Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/605

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jA. D. i694« Anno quinto GuLiELMi & Marine. C. 13 — 16. 557 CAP. XIII. An Aft to repeal the Statute made in the tenth Year of King Edward the Third, for finding SLireties for the good abearing, by him or her that hath a Pardon of Felony.

< •«T7HEREAS by one A6t made at the Parliament holden in the tenth Year of the Reign of King "> Ed. 3. ft^t.

i*- W ^--iw^ri the Third, it was amongft other Things cnaded, That in cafe the King fliould grant '■ '^•]- !< any Charters of Pardon, of Manflaughter, Robbery, felonies, and other Trefpaffes againfl; t'le Peacf, ',■*, ^'_' ^' "' ^'

that, within three Aionths after the making the fame, they that fhould have the faid Charters, fliould '

come and find (before the Sheriffs and Coroners of the Counties where the Felonies were done) fix go:d '*■ and fufiicient Mainpernors, for whom the faid Sherifts and Coroners would anfwer, that they from

  • thenceforth fhould bear themfelves well and lawfully ; and that the Mainprizes fhould be fealed with

,' their Seals, and returned into Chancery within three Weeks after the End -of the faid three Months ; j': and that if they that fhould have fuch Charters, would in Time to come aid themfelves thereby, and (hould i* not find fuch Mainprizes, or after fuch Mainprize found, fhould bear themfeh'es otherwife againft the 1' Peace than they ought, their Charters fhould be holden for none ; which Statute hath been found very 1' inconvenient, in relation to divers Perfons, who have been eflieemed fit objects of Mercy ; and therefore i< the faid Statute hath been feldom put in Pradtice, but for the moft Part hath been difpenfed withal in the

' Charters of Pardons that were granted in former Reigns
And forafmuch as by one Aft made in the
  • firft Year of their now Majeflies Reign, intituled, An ASi for declaring the Rights and Liberties of the^ ^- ^^- ^'

i' Subjeii, and fettling the Succejfton of the Crown, it was enafted. That from and after that Seffion of Parlia-^' '^' ^' ,' ment, no Difpenfation by Non ohjianteoi or to any Statute or any Part thereof fhould be allowed, but that ' the fame fhould be held void and of none EfFeft ; whereby divers of their Majeflies SubjeiSls are rendred ' lefs capable of their Majeflies Mercy than before, it being very difficult, if not impoflible, to find fix ' fubftantial Perfons, v/ho will adventure to be bound for the good Behaviour of anyPerfon needing a ' Pardon during his Life :' II. Be it therefore enafted by the King's and Queen's mofl Excellent Majeflies, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament afTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid A£l made in the tenth Year of King Edward the Third, and every loE")- 3-'^at. t. Article and Claufe therein, fhall be and are repealed and annulled, and are hereby declared to be repealed "^^ 3" "'^P^^'" and annulled, to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. Provided neverthelefs, and be it ena6led by the Au- thority aforefaid. That if any Charter of Pardon be pleaded by any Perfon, for any Felony, the Juflices,r='°"5p3<'o- before whom fuch Pardon fhall be pleaded, may at their Difcretion remand or commit fuch Perfon to Pri- !^' ^'"^" ^"^^ fon, there to remain until he or fhe fliall enter into a Recognizance, with two fufficient Sureties, for hisfa°^t"'may be" ■ or her being of the good Behaviour for any Time not exceeding feven Years. Provided, That if any fuch required to give Charter of Pardon be pleaded by a feme Covert, or Infant, fuch feme Covert or Infant may find two fuf- Security for ficient Sureties, who fhall enter into a Recognizance for him or her being of the good Behaviour as is Good Behavi. r r-A our for 7 Years, aforefaid, ' C A P. XIV. }An Aft for raifing Money by a Poll, payable quarterly for ©ne Year, for carrying on a vigorous WarEXP, i againft France, CAP. XV. An Aft for continuing the Aft for punifhing Officers and Soldiers, who fliall mutiny or defert theirEXP. Majeflies Service, and for punifhing falfe Mufters, and for the Payment of Quarters, for one Year longer, CAP. XVI, An Aft for the Importation of Salt Petre for one Year, E x p. CAP.