Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/106

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6o C. 22, 23. Anno tindecimo & duodecimo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1700. garet, Wejlimnfter ; and any two Juftices of the Peace of the faid Parifli are herehy authorized, from Time to Time tc call the Watermen, fo working, to account for the Monies by them earned on the Lord's Day, as aforefaid, and to caufe the fame to be applied and difpofed as aforefaid ; and that the faid Watermen of the faid Parifli of ^■i^wiX. Margaret for the Time being {hall choofe two Stewards .and a Clerk on the three and tAventieth Da^fof /^nV in every Year yearly, and fuch Watermen of the faid Parifh, or the major Part of them, which fhall be prefent at a Meeting of their Society, fhall, and have hereby Power to appoint fuch of the Watermen of the faid Parifh, as fhall in their refpedlive Turns work on the Lord's Days, as aforefaid ; any Thing in this hSi contained to the contrary aotwithftanding. CAP. xxn. f*^' - .An Aft for making the River ZflrX-i", alias £?«■«, navigable. Heny-j Jfihy^lLic^; impowered to make the faid River navigable, improve the Pailage for Boats, &c. make new Cuts through the King's or other Grounds, and build Bridges, Sluices, ike. with free Liberty of Ways for carrying Materials, i^c. and may alter Bridges, turn Highways, &c. and fet out Towing-paths, &c. firft a:iving Satisfaction to the Owner. Undertaker to make a Ditch between Towing-path and Lands of William Gageytic. In cafe Undertaker and Owners cannot agree, i^c. Commiffioners to inquire upon Oath, and determine what ■ Satisfadtion Owners fhall have for Damages, i^c. not exceeding 25 Years Purchafe, and proportion every one's Share. Commiffioners Orders to be kept amongft the Records of the Seflions, i5V. On Payment of Money agreed on, Undertaker may dig, cut, i^c. the faid Lands, ere£t Bridges, i^c. and maintain the fame, ISc. Owner, i^c. refufmg to appear, Commiffioners may inquire into I'uch refpec- ! tive Owners Damage, and order Satisfaftion. Rights of Fifhing and Fowling referved. In cafe of •f Death of Commiffioners, others to be chofen, having 300/. per Annum, or 6000/. If the Water be raifed higher than ufual. Banks to be raifed proportionably, or if the River be deepened at any Fording Place, iSc. the Undertaker to make Bridges, i:Sc. No Highway or Foot-path to be removed without Al- lowance. If Undertaker pull down any Bridge, he fhall ere6t another as ufeful. Juftices to .determine OiFences concerning Bridges, and inflift Penalties. All Banks to be maintained as ufual. Undertaker ■ to demand for all Goods, ^c. carried up or down the faid River, from Mildenhall Mill, to Bury St, Ed?mtid's., the Rates following. For every Chaldron of Coals Z-ywn Meafure, is.zd. For every Half- hundred of Deals, 2 J-. Load of Timber (forty Foot to the Load) 2 s. Eight Packs of Wooll, ten Tod to the Pack, 2 s. od. Weigh of Salt, zs.dd. Lo,;d of Wheat or Barley, ten Combs to the Load, 2j. , . Laft of Oats, 2i^, b d. Load of Beans or Peas, 25. 6d. Tun of Grocery Wares, 2s. 6 d. Tun of Oil or Wine, ^s. 'od. Thoufand of Turf, 3 .r. 2d. Load of Reed, Sedge, or Hay, twenty hundred to a Load, 3 J-. 2d. Load of Hemp, twenty hundred Weight, 31. 2d. Lift of Malt, 2 s. 6 d. Load of Bricks, five hundred to the Load, 2 s. Thoufand of Tiles, 2 s. 6d. And for every Tun of other Goods, 2 J-. Watermen, &'c. to give Account of all Goods conveyed, &c. In cafe of Refufal, Goods may be ftopt, and weighed. Any Perfon concealing Goods, &'f. may be flopped, tfc. Millers may carry Materials, &i:. for repairing their Mills,- fs'f. Toll free. Liberty granted to Sir ^(/wirr^^GiTg-^ and IVilliam Gage, to carry Dung, iSc. for their own Lands, and their Tenants, Toll free. And the like Liberty for carrying the Product thereof. Like Liberty to Oocupiers of Lands adjoining to the River, fffc. Twenty Chaldron of Coals may be conveyed yearly to Bury, for the Poors Ufe, Toll free. Boat Mafter, cfc. anfwerable for Damages. Boats, iffe. lying in any Sluice, isfc. obftrufting the Paffage of others, may be removed. Undertaker with Confent of Commiffioners may make By-laws, and fet Pe- rialtie.s. No common Wharf or Key to be made in Bury without Confent of Magiftrates. Liberty to keep Pleafure Boats on the faid River, Toll free ; but not to carry Goods, is'c. CAP. XXIII. PR. An A£t for the better preferving the Navigation of the Rivers ^WK and /"rsaw^, and for cleanfing, paving 34-* 35^.8. and enlightning the Streets of the City of ^r;]/?!?/. Throwing Ballaft Cinders, &c. into the River

  • • 5- ^. _Avon,- &c. or placing Ballaft, i^c. on the Wharfs, i^c. in the City or Suburbs oi Brijlol, &c. adjudged

I iz^ '^ common Nufance. Mayor, i^c. oi Brijiol to appoint convenient Places for laying Afiies, i^c. Scavengers to carry all Duft-, (kc. to the faid Places. Houfe-keepers, i^c. twice a Week to fweep their "Streets, and Scavenger to carry away the Dirt. No Afhes, i^c. to be laid in the Streets, bfc. or thrown into any common Sewer, £sff. Houfe-keepers, i^c. to caufe the Streets before their Houfes to be paved, and defaulk the fame out of their Rent. Penalty on. laying empty Drays, i^e. in the Street, or fawing Timber, tfjc. without Licence. Mayor, y^r. to make Orders for regulating the Markets, and for car- rying away Dirt, l^c. Mayor, isfc. appointed Confervators of the River Avon, from Tower Harratz. ip Hamiam's Mills, and to punifh Nufances, bfc, appoint Officers for Prefervation thereof, ise. and impofe Fines, &V. to be levied by Diftrefs. Surveyors of the Highways to have the Care of cleanfing the Streets, (^c. Churchwardens, is'c. to fettle a Parifh Rate for cleanfing the Streets, payable quar- terly.- Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the Quarter-Seffions. Monies coile6led to be yearly ac- counted for. How the Ward of the Caftle Precinft fliall be rated. The Rights of Fifhery, or Royalties on the Rivers, faved. Not to abridge any Rights of the R'layor, i^c. of Brijiol on the faid Rivers. Houfholders paying 2d. ^^r Week to the Poor, to hang out Lights in the Street, un- lefs they agree to ufe Lamps, i^c. Perfons authorized may make a Rate for cleanfing the Streets, and an Affeffment foi ereiling publick Lamps, is'c. C A P. C. IZ,