Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/789

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A.D. i69^«' Anno nono & decimo G u L I E L M i IIL C. 44. 733 LV. Provided always. That any Perfons,, fo to be named CommifllOners, may he Subfcribers, arid their Cmmimtncrs Subfcriptions and Payments (hall and may be received by the other Commiflioners, or fuch of them- as !?".>' •"= ^"" ihall be appointed in that Behalf. _ '^^^="- LVI. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforcfaiJ, That it (hall and may be lawful for His King may incor-' Majefty, by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Eugland, to incorporate all and every the Pcrfon and P"^^"= " Sub-- Perfons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who (hall fo fubfcribe, or for whom fuch "'"="' Subfcriptions (hall be made, and upon whofe Subfcriptions the firft tenth Part (hall be paid as aforefaid, and all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who as Executors, Adminiftrators, Sue- • ceflbrs or Affigns, or by any other lawful Title, derived or to be derived from, by or under the faid original Subfcribers, of or towards the faid Sum- of- two Millions, at aivy Time or Times hereafter, (hall have or be intitled to any Part, Share or Intcrefty. of or in the yearly Fund by this A<S1: fettled as aforefaid, fo long as they refpettively (hall have any^-fuch Part, Share, or Intereft therein, to be one Body Politick and Cor- porate, by the Name of Tht-General Society intitled to the Advantages given by an ASf of Parliament for ad- vancing a Sum not exceeding two Millions, for the Service of the Crown of England, and by that Name (hall have perpetual Succeffion, and a common Seal ; and that they and their Succeffors, by the Name aforefaid. fhall be able and capable in Law to have, purchafe, receive, enjoy, poflefs and retain, to them and their Succeflbrs, Lands, Rents, Tenements and Hereditaments, of what Kind, Nature or Quality foever, and '- alfo to fell, grant, demife, aliene or difpofe of the fame, and by the fame Name to fue and implead, be-- ftied and impleaded, anfwer and be anfwered, in Courts of Record or any other Place whatfoever, and to do and execute all and fmgular other Matters and Things by the Name aforefaid, that to them (hall or may appertain to do ; fubjeiS neverthelefs to the Provifo or Condition of Redemption, and to fuch Re- - ilri^ons and Limitations, as are hereafter in this A61 expreffed. LVn. And it is hereby declared. That the Sum total of all the faid Subfcriptions (hall be, and be called, Sum total of ai! The Principal Stock oi. the faid General Society, and all and every Perfon and Perfons, his and their Execu- the Subfcriptions tors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs and Afligns, according and in Proportion to the Sum or Sums by him^ her xhe^Prl '^ i^ or them refpeftively fubfcribed, (hall have, and be deemed to have an Intereft or Share in the faid Princi- stock o'f"thr pal Stock, and of and in the yearly Fund hereby fettled. faidCoiporation. LVIIL And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That it (hall and may be lawful to and for Subrcribers to His Majefty to impower all and every Perfon or Perfons, who (hall feverally or refpeftively have fubfcribed eleaa+Tmftees in the faid Book or Books any Sum or Sums not lefs than five hundred Pounds, and (hall have feverally paid by way of Bii-- o-ne tenth Part of the Sum or Sums fo by them fubfcribed, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs or '"""S" Afligns, to aflTemble and meet together at the Guildhall within the City of London^ at or upon the tenth Day . of Oftober one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, or within twenty Days after the Subfcription (hall be compleated (which (hall firft happen) then and there to ele£t and choofe the firft Truftees, to manage, go- vern, and diredl the faid General Society, and they, or the major Part of them ib affembled, fhall and mav choofe, by way of Balloting, out of the whole Number of Subfcribers (whereof hone to have more than Wo Eie^orti ' one Vote) four and twenty Perfons, each of which (hall feverally have iubfcribed, in their own Rights, have more tha:^ - the Sum of two thoufand Pounds at the leaft, who (hall be the firft Truftees of the faid Geheral Society ; p"^,X^^% . which Eleftions (hall feverally be determined by the Majority of Votes then prefent, by way of Ballot as )u"fcribr» "o'l. aforefaid, and if they be equal, then by His Majefty's Commiflioners for taking the faid Subfcriptions, or-at leaii in hk the major Part of them then prefent ; which Perfons fo to be eleiSed, (hall afterwards be inferred in his own Right. Majelly's Charter of Incorporation of the faid General Society, as the firft Truftees, for fuch Time, and Perfons eieae:4 with fuch Succefllon, and fubjedt to fuch further Qualifications, as His Majefty in fuch Charter of Incor- charter of 'in '"■ poration (hall be pleafed to appoint ; and that in fuch Charter luch further Rules, Powers and Claufes for coJpoi"tion; "" carrying on the faid Trade, and purfuing the Ends and Intent of this Acl," fhall and may be inferted, as (hall be lawfully and reafonably defired in that Behalf, LIX. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted. That in cafe the whole Sum of two millions iftwoMilMonj ^ (hall not be fubfcribed as aforefaid, before the faid nineand tw^entieth Day of September, which (liall be in .'".""o'^i'^'" the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, that then the Subfctibers and Contributors for b!,stj,iiav"onl- and towards raifing the faid Sum of two Millions, their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs and Afligns, a'profonionaUs (hall only have and receive fo much, and fuch Part and Proportion of the faid yearly Fund, as fhall be after Part of ihe- the Rate of eight Pounds ^^r Centton per Annum, for fuch Sum or Sums of Money as (hall be fo refpeftively yearly Fund?- Jubfcribed. LX. And be it further enafled. That from and after the granting of the faid' Letters Patents for Incor- After charter is '^ poration of the General Society as aforefaid, the faid yearly Sum of one hundred and fixty thoufand rifled, yearly rounds as aforefaid, or fo much thereof as fhall be proportionable to the feveral Sum or Sums to be fub- Summer a pio- ■ fcribed as aforefaid, (hall be iflued and paid to the faid General Society and their Succeflbrs, or to ^'^'^^^^^al ' ^Xl - Treafurer or Receiver General, as they (hall appoint by their Common Seal to receive the fame; who pju to'the Ge- - . fhall from time to time have and receive the faid Monies, in Truft for the feve/al and refpeiftive Members neral Society, ■, of the faid General Society, whether they be Bodies Politick or Natural,, according to the Proportion of &<=• their feveral Shares and Interefts in the General Stocks LXI. And be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe the laid whole Sum of two Millions, if two Miriioris "•' . or one Moiety, or any greater Part of the faid Sum of two Millions, (hall be fubfcribed as aforefaid, on or be riibicribcd before the faid nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight,, that then and within the Tims from thenceforth all and every the Perfon and Perfons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Cor- 5-™'bers jj"^ ^"" porate, by or for whom fuch Subfcriptions (hall be made, and all and every Perfon and Perfons, Bodies ti.,de to tlieEaX: Politick and Corporate, who as Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflors or Afligns, or by any other lawful SnJics, Title derived or to be derived from, by or under the faid original Subfcribers, at any Time or Times here- after, ihall have or be intitled to any Part, Share or Intereft, of and in the yearly Fund by this Aft fettled as aforefaid, and of and in a proportionable Part of the Principal Stock of the (aid General Society,, fo-