Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/144

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92 C. 10— 12.- AnnoprimoANN^ Reginse. Stat, i,' A. D. 1701, aHen. 6. c. 14. ' Henry the fixth, the Town oi Newcajik upon Tyne is one of the Places appointed to have Touches for Newcaftleupon ' Wrought Silver Plate ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Town oi New- ■ Tyne appointed ^^/^ upon Tyne be and is hereby appointed for the affaying and marking of Wrought Plate, and. for exe- for^marking " '^"^'"S the feveral Powers, Authorities, and Diredlions mentioned and contained in and by the faid A£t of wrought Plate, <^l'e twelfth Year of our faid late Sovereign Lord King William, as fully and amply, to all Intents, &c. Conftrudions and Purpofes, as if the faid Town had been exprefly named in the faid Aft. Goidfroiths, &c. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Goldfmiths, Silverfmiths, and uf Newcaftie in- Plate-workers, who are or fhall be Freemen of, and inhabiting in the faid Town of JV^wcit/Z/^, and ha- corporateda ^^^ ferved an Apprenticed ip to the faid Trade of a Goldfmith, Silverfmith, or Plate-worker, fhall be ompanyj &c. ^^^^ ^^.^ jjg^gj,y incorporated a Company of and belonging to the laid Town, and fhall be called or known by the Name oiThe Company of Goldfmiths of the faid Town of Niwcafile upon Tyne; which faid Compa- and maychoofe ny {hall be enabled, and are hereby authorized annually to choofe two Perfons to be Wardens of the faid

irdsns. Company; which faid Wardens fiiall continue for the Space of one Year, and no longer, unlefs re-elec- 

ted by the faid Company ; and if either of the faid Wardens fliall happen to die, or remove out of the faid Town, then the faid Company fhall within one Month after fuch Death or Removal choofe another Perfon of the faid Company to be Warden in his Room ; and fuch Perfon fo chofen fhall and is hereby- authorized and required to a£t accordingly. Silver Plate how V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Silver Plate or Manufafture of Silver '" k.T& """^ (^^<^spt ^"ch Things as by Reafon of their Smallnefs are not capable of receiving the Touch) fhall be niar e , -c. ^i^ade and wrought of the fame Finenefs, and made, allayed, and marked with the Arms of the faid Town, and other the Marks mentioned in the faid Aft, in fuch Manner and Form as in the faid Aft of the Company may twelfth Year of his late Majefty's Reign is mentioned ; and that an Affay-mafter fhall from Time to Time ^tfter"&cf'^' ^° elefted by the faid Company of Goldfmiths in the faid Town, who fhall take fuch Oath as is therein ' ' prefcribed, before the Mayor oi NewcafHe upon Tyne for the Time being, who is hereby appointed to ad- minifter the fame ; and that the faid Affay-m after, and all and every the Goldfmiths, Silverfiniths, and Plate-workers, inhabiting in the faid Town, fhall from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, ob- ferve and perform all fuch Matters and Things, and be fubjeft to all fuch Orders, Rules, Pains, Penal- ties and Forfeitures, as in the fame Aft is mentioned, for and concerning the feveral Matters, Things and Offences therein contained, as fully, effeftually and amply, to all Intents, Conflruftions and Pur- „ pofes, as if the faid Town had been therein exprefly mentioned ; and the faid Pains and Penalties fhall Geo T'i^ be levied, recovered, difpofed of and taken, in fuch Manner and Form as in and by the fame Aft is direfted, CAP. X. IXP, An Aft for taking, examining, and ftating the publick Accounts of the Kingdom, CAP. XL ' An A6i: for reviving the A£l, Intituled, Jn AS? for exempting Jpothecaries from ferving the Off,' ces of Conftahk, Scavenger, and other Parifh and Ward Offces^ and from ferving upon Juries. 5&7W. 3. * ■«-T7HEREAS an Aft made in the fixth and feventh Years of the Reigii of his late Majefty King •c- 4- ' W William the Third, mtitnledy An Ail for exempting Apothecaries from ferving the Offices of Confia-- ' hie. Scavenger, and other Parifli and Ward Offices, and from ferving upon Juries, has been by Experience ' found very ufeful and neceflary : And whereas the faid Aft was to continue but for feven Years, and to ' the End of the next Seflion of Parliament, and is now near expiring ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Qiieen's moft Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- Mntinaeafor II pQ^a}^ and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That « Made perpetual the faid recited Aft, with all the Claufes and Powers therein contained, fhall continue and be in Force 9 Geo. I. c. 8.' for the Space of eleven Years, from and after the Expiration thereof, and from thence to the End of the next Seflions of Parliament. CAP. XII. II W. 3. c. 2. An Aft for granting an Aid to her Majefty by divers Subfidies and a Land Tax. The Iri/h Truftees may ajW. 3. c. 10. before 24. June 1703. fell the forfeited Eftates, i^c. vefled in them. Barracks erefted on the faid forfeit- ' 4s.inthePouiid, gj Eflates, i^c. Ihall be conveyed to the Truftees for the Barracks, h'c. for ever. Clothing, i^e. may be exported out of Ireland for the three Regiments in the Weji Indies, he. ' CXII. And whereas there have lately been imported into your Majefty's Dominions, Wines of the ' Grov/th of Hungary, and fome Doubts have arifen touching the Rates and Duties payable for the fame ' upon fuch Importation ;' Be it declared and enafted, That it fhall and may be lawful to import from Hungary Wines Hamburgh into the Port of London, and the Members thereof, or into any other Ports of this Kingdom, or may be imported ths Dominion oi Wales, or Town of Beriuick upon Tiueed, Wines of the Growth of Hungary, and upon from Hamburgh ^-^^ Importation of any fuch Wines, there fhall be paid fuch Rates and Duties only as by any Law now fori"heniih" ^^ ^ Force are due and payable for any Rhenijh Wines, or Wines of the Growth of Germany, imported into "W'lpss. this your Realm, or the Dominions thereof, by all your Majefty's natural-born Subjefts, and by all Stran- Tarthir Promfi- gers and Aliens refpeftivejy. ' CXIII. ««s cancernin^ mr.cs s Ann. c. ij. 6 Geo. 1, c. JiS. liCtt,!, CzZ, I Cso. i, St, i, (, !■;, JO Gw, 1, C J9, J7 C«5, Z. t, 40,, i6Ge(>,3„«, IZi 30 G». a, {, 19 ai'd 32 Geo, J. f. J9.