Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/703

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A. D. 1697. Anno o6lavo 6c nono Gulielmi III. C. 18, 19. 647

  • ' ether Places zvtthln the JVeckly Bills of Mortality in the County «/" Surrey, and for re^ulatin^ the Markets
  • ' therein mentioned^ it was amongft other Things cnac^iei!. That from and after the hfteentli Day of De-
  • cemher one thoufand fix hundred and ninety, no Pcrfon or Perfons whatfoevcr fliould permit or lliffer )iia
  • or their Waggon, Cart, or Carr, to Hand or be in the Place called the Hay Market near Piccadilly, in the.

'■ Parifhes of Saint Martins in the Fields and Saint fatnes's within the Liberties of JVeJhninJlcr, loadcn with> '• Hay or Straw, to fell the fame, from Mlchachnas to Lady Day-, after two of the Clock in the Afternoon,, ♦' and from Lady Day to Michaelmas after three of the Clock in the Afternoon, on Pain to forfeit for every ' Offence and Negleft five Shillings refpeolively : And whereas divers Perfons iifing the faid Place called ' the Hay Alarket, near Piccadilly at'orefaid, have had feveral Informations againft them for oflending againft ' the faid Statute, and paid the Penalties thereof, which hath been chiefly occafioned by the Want ot con-

  • ^ venient Notice before the Times limited by the faid AcSt did determine, and feveral Informations on the
  • ■ (aid Aft have been given long after the tuppofed Offences committed, whereby the feveral Perfons ufmg

^ tz iwA Hay Market, by the Length of Time, have not been able to difprove fuch Liformations, which i * hath been a great Mifchief and Difcouragement to the Perfons ufing the faid Hay Market :' For Pre- ] vention of which Mifchiefs and Inconveniencies for the time to come, be it enafted by the Authority aforc- faid. That the fiid Perfon or Peifons, fo to be from time to time appointed to coHeft the faid 1 oil, do

twice on every Market Day, to wit, on Turfday, Thurfday, and Saturday in every Week, ring, or caufe to ABdl toberune

I be rung, a large Hand Ecll round the faid Place called the Hay Market, before any Forfeiture of five Shil- twice every ) lings for the faid Offence fliall be incurred, whereof the firfl: Time to be an Hour before, and the laft Time M^'kct Day, at the Expiration of the faid refpeiSlive Hours in and by the faid recited Aft appointed for all Perfons ufing j, the faid Market, as aforefaid, to leave the fome ; on every Default or Defaults of ringing fuch Bell twice. On Default of ! as aforefaid, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoevcr ufing the faid Hay Market for the faid Purpofes, the next "ngins the Heii, ' immediate ufual Market Day or Days after every I'uch Default or Defaults, fliall be liable to to pay any ""^ '^^"■'^="'" Toll for any Waggon, Cart, or Carr flandine or that fliall ftand in the hi Hay Market to fell Hay or ^'^l f '""^ '" *' ■ Straw ; and the faid Market is hereby in that Cafe, and on fuch Day or Days, as aforefaid, declared to be " " '"' I Toll-free.

1 VL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Forfeiture or Forfeitures Forfeitures to be

I for any Offence or Oft'cnces at any Time or Times hereafter to be incurred, for flaying or continuing t^m^nJej the ' longer in the iaid Market, called the Play Market, than is in and by the faid recited Aft appointed, fhall •"^c Day as be demanded in the faid Market Place, by the Perfon ringing the laid Bell, the fame Day on which fiich ^fitcj ""'"' Offence or Off'ences fiiall or may happen to be committed, and Complaint fhall be made of every fuch T'/p' Offence, to fome one Juflrice of the Riorum within the faid County, or City and Liberty of JVcJhninJier, to be mldc to "a before the next immediate fucceeding Market Day, of which Complaint Notice {hall be given to the Party fuftice of Quo- offending, the next Time he comes to the faid Market, or elfe no Perfon or Perfons ufmg the faid Hay rum- Market fhall be liable to or chargeable with any Forfeiture or Forfeitures, for flaying longer in the faid Party to have Market for the Purpofes aforefaid, than in and by the faid recited Aft is limited and appointed; the faid re- N'^otice the next cited Aft or any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithltandiiig. '^'"i'^ '"^ ^i°"i'?% Vn. And to the end a true Account may be given of the Toll to be gathered and received by virtue of ""^ '^"°' " °'- this Aft, be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Perfon and Perfons that (hall oolleft and dif- Colleaorto givo pofe of the Money by virtue of this Aft arifing by the faid Toll, fhall yearly, every Eajler Seflions, give ^ yearly Account the Juftices of the Peace of the faid County and City (who are hereby impowered to require the fame) a conea^°"an4 particular Account upon Oath (which the faid Juftices are hereby impowered to adminifter) of all A'lo- how difpoiid. nies collefted by virtue of this Aft, and how the fame is or fhall be from time to time difpofed of; and in. cafe on the Foot of any fuch yeaily Account any Money fhall remain undifpofed of, according to the true If any remains. Intent of this Aft, fuch Remainder fhall be difpofed of for the Benefit of the faid County of Middlefex, in how to be dif. fuch Manner as the faid Juftices at fuch SelTions fhall think fit. P"^ "f* CAP. xvin. An Aft for Relief of Creditors, by making Compofitions with their Debtors, in cafe two Thirds in Num- ber and Value do agree. [Repealed by 9 & lo W. 3. cap. 29.] CAP. XIX. An A<51: for repealing a Claiife in a former Adt relating to Party Guiles, and for the better preventing Frauds and Abufes in Brewers and others chargeable with the Duties of Excife.

  • XT7HEREAS in one Aft made in the laft' Seflions of this prefcnt Parliament, intituled, Jn JSf for ^^g w. j.
  • W laying feveral Duties upon Lozv IVlnes, or Spirits of the firjl Exiraillon, and for preventing the Frauds c. jo, 5.. 20.
  • ' and jibufes cf 'Brewers, Dlfllllers, and other Perfons chargeable with the Duties of Excife, it is amongft other
  • Things enafted in the Words, or to the EfFeft following {videlicet) That all common Brewers, Inn-
  • keepers or Viftuallers, who after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-
  • fix, fhall brew or make a Party Guile, fhall declare to the Gauger or Gaugers appointed to gauge and
    • take an Account of the fame, hov/ much of fuch Guile he or they intended to make into Strong Beer or
  • Ale, and how much into fmall, before any Part of fuch Guile is clcanicd, and fhall continue all the faid,
  • Strong Beer in their Tuns until the fiiJ Small Beer fhall be carried out and delivered ; and in cafe fuch'
  • Brewers, Innkeepers or Viftuallers, or their refpeftive Servants, brewing or making fuch Guilt; of Beer
  • or Ale, fhall refufe to declare to fuch Gauj;er or Officer, hov/ much of iheir Guil'e or Brewing' tUeV ill'-,'
  • tend to make into Strong Beer, or Strong Ale, and how much into Small, before any Pari- of fuclvGililc
  • is cleanfed, or flial'l permit the faid Strong Beer to be carried out of their I'uns, until' "tliife^ fiid "Siria'H'

♦ Beer