.urts,i againiijany Pecfoii. osk Pepfons-.fop jfeyi'cTim'-iJnal Matter, before Judgment or Cdnviiliom, there^fl^li -iffue out a Writ, of Proclamation bearing the fame-Teftand .Return, to th« Sheriff or Slieriffs of the Gojinty, City, or'iTown Corporate, where the Perfon 'or'Perfons in the Record of the faid Proceedings is or are Bieia'tioned to be or inhabit, -according' to- the Form, of the Statute -made in the' one and thirtieth Year..of the Reigjn a& the late <2[i"Ksn' Elizabcih, of bleffed Mentiory, which' Writ of Proclamation fhall be delivcDtd to the. 'tiid' Sheriff or Sherlffe three Months before th& Return of the (ame.- ■ ' ..■ .' V. Pro-vided always, 'arid be: it enafed by the -'A-uthority afarefaid, Thk tHvi A^ fhidi continue and be in Force for three Yeais,' from: the fivie and twentiech Day of A$irch on^'.thoufand' fix hundred ninety three, and from thence to theEnd of-the --KeKt Sellion «^ P arliaHrWUj" and* 4'0 1iJrfg^;i "' ['MadepsrpEtuai'by 7'iiSi; 8 W. 3. cap. 36. §.4.3 ■■ ' '" ^ ' ■ ' /'^l': : : :!' ', .:

,.) .. J ^ :.-j Mill '3o -^aCJOT - . > :, ■: , i

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