Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/69

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A. D. 1604. Anno fecundo [vulgo primo]jA GOBI T. C. 22. 21 or other Perfon, but only in his own Houfe fituate in a Corporate or Market-Town ; (2) nor (haJI curry any Kind of Leather, except it be well and perfedly tanned; (3) nor fhall after the faid Feaft of St. B^r- tholomtw curry any Hide or Skin being not throughly dry, after his wet Seafon, in which wet Seafon he Ihall not ufe any Itale Urine, or any oiTier deceitful or fubtile JVIixture, Thing, Way or Means, to corrupt or imrt the fame; (4) nor fliall curry any Leatlier meet for Utter-fole-learlicr with any other Stuff than with hard Tallow, nor with any lefs of that than the Leather will receive; (5) nor ftiall curry any Kind of Leather meet for Over-leather and Inner-foles, but with good and fufficient Stuff, beinj^ frefh and not fait, and throughly liquored till it can receive no more; (6) nor fliall burn or fcald any Hide or I-ealher in the Currying; (7) nor fliall fliave any Leather too thin; nor fliall gafli or hyrt any Leather in the Shaving, or by any-other Means ; (8) but fliall work the fame fufficiently in all Points and ' RefpecflS : Upon Pain of Forfeiture for every fuch Offence or Aits done contrary to the true Meaning of this Article The Cuirie.r: (other than in gafliing or hurting in Shaving) fix Shillings eight Pence, and the Value of every fuch Skin Ff.feiture for or Hide marred by his evii Workmanfliip ; (9) and for every Offence to be done againfl; this Article in [hi"^'" "' *^" gafliing or hurting by Shaving, double fo much to the Party grieved, as the Leather fliall be impaired :?Saik. 609. thereby, by the Judgment of the Wardens of the Curriers, and the Wardens of the Company whereof the Party grieved Ihall be. XXIII. And be it farther enaded. That no Cordwainer, Shoemaker, or other Perfon or Perfons who mail curey dwelling or inhabiting within the City oi London or the Liberties of the fame, or dwelling within three l'=**|"' '" or Miles of the faid City, and occupying wet curried Leather in his Art or Occupation, fliall put or caufe "<=*■■ '•"lajn. to be put any Leather to be curried, but to fuch Perfon or Perfons as be or fliall be free of the Company of the Curriers of the City of Lojuion, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch curried Leither or the Va- lue thereof. [Rep. 12 Geo. 2. c. 25. J XXIV. And be it further enadted. That no Perfon or Perfons fliall by any Means occupy or put in Curried Leather any made Wares within the City of London, or three Miles of the fame City, any curried Leather, be- "^^'1°, fjaichetf fore the fame fliall be fearched and allowed by the Wardens of the Curriers of^ London for the Time Enforeed by being, or fuch Perfons as they fliall thereto amgn, and be fealed with a'Seal therefore to be prepared; 13 & 14 Car. a, (2) upon Pain that every Shoemaker, and other Artificer Cutter of Leather, offending againfl this Arti- ^- 7- ftft. H- cle, mall forfeit for every Hide or Skin otherwiCe curried or imployed as is aforefaid, fix. Shillings eight Pence, and the Value of every fuch Hide or Skin. [Rep. iz Geo. 2. c. 25.] ' v ., . ■ , XXV. And be it further enaded. That no Perfon occupying the Feat or Myfl:ery ofa Ciirrifer,, fliall ^pblxYnlle"' ' ufe or exercife the Feat or Myftery of a Tanner, Cordwainer, Shoemaker, Butcher or other Artificer siioemsker, ' ufing cutting of Leather, during the Time that he fliall foufe or occupy the Myftery of a Currier; (2) Butcher, &c.. upon Pain of Forfeiture of fix Shillings and eight Pence for every Hide or Skin that he fliall curry, during the Time that he fliall occupy or ufe any of the Myfteries aforefaid contrary to the Meaning of thisArtiele, XXVL And further be it enaiSted, That no Currier or Curriers fliall after the faid Feaft of St. Bartho- Within whatr hmcw refufe to curry any Leather to him or them for that Purpofe brought, by any fuch Artificer as is or '^Sib^^tiei fliall be a Cutter of^ Leather, the fame Artificer or his Servant bringing with him or them good and fuf- ficient Stuff as is before mentioned, for the perfect Liquoring of the fame Leather, and that tlie faid Lea- ther in the Prefence of the faid Artificers, Cutters of Leather, his Servant or Servants (if he or they will be prefent) fhall be liquored and curried in all Things and Degrees perfeftly ; and if he or they will not be prefent, it fliall neverthelefs be likewife liquored and curried in his or their Abfence perfectly, with as convenient Speed as may be, not exceeding eight Days in the Summer, and fixteen Days in the Winter, after he fliall or may take it in Hand ; (2 J upon Pain to forfeit to the Party grieved, for every Hide or Piece of Leather not in this Manner curried, and weJl and fpeedily drelTed, ten Shillings. XXVIL And be it further enadted by -the Authority aforefaid. That the Wardens of the Curriers for Curried totter the Time being, or fuch Perfons as they fliall aflign and appoint, fliall from Time to Time fearch and try "'^'f^^j'*?'^'^^ all fuch curried Leather as fliall be brought to any of their Company to be curried, and fliall with a Seal therefore to be prepared, with convenient Speed, not exceeding one Day after the Currying and Requeft made, feal fuch Leather as they fliall find fufficiently curried ; (2) taking for every Hide lo fealed, after the Rate of a Peny for the Dicker, and for every fix Dozen of Calves-skins, one Peny, and not above. To be paid by the Currier; (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Hide which fliall not fee fearched' and fealed as is aforefaid, fix Shillings and eight Pence. ' XXVin. And forafmuch as Leather well tanned and curried, mij by the Negligence, Deceit, or The Gordwain- ' evil Workmanfliip of the Cordwainer or Shoemaker, be ufed deceitfully, to the Hurt of the Occupier mjiklnRofEbotSi • or Wearer thereof '; (2) Be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons, shoes. Bofltin^' wjiicli after the faid Feaft of St. Barthokmeiu next coming fliall occupy the Myftery or Occupation of a shpptrti at. Cordwainer or Shoemaker, fhall make or caufe to be made any Boots, Shoes, Buflcins, Startops, Slippers or Pantofles, or any Part of them, of Englifl) Leather wet curried, (other than Deer-skins,. Calve-skins or Goat-skins, made or dreffed or to be Inade or dreflied like unto Spani/'h Leather) but of Leather well' and truly tanned and curried in Manner and Form aforefaid, or of Leather well and truly tanned only, and well and i'ubftantially fewed with good Thread well twifted and made, and fufficiently waxed with Wax well rofened, and the Stiches hard drawn with Hand-leathers,, as hath been- accuftomed, without mixing or mingling Over-leathers, that is to fay. Part of the Over-leather bein^ of Neats-leather, and Part of Calves-leather; (3) nor flhall put into any Part of any Shoes, Boots, Bufkins, Startops, Slippers or Pan- tofles, any Leather made of a Sheep-fliin, Bull-hide or Horfe-hide, (4) nor into the upper Leather of any Shoes, Startops, Slippers or Pantones, or into the nether Part of any Boots (the inner Part of the Slioff only excepted) any Part of any Hide from which the Sole-leather is cut, called the Wombs, Week,', Shank, Flank, Powle or Cheek ; (5) nor fliall pojt into the Utter-fole any other Leather tlian the beft of the; Ox or Steer Hide; (6) nor into, the Iraier-fole any other Leatha: than the Wombs,. Neckj.Powlie oe Cheek j; 4. Bi^"